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Author Topic: Roygate
it's all the rage
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Sorry to butt in here, but was this written by Scrawny?
Originally posted by scrawny:
A few weeks back Ben mentioned he had a few drinks in a london members club and Scrawny playfully joked that was it her members club. She knew exactly that it was...

Why the third person? That is a very odd post all round.
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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That's what I'm saying dang.

I'm with this guy.
Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
I can't even tell anymore, what's real and what's fake.

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Wasn't it written by Bandy, with Scrawny's log-in, and now Ben is 'running with' the joke and deliberately adding confusion, for the sport?
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Watchoo talkin' 'bout

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Sorry, that was my writing on my computer. Scrawny has opbviously logged in while i was away this weel. Sorry for the confusion everyone.

Shameless Promotion: huddle - online project and document collaboration

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TMO Admin
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Scrawny, is that you ?


my own brother a god dam shit sucking vampire!!! you wait till mum finds out buddy!

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Watchoo talkin' 'bout

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I am michael king and i am a gay homo.

Shameless Promotion: huddle - online project and document collaboration

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Maybe it's...


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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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lol at scrandy
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Uber Trick
unexploded sex bomb
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But this whole thing makes the issue even more of an onion! My current take on it is this: Bandy accidentally posted under Scrawny's log-in trying to add to the fake ben/fish incident, as explained above. Unfortunately this continuation of the fake ben/fish incident only seems to make the what I assumed was the real kovacs/roy incident seem false by association.

If ben truly is the responsible 'guardian of the boards' as he comes across as then it is irresponsible of him to parody an incident which he said was a terrible thing that shouldn't be discussed/mocked/given the usual tmo treatment. And it is terrible, if it's true. I don't want to doubt kovacs and modge but ben / fish / bandyinscrawnysclothes all playing along makes it seem more dubious [Frown]

edited to remove aspersions from scrawnys good name.

Additional postscript: aspersion also means 'a sprinkling, especially with holy water' which makes sense - casting out the doubt etc

[ 28.04.2006, 06:35: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]


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Watchoo talkin' 'bout

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Scrawny has no part in this - i'll make that clear right now. Her name cropped up is purely because I accidently used her login last night.

Shameless Promotion: huddle - online project and document collaboration

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Originally posted by Uber Trick:
If ben truly is the responsible 'guardian of the boards' as he comes across as then it is irresponsible of him to parody an incident which he said was a terrible thing that shouldn't be discussed/mocked/given the usual tmo treatment. And it is terrible, if it's true. I don't want to doubt kovacs and modge but ben / fish / bandy / scrawny all playing along makes it seem more dubious [Frown]

Perhaps it's best if I leave.
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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Uber Trick
unexploded sex bomb
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But if you leave, ben, I'll have no moral guardian on the boards! Is it better to have one who is occasionally confusing than not at all?

Oh no, but who can I ask these kinds of questions too if not ben? How about dang? Or ralph perhaps... [Confused]


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Hey I thought people said I was filling Ben's shoes. You people sure are fickle aren't you.

That which with one hand thou giveth,
With the other thou taketh away..

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Uber Trick
unexploded sex bomb
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YOU can't be my moral guardian, you've got the morals of a pole cat!


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Uber Trick
unexploded sex bomb
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What does that even mean? Are pole cats like total sluts or something?


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New Way Of Decay

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He might like that:



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lol you said pole
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Dr. Benway

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I have shit on you, son

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Uber Trick
unexploded sex bomb
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The polecat used to be called a 'foul mart' because of its strong smell. The name polecat is said to be from the French poule chat,'the chicken cat' and it will kill chickens given the chance! Ferrets are creamy-white, domesticated polecats used to catch rabbits, and some escape or are lost. Many of these ferrets have reverted to polecat colouring over the generations and are known as polecat-ferrets, though they usually have a paler forehead and no mask. They also interbreed with true polecats so polecats vary in colour depending on how much ferret and how much true polecat is in their ancestry. Polecat-ferrets are found throughout Britain.

sorry mart.


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The name polecat is said to be from the French poule chat,'the chicken cat' and it will kill chickens given the chance!
By this logic...

Tiger Shark = a shark that kills tigers?
Staffordshire Bull Terrier = a terrier that kills bulls from Staffordshire?
Dogfish = a fish that kills dogs?
Cockroach = oh dear!
Killer Whale = a whale that kills... er... The Killers?

...given the chance!

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dance margarita
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the jaguar seal does not eat jaguars, it eats penguins instead. this is all so confusing.

evil is boring: cheerful power

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