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» TMO Talk » Life » The original Lunch Club© (Page 61)

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Author Topic: The original Lunch Club©
Slave Girl of Gor
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I came up with the idea of aluminum dominoes because we kept splitting, chipping and breaking the plastic dominoes that are prominent in toy stores. Plus, we were all tired of playing the same old cheap plastic dominoes and needed something that would last a lifetime.
How do you chip, split or break a domino in the course of its daily use, which is presumably restricted to a) being placed on a table, or other flat surface, next to another domino with the same number of spots at one end, or b) being placed standing upright on a table, or other flat surface, next to another domino, then being gently pushed over by that other domino and in turn pushing over another adjacent upright domino. That sort of thing doesn’t break solid lumps of plastic.
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Originally posted by Abby:
How do you chip, split or break a domino in the course of its daily use...

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Wearing nothing but a smile
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Domino players whack their pieces down with some force. They can get beat up pretty quick.
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Wearing nothing but a smile
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As illustrated by the above cartoon, for example.
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Cherry In Hove
Channel 39
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I don't remember porkpie being particularly violent with his dominoes whilst sitting in desmonds and not getting his hair cut.
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Slave Girl of Gor
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Whilst that cartoon is topical, it is sadly lacking in 'funny'.
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I hate Valentine's Day.
Stupid commercialised crap
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A radical departure from the usual raid on random bowls of miscellaneous "foodstuffs". Somewhat unusually we have an abundance of actual sandwich-making materials in the fridge so lunch was pastrami and dill pickles on brown bread with mustard and mayonnaise.
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Kanye West
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taste the difference king prawn and rocket. I couldn't taste the difference, or indeed, anything.
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Kanye West
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Remember to tip your waitress. I'm here all week, folks.
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Originally posted by Octavia:
A radical departure from the usual raid on random bowls of miscellaneous "foodstuffs". Somewhat unusually we have an abundance of actual sandwich-making materials in the fridge so lunch was pastrami and dill pickles on brown bread with mustard and mayonnaise.

Substitute the dill pickles for red lettuce and we had the same sandwich today
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Sandwich with wholegrain seeded bread, piccalilli, smoked salami, and gouda cheese. Plus the faithful granny smith apple.
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You want a braeburn there, Ringo.
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I can assure you, I most certainly do not want a Braeburn. The Granny Smith is literally the pinnacle of appledom; its sharpness and juiciness being unrivaled by any other species.
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