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Author Topic: The things your brain does to you...
New Way Of Decay

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Now he's given up smoking he might just have a Ginster at fag breaks now. The chances are he'll come through the door smashing over tables and record decks like someone on the pot noodle horn.


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I'm not telling you, it's too shocking.
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 - posted      Profile for MiscellaneousFiles           Edit/Delete Post 
You should hold the meat somewhere different this time.

I nominate Epping Forest. night.

[ 28.04.2005, 12:30: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]

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Yay a meat in london (or, anywhere really, maybe we could hook up with those guys in derby who form porn for "personal use") after may 24th so I can come.


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Yes, some time in June. A JuneMeat, where we can all touch skinny Ringo, and Misc can't come, because he's lost in a forest in Epping.
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New Way Of Decay

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Can we make it a bit one? *splutter*


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A what one?
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New Way Of Decay

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I hate my new keyboard Amp. It's as flat as an ironing board and the gimmicky blue keys are all it has going for it. They should have a warning on the box that reads - 'Creates 40 typos a minute'


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how about june 18th, then we call celebrate the best boy on the planets birthday.

I should really work out something to do for my 21st.


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We all prisoners, chickee-baby.
We all locked in.
 - posted      Profile for H1ppychick           Edit/Delete Post 
I'm going to see Madness in a forest on June 18th so I'll celebrate your birthday with a bit of ska-running-on-the-spot, jnhoj.

i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song

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We all prisoners, chickee-baby.
We all locked in.
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Or is it FTC's birthday? Either way there will be beer and jogging about.

i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song

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New Way Of Decay

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Are you a Bad Manners fan too by any chance?


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Slave Girl of Gor
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I saw Bad Manners at Sidmouth Folk Festival. It was quite fun, but I had drunk a lot of real ale, and it made a nice change from all the men with fiddles in the pubs. And the jugglers. Fucking jugglers. Thinking about it Im lucky that was back in the olden days before poi got too popular, or I would probably still be in prison now.
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New Way, I am dissapointed with you, we have never met and yet you assume I am a purve. All I was saying, is that as I know both these young ladies, and would be interested in the outcome of a physical contest between them. You have assumed that I would derive some form of sexual gratification from this spectacle.Assumption is the mother of all muck up's as I am sure you know. And in they event that I was to gain some sexual satisfaction from the event, is that a bad thing. If all the inhabitants of this sad planet were to enjoy the same things imagine how fast we would get bored. The same old thing day after day. It would be like living on a constant diet of beans, or God forbid, McDonalds. Variety is the spice of life, and providing that others are not affect in any way other than deriving pleaseure, whats the harm.

And no is the answer to you Hippychick, I am not there brother, and after Saltrocks revelations if I was do you seriously think I would admit it.

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New Way Of Decay

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Originally posted by marty:
You have assumed that I would derive some form of sexual gratification from this spectacle.

Sorry, I'm cool with gays too.


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Marty, NWOD was right, no-one has to actually meet you to realise that you are a purv - it radiates from you. I love you for it.
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Dr. Benway

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man I got so drunk on saturday. It was accidental though.. I used to be able to drink a few tequilas without serious results. Christ. I had a blackout for most of the night, so I don't remember the actual event, but I have a hazy memory of somebody (turned out to be gf) dragging me across the bathroom floor after I'd passed out. Then I pissed the bed! With her in it as well. After that I spent the morning puking and shitting at the same time. Incredible. And this was after, like, maybe four or five pints and three tequila slammers, so not a massive amount. Maybe my body just can't take it anymore.

I have shit on you, son

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Thorn Davis

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You must've eaten something that disagreed with you.
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Dr. Benway

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I did have a curry before I started drinking, but so did everybody else, and they were fine. It's the booze. It's like it just goes straight into my bloodstream without being filtered.. It only lasts about twenty hours, but that's the second time in six weeks that I've had that kind of reaction. Last time I was round a friend's house, and spent all morning excavating foaming bile from my stomach. Seriously, I think I've done some damage to myself.

I have shit on you, son

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New Way Of Decay

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How did you explain pissing the bed? Or did you shrug your shoulders, show your palms and shake your head in disbelief? If you could turn your neck still that is.


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Dr. Benway

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I just woke up in this cold puddle, woke up Louise and said, 'look, I've pissed the bed', and she said it was probably the beer I was drinking before I went to sleep, but it was obviously piss. So, I put a towel over it and tried to sleep, but it wasn't long before the puking started, and I was curled up on my floor, under the sink.

I have shit on you, son

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Thorn Davis

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The best thing to do is say it's sweat. Claim you've got a fever. It might not convince her, but it may offer a fiction you can both indulge in if you don't fancy acknowledging the grim truth. The other thing to do is refer to other people doing similar things. Relate the story ally told about her husband shitting on the floor. Something like that. Make out that everyone does it sometimes. Or just napalm the whole scene, with her in it.
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Dr. Benway

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It all worked out okay int he end though. I turned the mattress and put a new sheet on in the evening, and although the springs are all fucked and sticking up, at least I don't have to lie in my own urine now.

I have shit on you, son

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New Way Of Decay

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Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
the springs are all fucked and sticking up

Doesn't it worry you that your piss seems to corrode metals? At least we could bust you out of prison with a hollowed out cake containing a can of special brew, should the oppurtunity arise.


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Dr. Benway

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the springs are fucked because it's the first time I've turned the mattress, and it's a cheap-ass piece of shit without about five springs in it. [Frown]

I have shit on you, son

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Jo det ska jag tala om för dig
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if you're going to fill it with a bladder full of pish every six weeks then i wouldn't bother investing in anything more fancy.

however! i can provide you with some products to cope with a full void, should you require it.

i shot a man in reno
just to watch him die

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Talking of things your brain does to you - does anyone know what you’re supposed to do with depressives? I mean, not people who are fed up because they’re a bit fat or they lost their brand new digital camera. People who are ‘depressed’ because of ‘brain chemistry’ and so everything is black and they just cry all the time and cook horrible food which they don’t want to eat and they can’t cope with anything and they’re mean all the time and they know it but that just makes them feel worse. Apparently it’s like when you have a comedown, which I understand now. It’s chemical and there’s nothing you can do about it. But she doesn’t want to take Prozac, she says the waiting list for NHS counselling is too long, and she says there’s nothing I can do to help and she doesn’t know what will make her feel better. What am I supposed to do? What do depressed people want?
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Thorn Davis

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Attention, usually.
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Again with the bagels ?
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EXETER- movement of Jah people.

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Originally posted by London:
But she doesn’t want to take Prozac, she says the waiting list for NHS counselling is too long, and she says there’s nothing I can do to help and she doesn’t know what will make her feel better. What am I supposed to do? What do depressed people want?

Someone they can talk to (even if they don't actually want to).
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She's my best friend, and we talk. But it's not enough. I thought maybe some of you might have some advice... guess I misjudged the forum mood. Sorry.
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Originally posted by discodamage:

Do you really think that's the answer to mental health problems, discodamage?
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TMO Admin
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London, seriously for a minute whoever this is they need to 'take the drugs' - They might not want to but its the only way to reset the brain.

You don't have to take them forever just a wee while to get yourself right again and then you stop..

Prozac isn't the only option either, there's a whole medicine cabinet to choose from and with help you find the pill that suits and you get yourself on the road to 'alleged' normailty again.

It seems like the easy way out but trust me if it's really a chemical brain thing then taking the drugs is the best route, until the see saw in your system is sorted there's no point in talking to anyone, once the brain is balanced then you can discuss how bad you 'thought' things really were and how silly it all seems now you feel better..

Then you just have to learn to understand when you are starting to feel 'depressed' and take action before you hit the 'black' point of no return...

What you have a hard time understanding as a depressive is that you are ill in a physical sense and not mentally its just that one affects the other..

There will always be moments when it comes back, there will always be bad days and sometimes even weeks, but they are easier to handle when you understand how to deal with them..

Otherwise you just lie in bed all day in a state of self loathing for months on end till you reah a point that's almost too hard to come back from..

[ 04.05.2005, 06:49: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]


my own brother a god dam shit sucking vampire!!! you wait till mum finds out buddy!

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Again with the bagels ?
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Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
Do you really think that's the answer to mental health problems, discodamage?

i dont know anything about the answer to mental health problems. not my area of expertise. i just take the pills like the nice men tell me to.

[ 04.05.2005, 06:52: Message edited by: discodamage ]

EXETER- movement of Jah people.

Posts: 2841  |  IP: Logged

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Originally posted by Darryn.R:
London, seriously for a minute whoever this is they need to 'take the drugs' - They might not want to but its the only way to reset the brain.

That's what I said to her, but she said that they were addictive and bad for you and she didn't want to rah rah rah...
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