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Author Topic: You can find the perfect blend...

 - posted      Profile for herbs           Edit/Delete Post 
I quite liked the ginger doctor, but being a bit older than you lot, crushes on Neighbours character were a shameful thing.

BTW, that ginner chick above isn't a real ginner - her eyebrows are dark brown...

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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
I wonder if any female forumites who don't dig chicks used to fantasise about any of the male characters? Or, has it been populated almost entirely by a string of jug headed idiots? Jason Donovan was obviously a bit of a heart throb, but I can't think of anybody else of note. Whenever I turn it one (which is very rarely), the only male character under fifty seems to be toadie.

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"Call me Snake"
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Favourite Neighbours character.

My favourite Neighbours character was either Mrs Mangoyle or Ramsay Streets.


Erinsborough's answer to East End villain Dot Cotton, Mrs Mangoyle ruled the roost with her steel-wool hairpiece and sex toy mouth. Bedding a procession of eligible bachelors (hotel porter Paul Robinson, cheeky Mechanic Kylie Bishop, and a memorable homage to Nine and a Half Weeks with Plain Jane Super Brain and a Kenwood breadmaker) she put the Lass in Lasseters and the tongue in both Pet Shop Boys.


Ramsay Streets put the beat in Summer Bay.
A fella like Stella he sang of happy days.
No Fonz, no Malph but a favourite blend.
A loud, proud Mushroom Music cloud - everyone's friend
Mental incidental.
Dry your eyes's a wedding.
Please don't cry mate - Harold's only in Reading.
That cliffs like Richard, gonna make a comeback.
Bishop's walking the earth…with only a bumbag.
Good neighbours have the magic…and they're going to protect it.
"Arhhh Madge!" [HAROLD SAMPLE]
When you least expect it
Violin sad: cry tears.
Bippy bontempi "Cheers!"

Wouldn't have been the same without Mr. Shroom Music.

The best Neighbours moment.

For me, it had to be the boxing match between two skunks. Shane Le Pew and Pepe Ramsay were in the ring, all set to tear each other apart in a whole cloud of stink, started snowing. In June! Those crazy All Blacks and their daffy climate. Balloons fell and Ramsay plucked some sexy, seasonal jingle from the Mushroom bank. Pure magic. Pure Truman.

Your preferred variation of the theme tune?

Ramsay's mixolicious jungle remix (complete with Madge's guttural "Oh Yeah!") can't be beat.

Hott Neighbours.

Summer 1987. 42 degrees. Hosepipe ban.

The best post Neighbours careers.

Doc Clive Caruso kicks arse in CSI.

The best Neighbours moment.

I feel like I've already covered this but...hey, maybe I forgot something… [BLURRED FOCUS, WOBBLY CAMERA]....Yeah, forgot something! Forgot like Mike, like that great moment when Mike lost his memory and tattooed his entire body with post-it notes from the hotel gift shop: "Don't forget to go to the gym"; "Take off Jane's glasses"; "never work with Terence Stamp!" When Mike followed that crazy thread back to episode one and learned that Madge killed Reg Grundy...Wooh! prickly hairs!

Everyone needs good ones.

'Word', Ramsay!

[ 19.10.2005, 07:50: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]

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TMO Admin
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The second ginger one right Herbs ? Because Raelee Hill is abbout as ginger as they come.


my own brother a god dam shit sucking vampire!!! you wait till mum finds out buddy!

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Thorn Davis

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Nice Work, jonesy999.

I just went on Craig 'Henry' McLachlan's discussion board and read a couple of threads. One of them made me really really happy:


Did anyone see his standup act on the NRL footy show i can safely say that was the worst stand up comedic act I have ever seen. I felt bad for him it was so bad, especially when the crowd heckled him and eventually booed him off the stage.

Re: worst standup act ever
by - hammerfall__79

Dear Mr McLachlan,

In year 9, I was involved in a high school class play that could be described as a bit of a train wreck. None of the props would stay up, our costumes were a shambles, our acting wasn't even close to par, and I managed to get a C- for my part of the effort. Though it was only a class play, I did feel slef-conscious of the entire performance, and it has weighed on the back of my mind. That was, of course, until I saw your performance in trying to do stand up comedy.

Thank you Craig, because you have just renewed faith in my own abilities. The next time I find myself in a bit of strife with whatever endeavours I am pursuing, I can now calm myself by saying "Atleast this is better than Craig McLachlan's standup routine".

Re: worst standup act ever
by - marvin-67

He was Funnier during his Neighbours days with Mark Little. Those two were the ultimate funnyman duo back then.

Re: worst standup act ever
by - champion_air_guitar_girl

i seriously doubt that

Re: worst standup act ever
by - KateEdwards (Sat Jul 30 2005 21:55:21 )

His standup routine was one of the best performances i've ever seen. It was so bad i could not stop laughing at how awful it was. Now that's entertainment for ya. We need more peolpe like craig doing standup.

That's really cheered me up no end.
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We all prisoners, chickee-baby.
We all locked in.
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Toadie's quite hot actually (yeah, I know I'm a weird beard-freak).

ETA: Note to self@ If you've loaded a lot of pages from Active Topics then gone and read the paper/been to the loo/chatted with work colleagues for a while, best to click 'Refresh' before posting, eh?

[ 19.10.2005, 07:14: Message edited by: H1ppychick ]

i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song

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New Way Of Decay

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Flawless laughery on a two hit lol combo. For both sex-doll mouth mangler and Thorns cheer up / stand up quotage.


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dance margarita
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i used to get a little whump when clive the ginger doctor was about. in fact, i think he was easily the only neighbours character i have ever noruished an honest full on fancy for.

in weaker moments though? doctor kennedy. and toady.

evil is boring: cheerful power

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Originally posted by dance margarita:
and toady.

...or The Lawman as he is known when wrestling.
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"Call me Snake"
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Originally posted by Thorn Davis:

Did anyone see his standup act on the NRL footy show i can safely say that was the worst stand up comedic act I have ever seen. I felt bad for him it was so bad, especially when the crowd heckled him and eventually booed him off the stage.

Re: worst standup act ever
by - hammerfall__79

Dear Mr McLachlan,

In year 9, I was involved in a high school class play that could be described as a bit of a train wreck. None of the props would stay up, our costumes were a shambles, our acting wasn't even close to par, and I managed to get a C- for my part of the effort. Though it was only a class play, I did feel slef-conscious of the entire performance, and it has weighed on the back of my mind. That was, of course, until I saw your performance in trying to do stand up comedy.

Thank you Craig, because you have just renewed faith in my own abilities. The next time I find myself in a bit of strife with whatever endeavours I am pursuing, I can now calm myself by saying "Atleast this is better than Craig McLachlan's standup routine".

Re: worst standup act ever
by - marvin-67

He was Funnier during his Neighbours days with Mark Little. Those two were the ultimate funnyman duo back then.

Re: worst standup act ever
by - champion_air_guitar_girl

i seriously doubt that

Re: worst standup act ever
by - KateEdwards (Sat Jul 30 2005 21:55:21 )

His standup routine was one of the best performances i've ever seen. It was so bad i could not stop laughing at how awful it was. Now that's entertainment for ya. We need more peolpe like craig doing standup.

I so want to see this now.
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i always fancie dannii. and natalie imbruglia obviously. and that bromwyn. and like thorn's mates i had a thing for libby and i don't know why.

best moment - harold's daughter linda getting shot by duck hunters. or maybe when harold came back. i cried when daphne (eventually) dies. oh no - the very dodgy hannah's evil mum wearing a school uniform (possibly hannah's) and hannah's nice dad getting totally het.

i had a mate who fancied helen daniels.

can't believe nobody has mentioned jim's role in the oc!

i misss heartbreak high [Frown]

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New Way Of Decay

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I apologise. Bouncer wasn't just doing fuck all except doggy things. He had a purpose to his dream. He thought he was getting married.


I'm glad I remember the vaseline around the lens though. Oh memory! You're not always perfect but you get all the useful information stored, right?


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Thorn Davis

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Originally posted by jonesy999:
I so want to see this now.

Here's a taster, though I think it'll only whet your appetite for the whole thing...


ANDREW DENTON: Which leads me on to The Footy Show experience. For somebody that wanted to shake the Neighbours tag and gain credibility as an actor, why did you choose to go on The Footy Show doing a routine about your time in Neighbours?

CRAIG MCLACHLAN: What an idiot.

ANDREW DENTON: What was the thinking?

CRAIG MCLACHLAN: Do you know, um...I should never have done it, firstly. Obviously. Big, big mistake. Do you know what, touch wood, I haven't made too many in my nearly 20 years, but that was a doozey. It seemed I saved them all up for that one thing. And just so that our audience knows, The Footy Show would ordinarily be broadcast from the studios of Channel Nine in a situation, I guess, much like this. I've never been, and I'll tell you why I've never been, because they broadcast this particular show from a sporting arena at Homebush, home of the Sydney Olympic Games. So instead of having a studio audience of 60-100 people, I don't know how many thousands of people were in there. And I just knew - I knew in my heart - this was a mistake. But ever the professional, I stepped out to "Poofter, poofter, go back to Ramsay Street." And the rest is history.

ANDREW DENTON: Well, for those that didn't see it, here's a recap.


CRAIG MCLACHLAN: My life BC, long before the English tabloids suggested I was secretly gay. And that I frequently sodomised my friends' pets. Which is a complete nonsense, I have to tell you. I only very occasionally sodomise my friends' pets. And that's when I can't get my hands on my friends. Anyway. What's worse than poo?


MAN: Get him off.


AUDIENCE: Off, off off!


ANDREW DENTON: What was it like out there?

CRAIG MCLACHLAN: You're kidding, aren't you? I walked off and people are coming up saying, "Tough audience." And I was physically unable to speak. What I wanted to say was "No. You're shitting me!" I couldn't speak. I got in the backseat of the car curled up in the foetal position and stayed there until I got home.

[ 19.10.2005, 07:53: Message edited by: Thorn Davis ]

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Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:


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"Call me Snake"
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Originally posted by vikram:

i had a mate who fancied helen daniels.

Robot or not, you could tell she was a fox when she was younger.
Posts: 7733  |  IP: Logged
I think we can save your husband's arm.
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can't believe nobody has mentioned jim's role in the oc!

This is because there is nothing good about the OC for sentient beings over the age of 12, if you discount the fact that it's not Dawson's Creek. I hope they all drown, all together, as the yacht Insincerity is scuppered on a lake of drivel.

And I say this on a thread about Neighbours .

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"Call me Snake"
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Originally posted by Thorn Davis:
I couldn't speak. I got in the backseat of the car curled up in the foetal position and stayed there until I got home.

This has to be available online...somewhere. It sounds fucking amazing.

[ 19.10.2005, 07:57: Message edited by: jonesy999 ]

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Bill Oddie
Derka derka derka, Muhammad Jihad
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Originally posted by Thorn Davis :
Did anyone see his standup act on the NRL footy show i can safely say that was the worst stand up comedic act I have ever seen. I felt bad for him it was so bad, especially when the crowd heckled him and eventually booed him off the stage.

Just found a video clip, but can't play it as am on a silly mac Henry dies on his arse

[ 19.10.2005, 07:58: Message edited by: Bill Oddie ]

What's rude about a body?

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"Call me Snake"
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Damn! I'm on a mac too. I can't wait to get home.
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New Way Of Decay

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I got in the backseat of the car curled up in the foetal position and stayed there until I got home.
Oh my days!

eta: I can't view that video. Gnng!!

[ 19.10.2005, 08:01: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]


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Originally posted by OJ:
This is because there is nothing good about the OC for sentient beings over the age of 12, if you discount the fact that it's not Dawson's Creek. I hope they all drown, all together, as the yacht Insincerity is scuppered on a lake of drivel.

And I say this on a thread about Neighbours .

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

The OC is BRILLIANT. So witty and funny and it has Seth and the ethereal Marissa and it is THE BEST SHOW.

You are WRONG.

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TMO Member
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Fucking hell, that's painful to watch.

MacLachlan: What's worse than shit?


Your routine.

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I wanna hear more about Henry's stand-up - it must be obtainable somewhere
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I think we can save your husband's arm.
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Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

The OC is BRILLIANT. So witty and funny and it has Seth and the ethereal Marissa and it is THE BEST SHOW.

You are WRONG. [/QB]

You see, your mistake here is thinking that jumping up and down and shouting like a 12-year-old makes you right. It doesn't.

Just like putting a hand on your heart, grimacing out a tear and saying you have "issues" doesn't make you interesting and being the only person in the room not being styled by Ralph Lauren doesn't make you "edgy".

But hey, you could always dye your hair blonde and move to Hollyoaks and no one would notice that you're a cardboard cutout with the emotional range of Barbie Crystal Tips (She laughs, she cries, she takes yer eye out with her pointy plastic boobs).

*Of course I'm saying all this for effect and am not really a grade A bitch. In my story arc, I shall be brought down to earth with really bad roots and possibly a humbling acne incident for that little tirade.

[ 19.10.2005, 08:24: Message edited by: OJ ]

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But Hollyoaks is total shit [Frown]
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Dr. Benway

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Jim had his second fatal heart Attack on the OC, the poor bastard. I'd agree though, that the show overall is a miserable chunk of shit, full of morality lessons and over scripted adu-teens. It's probably not as bad as Dawson's Creek, mostly because it has ok music on it sometimes, and the guy who plays Seth's Dad is an alright actor. It's just too languid and slow though.. Even when there are action/tension moments, it still feels like it's doped to the max on prescription painkillers. And all the women are ridiculously, painfully thin, barely inhabiting empty and tedious characters. And Ryan is from the David Caruso CSI school...of..looking...sideways...and....talking...really..slowly, which is funny on CSI, but NOT on the OC.


[ 19.10.2005, 08:40: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]

I have shit on you, son

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Hollyoaks is not shit!! [Mad]
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Dr. Benway

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Come on man, it is.

I have shit on you, son

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I once dated a girl who resembled Ruth Wilkinson
but Susan Kennedy remains closest to my heart. Watching her bloom from the awkward young inmate in Prisoner Cell Block H to the sassy school ma'am in Neighbours was a glorious thing. She don't take no shit.

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Were you knocked on the head or something?
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Oh Ringo [Frown]
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I loved Mike and then about a decade later I loved Libby's mechanic husband that snuffed it.
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Vogon Poetess

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As I am at home revising, I can't scan and upload my amazing photos of The Real Ramsay Street, what I visited in Melbourne. You can also see Scott & Charlene's wedding cake in the big national museum, in a room made to look like the Ramsays' kitchen circa 1990.

My favourite cliffhanger moment was when Helen painted a portrait of Mrs Mangel and when it was unveiled she did a Massive Shock face, and then the music started. We had to wait a whole day to see how bad the picture was!

In a moment of thread linkage, I once got given The Neighbours Game by my nan. It was possibly the most boring board game ever.

What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden.

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I had the Neighbours sticker book. I think it may have come free with The Sun although someone must of given it to me since Ma and Pa wouldn't allow tabloids in the house.

I liked the Jane the dag to Jane the 80s big haired stunner storyline over Scott and Charlene.

Posts: 26  |  IP: Logged
Again with the bagels ?
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my favourite moemtns (best jelly-fingers typo ever!) are these:

- harold bishop having a conversation with stonefish about the beastie boys. which ended with harold wobbling his jowls in confusion and bellowing the beeeaaaastie boyyys?. i swear to you no shit. my life, that was one of the funniest things ive ever seen. noone but me ever seems to have witnessed it though.

- the time henry discovered that mrs mangel had cannabis growing in her garden. noone else seems to have seen this but me.

_ the time jim and his buddy went hunting in the forest and ate magic mushrooms by mistake and jim thought he was going to be attacked my a murderous truffle pig. help me out here guys

- when that woman, the annoying sexy wife with the permanent erect nipples problem- BUTTONS MUM- she decided that here and her hubby's sex life was in need of an injection and she decided to dress up as a naughty school girl.

- paul's face when he discovered that his leg had been removed. i didnt actually witness this but ive seen a screengrab, although i cant find it at the moment. its the business.

-henry called bronwyn a bastard once. i do have corroboration on this one.

EXETER- movement of Jah people.

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TMO Admin
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I actually feel sorry for Craig, not only wasn't he unfunny he also has some form of mutated square head going on..

Oh man, it's like watching a car crash in slow motion involving a family member..


my own brother a god dam shit sucking vampire!!! you wait till mum finds out buddy!

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