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Author Topic: Justice League Stripped
New Way Of Decay

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I'm lolling at the thought of how if the forum goes quiet after a certain time, it must be this terrible hardship for everyone. Like we're all sat here staring at the screens like a couple going through a bad breakup and that we can't find the words to make it alright again. Fortunately, wonderstarr is here to save us, like, when fashionable vandal Banksy painted on the gaza strip and an old man said "You paint the wall, you make it look beautiful." "Thanks," Banksy said, humbly. "We don't want it to be beautiful," the old man said. "We hate this wall. Go home."

As it stands, what we're led to believe is that wonderstarr is some kind of insecure but ever changing personality that can't identify with one persona when logged in as another handle. The attempt at suspension of disbelief is either a naivé approach to the level of intelligence on TMO or highlights a frightening personality disorder. Neither of which seem feasible. We have to believe that the person we know as 'kovacs' is either worryingly condescending or worse, in some kind of personal psychosis. On The Mock Turtle, 'stillman' seems to mock all 8 of us from afar. It seems that whether he is one person or another, the same information filters through. Funny that. Or as miss wonderstarr, an internet Buffalo Bill. Trying desperately to cut the skin of fuller figured female personas and fit into their skin. But let's not let me stop an otherwise interesting thread, Comic Book Fans, which has grown fatter from wonderstarr's contribution. I just didn't want to leave you in the cold ralph. Post on!


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You sound as if you have very negative feelings towards me, NWOD; I don't really identify with what you're representing me as doing (any of the possible things you're suggesting I might possibly be doing) ~ but fair enough. Maybe you have good reasons for that, which I've forgotten. I don't think it would be much fun for anyone to argue about it.

I don't think I was suggesting everyone on the forum was sorrowfully staring at an empty screen after 6pm and on Sundays ~ I am just easily-bored online sometimes, and like to see activity. It wasn't a complaint. The way I see it, if you want to see activity, you should post more, and that's what I was doing.

I do think you're seeing duplicity, conspiracy and trickery where I'm not seeing any, though. From my reading, TMO has become a kind of fun, fairly throwaway, anything-goes discussion board; a playground, really. The idea of anyone carrying out grand, dark schemes in such a place would be silly. I thought it was mainly about entertainment now.

But if you'd really rather I didn't post, it's easy come easy go, as far as I'm concerned. It's your home really, not mine, so if you're truly uncomfortable about me posting here, I'll just hang out elsewhere.

pudgy little saucepot

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Actually, you didn't really mention dark schemes, on re-reading. But you suggested some sort of grand plan (of salvation) and duplicity (basically, lying about motives), and insult (condescension) and I don't know what else, cutting open bodies. Which does involve several more levels of intrigue than I'd thought of.

highlights a frightening personality disorder. Neither of which seem feasible.
I don't know... I'd thought everyone felt that way sometimes online, but maybe it's not the case. If people on one board perceive you as someone different to your persona on another board (or at another time), and dozens of people respond to you that way, over a year or more, and you inhabit a certain way of writing and behaving on that community over that sustained length of time, it makes sense to me that you'd feel different when you take that name and feel that you're in that mode. I don't know if that's a frightening disorder, but I think what I'm describing is feasible.

pudgy little saucepot

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Black Mask

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Still, at least ralph seems to have dropped his grudge.


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New Way Of Decay

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Post away wonderstarr. I don't think my post could have been any clearer.


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Digital PIMP !
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I guess it depends upon the extent to which you believe it's possible for a person to maintain a persona without letting the real them show through. You use Thorn/Nathan as an example, and while I'd agree that the irl Thorn is a world apart from the persona he at times portrays, aspects of the real Thorn undoubtedly show through, especially when discussing a particularly serious or emotive topic.

Also to some degree I'd have to say that the very act of creating a false persona, along with the actions/attitudes of that persona, can sometimes say a significant amount about the person behind the 'mask', possibly without them even realising it.

Off topic - am I allowed to ask whereabouts in Surrey you'll be moving to? Just wondering if I'll be bumping into you unexpectedly while wandering through Guildford or the like..?

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Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
Post away wonderstarr. I don't think my post could have been any clearer.

I think it would have been clearer without the stuff about Banksy and Buffalo Bill? And some of the other bits. But OK.

I agree, Physic ~ I was trying to say that I thought "Thorn Davis" amplified and maybe exaggerated (and now to an extent parodied) aspects of the real person writing it, not that it was false. I think equally it'd be very hard to create a deliberately fake persona that didn't express something about who you "really" are.

You can see why I post a lot; because I am up at 6am and need something to do. And that's partly because I travel to Surrey! Kingston anyway, which is almost London but I think technically Surrey. So that's where I'll be moving to in my grand sell-out; or its even more blandly, safely suburban neighbour, Surbiton.

pudgy little saucepot

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Where's that thread about misspellings, I think I've just seen someone on Handbag using "stalk" for "stork".

pudgy little saucepot

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New Way Of Decay

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Originally posted by wonderstarr:
I think it would have been clearer without the stuff about Banksy and Buffalo Bill? And some of the other bits. But OK.

[Roll Eyes] There doesn't seem to be any change from where I'm standing. Maybe my negativity has been cognitive therapy for you.


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I'm sure we could go on like this for hours, but let's not.

pudgy little saucepot

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Were you knocked on the head or something?
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Originally posted by ralph:
Originally posted by wonderstarr:
You're referring to me as "kovacs", which I don't recognise.

[Roll Eyes]

I really don't get that. It doesn't matter what name I post under, be it ralph, blinkster, Moxie, and on one conservative southern forum vikram, I'm still me.

Originally posted by wonderstarr:
If I'm intruding, of course I'll take off.

I don't have any problem with you posting here, in fact to me it's a welcome addition, but you'll probably have to get the approval of more hard-core posters like sam and Kira.

I'm not sure whether to be insulted by the this or not?

is this irony ralph?

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it's all the rage
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Originally posted by wonderstarr:
Where's that thread about misspellings, I think I've just seen someone on Handbag using "stalk" for "stork".

I just saw this one on a forum posting:
i decided not to try to fight for residence/split residence cos we know who the bloody caught favour!
To be fair, it seems unlikely that English is this person's first language. I take it that "residence" means "custody" as it's about children and divorce.

Using "caught" for "court" is a neat pun though.

Posts: 8467  |  IP: Logged
Were you knocked on the head or something?
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I heard someone telling someone else in the lift yesterday that "i want them to see me as an alley not an enemy"

I presume she meant ally. Her friend/colleague didnt seem to have noticed anything wrong in the sentence.

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Benny the Ball
"oh, hold me"
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I'm reading Diamonds Are Forever at the moment, and Felix Lieter just said "If you think that, then you have another think coming" - so that's conclusive then.

Kira, yep, I think ralph was being ironic - but don't take offence - your opinion counts as much as anyones [Smile]

If Chuck Norris is late, time better slow the fuck down

Posts: 2740  |  IP: Logged
it's all the rage
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Originally posted by Benny the Ball:
I'm reading Diamonds Are Forever at the moment, and Felix Lieter just said "If you think that, then you have another think coming" - so that's conclusive then.

That's excellent news, although it may not convince American readers. Although Felix Lieter is an American character, Flemming was a British author. It may well be seen as a conspiracy.
Posts: 8467  |  IP: Logged
Were you knocked on the head or something?
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Originally posted by Benny the Ball:
I'm reading Diamonds Are Forever at the moment, and Felix Lieter just said "If you think that, then you have another think coming" - so that's conclusive then.

Kira, yep, I think ralph was being ironic - but don't take offence - your opinion counts as much as anyones [Smile]

thanks Benny. I'm not really that offended. I know I can only dream of reaching the pinnacles of quality posting that Ralph has reached.

Perhaps when I catch up with him later I can ask him for some tips on how to become a popular and hardcore member on TMO...

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Originally posted by wonderstarr:
eta. Weren't you called... Hungry Joe or something for a while? Honest Joe? When did that change back?

Friendly Joe. It's a name I used to use when playing FPS online. It's the name I used when I signed up to TMO after moving from Seethru. People seemed to react differently to me with a different name and it didn't 'feel right' so I asked if people would prefer if it were changed back and I think the response was fairtly unanimous.

I also have that name registered on Handbag because someone had already taken Ringo. You probably wouldn't have seen that though unless you ever went into the motoring section.

I don't think there has ever been any noticeable difference in my style of posting though, even between forums I think you'd still be able to tell fairly easily who I was. Obviously on different forums I talk about different things, but I think the same tone is always present, more or less.

Anyway, talking about online personae is as lame as lame can be.

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Vogon Poetess

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Hello wonderstarr. I did think it was "you", but didn't want to say so for fear of spacky ridicule.

Your attitude to internet interaction has always been from a different standpoint to most others; you have the ability, based on your profession, to adopt a rather clinical approach to online dynamics (viewing the relationships as something worthy of academic analysis) whilst also maintaining a casually lighthearted approach (dismissing past disagreements, discarding previous personae etc). Essentially, you take things a lot less personally than pretty much everyone else on here, which some find hard to accept.

It is nice to have you back and I look forward to your thoughts on various books and fillums. wonderstarr is a fucking gay name, though.

What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden.

Posts: 4941  |  IP: Logged
it's all the rage
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Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Essentially, you take things a lot less personally than pretty much everyone else on here

WHAT? Who takes things personally? Me?. Bloody hell. You can't come on here making accusations like that and think you'll get away with it. [Mad]
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Digital PIMP !
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Originally posted by wonderstarr:
its even more blandly, safely suburban neighbour, Surbiton.

Hmm, don't know an awful lot about Surbiton, I can recommend a very good all you can eat Chinese in nearby Weybridge though.
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Nathan Bleak
It's all grist to the mill
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Two of my best friends recently bought a flat in Surbiton. It's very... erm. Well. It seems like they belong there, and they seem happy with it. I say 'happy'. They're planning to move to Oxford later this year.

Nice curry house in Surbiton, somewhere.

Now that you've called me by name?

Posts: 2007  |  IP: Logged
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Well, I've reached a point in my life where being neighbours with Peckham Young Bloods and Lewisham's Stick Em Up Crew, with a nearby shooting apparently once a fortnight, no longer seems appealingly edgy. Maybe there's a Surbiton Hang Dem Posse but... less likely somehow.

pudgy little saucepot

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Were you knocked on the head or something?
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Originally posted by Physic:
Originally posted by wonderstarr:
its even more blandly, safely suburban neighbour, Surbiton.

Hmm, don't know an awful lot about Surbiton, I can recommend a very good all you can eat Chinese in nearby Weybridge though.
Weybridge is about 10 minutes from me. I'd be interested to hear of any recommendations for good places to go around that way physic [Smile]
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Originally posted by Nathan Bleak:

How are you finding life outside the capital, Nathan?
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Nathan Bleak
It's all grist to the mill
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Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
How are you finding life outside the capital, Nathan?

At the moment I keep forgetting I'm not in London, especially as I've been in the London office at least once a week since I moved out here. So I find myself getting tripped by things like mentioning pubs or areas to my colleagues that don't mean anything to them.

That's probably a reflection of not really noticing a huge difference in lifestyle, especially in my leisure time - since I've been here I've gone out to the theatre a couple of times, been to a few museums and eaten out in one fine dining restaurant - no different to how I'd spend my time in London. The major difference is in being able to walk home afterwards, I suppose.

Commuting is a bit different, as the office is pretty much in the middle of nowhere: it's on a farm in a tiny village called Harwell. Hence the bike ride. From my desk I can see and hear the sheep (it's lambing season, so there are lots of baby ones, too), and chickens keep coming up to the windows and blinking at the glass.

Immediately before moving here, I was working on Oxford Street - so as you can imagine it's quite a culture shock to emerge from the office at lunch time into a bleating herd of single-minded beasts staggering aimlessly through their existence with no real awareness of the world around them.

Now that you've called me by name?

Posts: 2007  |  IP: Logged
Vogon Poetess

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Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
How are you finding life outside the capital, Nathan?

I had a particularly chilling insight into life in the provinces last weekend. I went to visit an old schoolfriend who lives in Beds/Herts or somewhere- one of those flat nothing counties just north of London. Everything had to involve a car- station to her house, house to shops, kids to gran's, house to pub etc. "Shopping" meant a trip to Stevenage, which consisted of a handful of your average high street stores (Next, Top Shop etc) only smaller and shitter. "Eating out" meant a drive to a leisure park to choose between Nando's, McDonalds, Frankie & Benny's etc. Then we went on a tour of Britain's Worst Pubs, which included an old man's pub (with a genuine old man sipping bitter at the bar and looking confused) which had hired two hip hop djs playing banging choonz at ear-bleeding volume all night. Then the last train was cancelled, meaning a £40 taxi ride back to hers. I mean, I had a good time because I was with me mate, but I cannot imagine having to live like that. Possibly there are other towns outside London which are less depressing, but I'm not sure it's worth the risk.

What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden.

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Digital PIMP !
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Originally posted by Kira:
Weybridge is about 10 minutes from me. I'd be interested to hear of any recommendations for good places to go around that way physic [Smile]

Just found out it closed down in September, it was called Fu and was on the high street, did fantastic crispy duck and spicy chicken wings that you could just eat all day, apparently it's now a Ladbrokes [Frown]

The same friend who introduced me to it recommends 'The Oriental House' in Weybridge, "near the crossing" apparently.

So where are you exactly Kira, 10 minutes from Weybridge would suggest that you're practically my neighbour?

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Originally posted by Black Mask:
Still, at least ralph seems to have dropped his grudge.

Posts: 7436  |  IP: Logged

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Originally posted by Kira:
I'm not sure whether to be insulted by the this or not?

is this irony ralph?

lol. It wasn't meant to be insulting Kira. I was merely trying to come up with two posters who don't really post a whole lot these days. You should be honored that your name was one of the first I thought of.
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Originally posted by Kira:
thanks Benny. I'm not really that offended. I know I can only dream of reaching the pinnacles of quality posting that Ralph has reached.

Hey....that hurt. [Frown]
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Were you knocked on the head or something?
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Originally posted by Physic:
Originally posted by Kira:
Weybridge is about 10 minutes from me. I'd be interested to hear of any recommendations for good places to go around that way physic [Smile]

Just found out it closed down in September, it was called Fu and was on the high street, did fantastic crispy duck and spicy chicken wings that you could just eat all day, apparently it's now a Ladbrokes [Frown]

The same friend who introduced me to it recommends 'The Oriental House' in Weybridge, "near the crossing" apparently.

So where are you exactly Kira, 10 minutes from Weybridge would suggest that you're practically my neighbour?

I live in a tiny place called Upper Halliford which noones ever heard of! Its basically one road and sits inbetween Sunbury and Shepperton.

You're in Woking aren't you?

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Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Possibly there are other towns outside London which are less depressing, but I'm not sure it's worth the risk.

Thankfully life isn't quite that horrific in Newbury. I live in the middle of town so the shops are a five minute walk away. If I feel the need to see decent bands or get ripped off by uncivilized scum, I can always get to London by train in under an hour.

I admit we do have some proper old man pubs, one of which is also so horsey it has a huge framed painting of Lester Piggott over the fireplace. We also have two theatres, but still no cinema.

I love living in Newbury.

[ 07.03.2007, 07:04: Message edited by: MiscellaneousFiles ]

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Digital PIMP !
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Originally posted by Kira:
I live in a tiny place called Upper Halliford which noones ever heard of! Its basically one road and sits inbetween Sunbury and Shepperton.

You're in Woking aren't you?

I am indeed, I actually know Sunbury a bit, a good friend of mine is a trainer at the Sunbury Air Training Corps in his spare time and I was over there last summer at a barbecue, watching one of the England World Cup matches.
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Nathan Bleak
It's all grist to the mill
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Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
If I feel the need to see decent bands

This was the thing I thought I was going to miss most about moving away from Lungdung, but Clutch, The Wildhearts and The Haunted are all playing the Oxford Zodiac within weeks of each other. I haven't been in walking distance from a gig since I lived in Cardiff.

Now that you've called me by name?

Posts: 2007  |  IP: Logged

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I'm saying nothing. I wont get involved.
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