just read this in a brief. I'm helping to perpetuate this kind of bollocks. I'm a bad human being.
"This release will follow the lifecyle planning approach that WB are now taking for new releases.
Lifecycle planning is a holistic approach to communications planning, spanning the entire life of a particular film release from the initial tease, the theatrical release, right through to the DVD launch.
This approach enables us to manage the current multi-platform entertainment landscape, and harness the relationship between lifecycle stages and the platforms in which they operate.
The key objective of this approach is to identify the optimal strategic communications behaviour from one stage to another in order to maximise the ROI of marketing investment across all release phases. As such, a lifecycle plan will be enshrined by a common thought leader – a strategy that leads all communications behaviour at every stage across all media platforms and ultimately ensures consistency across the entire lifecycle. This approach also enables us to engage with media partners earlier in the lifecycle and for longer. Using this approach we are able to utilise opportunities where consumers can be re-contacted throughout the lifecycle."
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That if they're serious about their SELL MOAR FILMZ! approach then they need to acknowledge that the 'lifecycle' begins before the film is even made and have a strategy that encompasses that. It's not enough to media blitz with a movie that already exists - the movie should be designed with a future media climate in mind, and best of all with an eye to manipulating that climate before your first teaser even lands (eg, if you've got a movie about killer meteor coming out, you get your comms agency to drip feed a few stories about meteors so that when your teaser hits it looks awesomely relevant). That's a best case scenario though. What should be a given is that the product - the movie - is already designed to fit the market. If you're only thinking about marketing once you've got your finished product, then you've left it too late.
I tried to explain this to 'my lot', and used it as an explanation as to why we should or should not accept certain books. Their solution was to stop inviting me to editorial meetings.
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