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» TMO Talk » Web » look at this ridiculously expensive computer if you like. (Page 1)

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Author Topic: look at this ridiculously expensive computer if you like.
Jimmy Big Nuts
CounterCulture Vex'
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Whoops! How did that get in there! lolol!

actual link is here. Insane.

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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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Yes that is expensive

ETA: sorry JBN - my browser window cut off the price and the pic

[ 03.11.2006, 10:40: Message edited by: not... ]

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Jimmy Big Nuts
CounterCulture Vex'
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four and a half grand.
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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+ vat @ 17.5% = £5431
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Jimmy Big Nuts
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I wouldn't pay that for a PC.
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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Maxed out G5 £8,859 does this work
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It doesn't even have a mouse...
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Jimmy Big Nuts
CounterCulture Vex'
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Originally posted by not...:
Maxed out G5 £8,859 does this work


[ 03.11.2006, 10:48: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]

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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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Well actually for the sake of comparison if you have similar specs it comes out at a bargain £3719

[ 03.11.2006, 10:53: Message edited by: not... ]

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Benny the Ball
"oh, hold me"
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Originally posted by not...:
Maxed out G5 £8,859 does this work

Jeez - I got it up to £13,429.03 - with apple care!

If Chuck Norris is late, time better slow the fuck down

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Slave Girl of Gor
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Huh. One of my mates got a water cooling system in his PC...and it spaffed water all over it and killed it dead. Lesson to be learned there.
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We all prisoners, chickee-baby.
We all locked in.
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yeah, that your mate is an idiot.

i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song

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Jimmy Big Nuts
CounterCulture Vex'
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here's an idiot. Some good dialogue going on between us plucky brits and our cousins over the atlantic in the comments section.


stupid americans can only drive dumbass automatics

He's not legally even allowed to drive on the public roads for more then two years, therefore I seriously doubt he's been given any legitimate training. Try not to spill any tea on your Triumph.

& Stupid Brits only use peanut butter to brush their teeth (or tooth).


And thats why I've been driving stick all my life? Heh. Don't be a prick.

I think it's a fair assertion that less intelligent American citizens have an easier time with automatic transmission. Where in the British bell-curve do you place people who post poorly written, ignorant insults of entire cultures on the Internet? Way to represent your people, stevie! [Smile]

Please stop posting.

[ 03.11.2006, 11:06: Message edited by: Jimmy Big Nuts ]

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Jimmy Big Nuts
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actually, the stock response given in any internet argument from a yank to a limey is usually teeth related. I can't comment though, because my mouth is like a bath full of offal and broken dinner plates.
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Originally posted by Jimmy Big Nuts:
actually, the stock response given in any internet argument from a yank to a limey is usually teeth related.

I thought it was more often to do with the fact that they "saved our limey asses in dubya dubya two".
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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I've been watching some street fighting on youtube today.

1. it mostly ends up in headlocks.
2. You seem to do best if you get the other guy on the ground
3. Real violence is quie ugly
4. Even when it looks like it doesn't hurt it really does hurt.
5. You're probably going to get fucked up the most when you're on the floor and they kick you in the face.

[ 03.11.2006, 11:26: Message edited by: not... ]

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it's all the rage
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Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
I thought it was more often to do with the fact that they "saved our limey asses in dubya dubya two".

Yes, and we'd all be speaking German if it wasn't for them. Though quite how losing a war would have suddenly cured the natural English numptitude with relation to learn foreign languages I'm not sure I quite "verstehe".
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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I quite like this steampunk keyboard.

[ 26.02.2007, 09:17: Message edited by: not... ]

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Nathan Bleak
It's all grist to the mill
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That is quite, quite marvellous. I clicked on the link with every intention of buying one, in fact, until I realised that it was an increidbly inventive personal project. Brilliant.

Now that you've called me by name?

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We all prisoners, chickee-baby.
We all locked in.
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absolutely beautiful.

i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song

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Originally posted by Nathan Bleak:
That is quite, quite marvellous. I clicked on the link with every intention of buying one, in fact, until I realised that it was an increidbly inventive personal project. Brilliant.

I'd wouldn't really call converting a typewriter keyboard into a computer keyboard "inventive". It is a fucking cool bit of design though.
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New Way Of Decay

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Looks like someone has an idea for a mac and an acorn electron by the look of things.


H Christ!

[ 26.02.2007, 09:53: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]


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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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I don't really like that wood look on a computer. Will from Will & Grace has one on his lawyers desk.

This one though, looks quite good.

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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
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No it doesn't. It really doesn't.
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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...well, quite good.
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New Way Of Decay

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Don't listen to her. Louche still uses beige computer equipment.


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Jimmy Big Nuts
CounterCulture Vex'
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not really.
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New Way Of Decay

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Don't listen to him. Big Nuts still uses beige clothes.


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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
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I so don't have beige computer equipment. That's a lie, NWOD. I have shiny silver and black computer equipment. Even my scanner is a nice (if dusty) battleship grey.

Anyway, not's no taste anyway, has he? Filthy Mac-Boy.

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New Way Of Decay

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It's true. He'd wank into a rusty tin can if it had the apple logo on it.


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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
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And bend over and say yes, please if it was Steve Jobs doing the asking. Even without lube. Poor not. Poor, poor not.

[ 26.02.2007, 10:12: Message edited by: Louche ]

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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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That sounds a bit homophobic Louche, I'm disappointed.

Here is a link to a cartoon on youtube that has steev jobs and bill gates in it. It's barely relevant. Never mind. jobs vs gates

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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
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Originally posted by not...:
That sounds a bit homophobic Louche, I'm disappointed.

Poor comeback, poor not.
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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No, it was quite good.
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Jimmy Big Nuts
CounterCulture Vex'
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it wasn't great.
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