I'd say it would be okay to compliment a woman at work on her bra if you were a woman yourself, knew she wanted it to be seen and knew her quite well. If you were at a bar or club, you'd probably get away with saying it to a woman you'd just met, again if you were a woman yourself. For a man, it'd be safer not to mention it I think, and just compliment her on her outfit as a whole.
And yes, I would be very scared if Brian Blessed complimented me on my bra.
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That sounds pretty much right, miss golightly. I suggest it'd be OK from a man at work you were on properly friendly terms with, too. It's a funny boundary, really - even if a bra strap is obviously and deliberately on show at work, it still counts as underwear and so still has a few taboos around it.
Depennding on the job, you could also say it was unprofessional to have a bra strap visible at all.
-------------------- pudgy little saucepot Posts: 738
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quote:Originally posted by wonderstarr: Depending on the job, you could also say it was unprofessional to have a bra strap visible at all.
Yeah, this is kind of what I'm talking about really. Not just the bra strap, but approximately 50% of the entire breast in some cases. I presume it's just that these ladies don't think of an openly exposed cleavage as being any different to, say, having a nice hairdo or wearing high-heeled shoes to make their legs look good.
I suppose that by commenting on it I'm just admitting that I'm a perve, that I shouldn't look upon a large pair of breasts any differently than a man's beer belly or a woman's earrings. They're just part of the way that person looks.
But then I think, what if there was a garment which exposed a large part of a man's willy, but not the nob bit and not the pubes/balls end - just the innocent fleshy bit in between. Would that be acceptable?
Actually, I can really see that catching on. With different "cup sizes" perhaps? * picks up charcoal and artists pad * Call it the "pra" perhaps? Better names?
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quote:Originally posted by dang65: But then I think, what if there was a garment which exposed a large part of a man's willy, but not the nob bit and not the pubes/balls end - just the innocent fleshy bit in between.
Which bit is that? I thought the "shaft" bit was still... rude. Is that the penis part you're suggesting?
-------------------- pudgy little saucepot Posts: 738
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quote:Originally posted by dang65: Yeah, I'm thinking of the shaft bit, but visible without the other bits would be quite innocent I'd say. As innocent as a cleavage anyway.
Hang on a minute...
I thought you were going to draw a picture perhaps.
My understanding is that your pra would show the bit of shaft displayed by Jack, Jade's boyfriend, when he danced to "You Sexy Thing" in the Make Big Brother Laugh task this year. Or maybe that was shaft-base.
-------------------- pudgy little saucepot Posts: 738
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Is there a part of a mans penis that isn't offensive? Not in the way that breasts aren't offensive, no. But I'd say that the base of the shaft is probably the least offensive part - or if you're looking for a clevage effect, it would be the sort of V bump where the groin begins and the stomache ends, wouldn't it?
-------------------- If Chuck Norris is late, time better slow the fuck down Posts: 2741
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on men? Men's arses always look unhealthy - the arse clevage is the window to the, er, soul? On women it's kind of a little un-nerving - sometimes when women bend down or crouch, and a thong or crack becomes visible, it tends to be with the back stretched and the tail-bone bent under, which flattens the curve of the bum, removing something of the 'feminine' of it - which I don't like too much.
-------------------- If Chuck Norris is late, time better slow the fuck down Posts: 2741
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quote:Originally posted by dang65: Hang on a minute...
I thought you were going to draw a picture perhaps.
I was going to mock something up, but quickly realised that the majority of men who put their nobs on view on GIS are exactly the sort of men who really shouldn't bother thanks very much.
That Harry Potter one might have been a good template though but, as I say, I've come to the conclusion that the average man's soft willy really doesn't include enough flesh to, er, play with - in the clothing design sense that is.
Posts: 8467
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quote:Originally posted by dang65: Hang on a minute...
I thought you were going to draw a picture perhaps.
I was going to mock something up, but quickly realised that the majority of men who put their nobs on view on GIS are exactly the sort of men who really shouldn't bother thanks very much.
That Harry Potter one might have been a good template though but, as I say, I've come to the conclusion that the average man's soft willy really doesn't include enough flesh to, er, play with - in the clothing design sense that is.
I'm not sure a flaccid cock on partial display would be that much of an attraction to most women anyway. I certainly doubt it would have the same reaction as a half exposed breast does to a man anyway.
I remember seeing that clip from bb and was pretty repulsed.
Loving the term pleasure trail though. I'm going to see Equus at the end of this month. Has anyone heard any reviews?
Posts: 814
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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
If I was going it'd just be to see Daniel Radcliffe's cock. But Kira is more pure than I am. And I decided London was too far for Daniel Radcliffe's cock.
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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
Readinjg back threads in Society is much less interesting than reading back threads in Life. I suspect it might, however, be more interesting than reading back threads in Web.
I could do an empirical experiemnty thing around that. Or I could not. I bet you're all on the edges of your seats here aren't you?
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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
quote:Originally posted by Louche: experiemnty
I made this word up, but I like the way it looks.
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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
Jesus, Masky, did you just let the big ten-oh slip by without any of us noticing? Congratulations on 10,000 posts. Of which at least 75% must have upset somebody. Cool.
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I was going to do a Big Nuts but TMO's registration is up the creek and then I forgot to email D. and I was busy ignoring ralph... so... there we are.
This thread scares me a bit now, because if I hit refresh I get a brief flash of Brian Blessed, subliminal style. *shudder*
Posts: 710
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quote:Originally posted by missgolightly: This thread scares me a bit now, because if I hit refresh I get a brief flash of Brian Blessed, subliminal style. *shudder*