So, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but you should all give Silversun Pickups a listen. They're out of L.A., and they are incredible. Kind of like the first Velocity Girl album, very distorted, raspy voice, etc.
We are loving them, and they're on tour. They'll be in my neck of the woods on May 14th, and across the pond at some point after that.
Also on the ipods recently are:
Regina Spector
I can't think of who else, to be honest, as I've really only been listening to Silversun Pickups. Oh, and Modest Mouse has a new one out, which I definitely need to pick up.
I'm really liking Amy Winehouse at the moment - she bridges the golden past, rose tinted look of the 60's in her music with a nasty, angry modern sound in her lyrics. I likes it anyway.
-------------------- If Chuck Norris is late, time better slow the fuck down Posts: 2741
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quote:Originally posted by Darryn.R: Maximo Park - Our Earthly Pleasures
It fucking rules, it's the best album of the year so far and I reckon it'll last out.
Um, Mika I guess if he's not broken in the States yet, he's oddd but fun.
And on a punk folk theme Frank Turner's CD Sleep is for the week.
How's life treating you Amy ?
Hello gentleman.
Life is good...a bit stressful, but good. We're thinking of selling our house and going back to an apartment. How are you? Did I read somewhere that you're not feeling well, Darryn? I hope you're doing ok.
Maximo Park is good, they're on my ipod, as is Amy Winehouse. I've heard one song by Mika, it's in a commercial for a mobile phone company. I liked the song...bouncy, fun music. We thought we might like Meg & Dia, but every time they come on, I sigh and switch them off. Definitely not into them right now. Panic! At the Disco is ok, and A downloaded Blue October, but they're just so so.
edit: I've got to get off the pc for a while, been trying to write a C++ program for hours, and my back is killing me. Will try to pop back in soon! x
Over the past few months I have been listening to a lot of old punks songs on Youtube that I used to listen to back in the eighties.
Posts: 1396
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quote:Originally posted by Darryn.R: Maximo Park - Our Earthly Pleasures
It fucking rules, it's the best album of the year so far and I reckon it'll last out.
I love Maximo Park! A certain trigger the first album is one of my favourites. Have you heard it Darryn?
My friend sent me over a copy of the new one last night so I'll have a listen this weekend. Hoping its as good as the first!
I've also been loving the new Mark Ronson album. The cover of Radioheads 'Just' is sweet. Its not out til the 16th April but you can listen to it on his Myspaz page.
Posts: 814
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I'm enjoying the new Maximo Park single on the radio, as I did their earlier stuff. Just not enough to buy though.
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver This is generally great but has two stand out tracks, Someone Great and All Your Friends, about breavement and ageing respectively. References to Orbital, New Order and talking heads are more upfront than on the first album but that's no bad thing. Cracking love song to New York City too, and brilliant single North American Scum - where he describes Europe with the line;
Where the buildings are old and you might have lots of mimes
Nelly Furtado - Loose It's not especially new but I'm listening to it alot at the moment, I think it's hooky as all hell, there's some interestingly minor key stuff, and I'm a big ol'sucka for Timbaland's production.
Timbaland - Shock Value Starting with a promising sample of Sinnerman looped in with a typically quality beat I'm finding this album dissappointingly conventional compared to the number of unconventional top rank singles this guy has produced since the first Missy Elliot record. This is supposedly a solo album but it's packed with guest slots by his many regular collaborators, including Missy, Trousersnake, and Nelly Furtado. Unfortunately none of these live up to the quality or originality of his best work for their records. On the rest of the album he shows up his own lack of charisma with an overabundance of monolithic and frankly embarrasing 'uh' and 'yeahs' over his (still bouncing) production.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Their first album, again very Talking Heads. No bad thing.
Jaime T - Panic Prevention Not that new for me but I love this record, it has punk written through it like a stick of rock. For me it's all thriller no filler, but Salvador, Operation, Pacemaker and Dry Off Your Cheeks are worth investigating for those unconverted by the singles.
I've heard some of the new artic Monkey's record and there are some great tracks on that and one absolute stormer, other than Brian storm. I'd like to tell you more but I was wasted.
[ 13.04.2007, 07:24: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
-------------------- Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light... Posts: 3770
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We all prisoners, chickee-baby. We all locked in.
I've been on a Barenaked Ladies tip the past week or so, particularly enjoying the last two releases "Barenaked Ladies are Me" & "Barenaked Ladies are Men".
This was prompted by the fact that I saw them play last week (excellent) and these were the two albums I hadn't already got and which the tour was, pretty much, promoting.
-------------------- i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song Posts: 4243
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Oh yeah and everyone should download the Dan Le Sac vs Scroobious Pip track Thou shalt always kill, it's like a funnier English take on Losing My Edge. It's cracking.
[ 13.04.2007, 07:42: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
-------------------- Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light... Posts: 3770
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ambient click and cuts from Shuttle358, droney post-rock from The Dead Texan, bright orchestral electronic soundscapes from Eluvium, tuff hardcore hip-hop from Ill Bill, the latest albums from Jedi Mind and El-P (playing London on tuesday, folks!), super cynical hipster electro rap trash from PLASTIC LITTLE, and I'm still getting down to the R.A. The Rugged Man album.
Posts: 4376
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Thorn, I know you don't much dig Barbelith but I've got a thread about whether rock lyrics encourage or endorse violence, rape, antisocial behaviour here - I thought you might be able to offer some more expert contribution. And, indeed, other members of this board. It surprised me how little I knew about "rock" (depends on the definition I suppose), in that I couldn't think of any really offensive or problematic lyrics. The closest I got was Love in An Elevator: "I'll take you to the men's room honey, and let you hold my thing." (From memory)
-------------------- pudgy little saucepot Posts: 738
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I've listened to a hell of a lot of rock/metal over the years, and to be honest the idea that it promotes violence and sexual crimes to anything like the same degree as hip hop promotes violence, gun crime and misogynistic attitudes strikes me as laughable to be honest.
I have no doubt that anyone willing to can dig up examples of violent and misogynistic lyrics, but I can't see them being anywhere near as prevalent as similar lyrics in a lot of hip hop, rock simply doesn't strike me as focusing on such things to anything like the same degree, not even close. If anything a lot of it is far more political and anti orthodox religion than it is outright violent and misogynistic, not least because it simply isn't tied to gang culture in the way that a lot of hip hop is.
Posts: 2337
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quote:Originally posted by Physic: I've listened to a hell of a lot of rock/metal over the years, and to be honest the idea that it promotes violence and sexual crimes to anything like the same degree as hip hop promotes violence, gun crime and misogynistic attitudes strikes me as laughable to be honest.
There was a hell of a lot of it around in the eighties, though, even in really mainstream stuff. Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, WASP... all those mega-selling bands had stuff that was comparable to what people find offensive in mainstream rap. Then you had the slightly more niche stuff like Cannibal Corpse, the whole point of which was to sing songs about fucking women in the c**t with knives, strangling them with barbed wire etc etc.
I think grunge had a big effect in washing a lot of that away. You know, when grunge kind of took over as the dominant form of heavy music for a while and you had heavy music detailing grim stories of sexual abuse. Singing about banging the crap out of sluts became symptomatic of 80s hair metal excess - it kind of became unfashionable for heavy bands to sing about that stuff. Plus there was the shift to songs about alienation, rebellion, being an outsider, and it's difficult to reconcile that with laddish bragging subjugating women. Now I think about it, mainstream metal for the past 17 years has just been a tour de force of political correctness.
The only examples I can think of that stray into misogyny and homophobia are bands like Limp Bizkit and hed(pe), which explicitly take their cues from hip hop anyway. Even Slayer, who kind of exist to be as offensive as possible tend to focus on descriptions of warfare and serial killing, rather than boasting that they go out and do the same.
-------------------- Now that you've called me by name? Posts: 2007
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I've been listening to Rock, like Physic, for a long time, and whilst I am no authority on Rap music, but from my limited knowledge of its controversy through the media, I can fairly confidently say that whilst some lyrics have been notoriously sexist, especially 70's/80's it has been fairly tongue in cheek. References to sex by some are more celebration than derogatory - example "You shook me all night long" by AC/DC
She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean She was the best damn woman that I ever seen She had the sightless eyes, telling me no lies Knockin' me out with those American thighs Taking more than her share, had me fighting for air She told me to come but I was already there
'Cause the walls start shaking, the earth was quaking My mind was aching and we were making it And you shook me all night long Yeah, you shook me all night long
(Always bring a smile to my face and recalls some very happy personal memories every time I hear this)
There are the violent lyrics, though the one that springs to mind may constitute more a rap crossover:
Its just one of those days When you don't wanna wake up Everything is fucked Everybody sux You don't really know why But you want justify Rippin' someone's head off No human contact And if you interact Your life is on contract Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker It's just one of those days!!
- Break Stuff, by Limp Bizkit.
I don't take it seriously, and whilst on the whole, they are a shit band, I particularly love this song, and have been known to pogo like a loon to it.
For me, Rock has never been about hatred or misogony. What a lot of people fail to recognise is that the majority of Rock musicians are actually I would say of some intelligence (drummers may sometimes be exempt ), and like Alice Cooper once said "Rock makes you think, and thinking ain't a bad thing".
I was once a man before I transformed into this molester, freshly deceased children You have born, torn by my rape The dead are not safe, the lifeless child corpse I will violate
Pleasure from the dead, complete satisfaction I open the coffin Sick thoughts run through my head as I stare At the dead, over and over, I can't escape I begin the dead sex, licking her young, rotted orifice I cum in her cold **** , shivering with ecstasy for nine days straight I do the same She becomes by dead, decayed child sex slave her neck I hack, cutting through the back I use her mouth to eject
Here I cum, blood gushes from bleeding black blood her head disconnected As I came, viciously I cut, through her jugular vein She's already dead, I masturbate with her severed head My lubrication, her decomposition Spending my life molesting dead children
Intercourse with infants Curing heads on top of spikes boiling skulls Skin sliding off of bones
Voices The voices call Voices The voices are calling me Buried dead I've spiritually infected Call to me from beyond their graves
Bleed I now bleed pus I bleed, the blood of the dead I bleed on her livid skin Thrusting myself within Beginning to chop through her hairless crotch Beyond what we know as death It haunts me everyday I hear the voice of every child That lies next to me decayed A fresh corpse, to fill with my infection Tortured before death, no orifice left unfilled
Violated after death Virgin hole I infest Anal pore spewing cess The sacred juice I injest Your dead child I defile Necropedophile
There's always one, isn't there? I always like to think of it as bands like Machine Head and Fear Factory, sitting at the front of the class, hands in the air, trying to please teacher while attempting to ignore the trouble at the back as Cannibal Corpse drools into its beard and craps into its lunchbox.
-------------------- Now that you've called me by name? Posts: 2007
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Surprisingly to me, my B-lith thread apparently got proposed for LOCK AND DELETE at 2am last night, but it's still there now (I should be grateful I expect). Anyway, I will read the posts above with interest.
-------------------- pudgy little saucepot Posts: 738
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Just briefly, there is already an interesting point emerging above that you Rock fans are proposing the music and performances are often excessively tongue-in-cheek, and rap/hip-hop often isn't allowed the same "excuse" - that is, critics of the latter genre assume everything within the lyrics is meant to be stone-cold true and sincere.
-------------------- pudgy little saucepot Posts: 738
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quote:Originally posted by wonderstarr: Just briefly, there is already an interesting point emerging above that you Rock fans are proposing the music and performances are often excessively tongue-in-cheek, and rap/hip-hop often isn't allowed the same "excuse" - that is, critics of the latter genre assume everything within the lyrics is meant to be stone-cold true and sincere.
I've never really liked 'it's tongue in cheek!' as a get out clause for either rock or rap, to be honest. It's like if you make a casually racist or sexist film, you can't really use 'Well! It's only a film!' as an excuse. It's pretty weak: I don't think AC/DC are razor sharp satirists on the boozy Australian male, and I don't think I want them to be. But I don't think any of their stuff is comparable to - for example - "I'll take your drawers down and rape you, while Dr Dre videotapes you" as Bizarre says on the Slim Shady lp. There's nothing analagous to that in modern rock and metal - it just isn't the done thing.
-------------------- Now that you've called me by name? Posts: 2007
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quote:Originally posted by wonderstarr: Just briefly, there is already an interesting point emerging above that you Rock fans are proposing the music and performances are often excessively tongue-in-cheek, and rap/hip-hop often isn't allowed the same "excuse" - that is, critics of the latter genre assume everything within the lyrics is meant to be stone-cold true and sincere.
Not at all - Tone-Loc's 'Wild thing', Sir Mix-a-lot's 'Big Butts' are certainly very tongue in cheek. I can't comment too much as I know little about the genre - most of it, to be honest I cannot abide, but I wonder if Dr Dre or Snoop Dog fans regard that?
Question I'd like to ask is, with some artists releasing tracks with inciteful lyrics to murder, rape etc (and I include all genres here, not pointing the finger at Rap), does it inevitably lead to individuals committing these heinous acts for real, or is it just an excuse for the Washington Wives to once again denounce the artform a lot of us love?
You just wanted to hold hands but he wanted to fuck He's twice your size and weight so you're shit out of luck
[chorus:] You got date raped, date raped [x4]
You whined to the judge, your eyes were full of tears But you wouldn't have been raped if you didn't have 50 beers
Next time you go out bring a chapperone or friend Or you'll probably end up getting date raped again You got date raped. -------------------
You Are A Good Food Critic.
Your last name's Weinstein and your first name's Jay You're a food critic and you're fucking gay You have more hair on your face than you have on your head Pretty soon you'll have AIDs and you'll be fucking dead
[chorus:] You are a food critic [x4]
You're old enough to have bought "let it be" when it was new You're bald enough to blind a bird you fucking Jew You're gay enough to go out with liberace You're gay enough you fucking fag I'm 22, you're 33 and you go to school with me Jay Weinstein is a gay bald Jew with a beard. ---------------------------------------------
Kill Women.
Kill women - die Kill women - die Kill women - die Bitch
quote:Originally posted by Louche: How often do you listen to the album?
I don't own any of their albums. I've heard brief clips of them on-line and they're not really my cup of tea. They just play their instruments extremely quickly and the lead 'singer' sounds like he's had a rocket set off up his arse.
Posts: 1696
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Rock has certainly been blamed by the media for anti-social behaviour, though. It's been linked to murders, spree killings and suicides. Been the (alleged) soundtrack to sex-murders and serial rapists, the burning down of churches, gang-related violence, drug dealing, littering. Some of it is clearly seditionary and treasonous. But rock (even if you consider within Rock all of its sub-genres and splinters) is a fairly innocent and pantomime form. It tends to be crass, vulgar and embarassing rather than deliberately offensive, and that almost definitely has a lot to do with who is making the music and who, on the whole, is listening to it. A fully togged up rockboy is probably going to break some bye-law about the number of patches you can have on one sleeveless Wrangler jacket, he might have nits, he might even have drunk some cider, but he's not very menacing. But we're not programmed to find skinny white kids menacing, not yet anyway, not fully. Hip-hop seems to come as the whole package, though. Guys in baggy sportswear selling records about rapin' hoes and cappin' pigs to kids in baggy sportswear (black and white) who the press reliably inform us like nothing better than rapin' hoes and cappin' pigs.
I remember hearing Ice-T (circa Body Count) in interview making the observation that he was getting flak about Cop Killer, while Johnny Cash had famously sung that he'd "shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die" and yet he was a national hero and was inducted into every American Hall of Fame going.
quote:Originally posted by Louche: How often do you listen to the album?
I don't own any of their albums. I've heard brief clips of them on-line and they're not really my cup of tea. They just play their instruments extremely quickly and the lead 'singer' sounds like he's had a rocket set off up his arse.
My own reaction to Anal C**t is that they're tryign so hard to be offensive, that they cease to be offensive. Like if you said to them "That date rape song is pretty offensive", they'd actually agree with you, which is why they recorded it. You're coming at it from the same point of view as them. There's nothing else to them. There's nothing there musically - it's just about being as obnoxious as possible. It's like getting upset about something Black Mask posts.
I actually find something like Nookie by Limp Bizkit - where he tells a woman that she should feel disgusted with herself for sleeping with him on a first date - alot harder to stomach because there's nothing to suggest Fred Durst sees anything wrong with saying that.
-------------------- Now that you've called me by name? Posts: 2007
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I hear the click-clack of your feet on the stairs I know you're no scare-eyed honey. There'll be a feast if you just come upstairs But it's no hanging matter It's no capital crime
I can see that you're fifteen years old No I don't want your I.D. I can see you're so far from home But it's no hanging matter It's no capital crime
Oh yeah, you're a strange stray cat Oh yeah, don'tcha scratch like that Oh yeah, you're a strange stray cat Bet your mama don't know you scream like that I bet your mother don't know you can spit like that.
You look so weird and you're so far from home But you don't really miss your mother Don't look so scared I'm no mad-brained bear But it's no hanging matter It's no capital crime Oh, yeah Woo!
I bet your mama don't know that you scatch like that I bet she don't know you can bite like that.
You say you got a friend, that she's wilder than you Why don't you bring her upstairs If she's so wild then she can join in too It's no hanging matter It's no capital crime
Oh yeah, you're a strange stray cat Oh yeah, don'tcha scratch like that Oh yeah, you're a strange stray cat I bet you mama don't know you can bite like that I'll bet she never saw you scratch my back