Look what I just spotted in that BBC article...
quote: The researchers sight the example of the film Fight Club, where a character who works as a cinema projectionist inserts a single frame of pornography into the 24 frames of a film shown each second.
I get depressed and aggressive if I can't get access to porn.
Anyway. Fight Club doesn't really show the effect the subliminal porn has on the viewer, except for that one shot of the little girl crying, which is more of a gag than anything. It's sort of pointless in the film. In the book he does it so he can blackmail corporations, but they don't follow that up in the film. They stick the scene in there anyway, though. Just because.
-------------------- Now that you've called me by name? Posts: 2007
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Cleavage is interesting. Dang mentions that 50% of exposed breast is causing him embarrassment. What percentage would be acceptable I wonder? Is it more embarrassing the bigger the boobs?
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden. Posts: 4941
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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
Is there an age factor as well? Is wrinkly cleavage more embarrassing to behold than firm and fresh cleavage?
I estimate I reveal only 2% of my breasts in any of my work tops. Hint of a cleavage rather than cleavage.
Posts: 5776
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One of my old bosses used to wear really low-cut tops and a bra that helped jiggle her breasts around. She was always managing to display them all the time. I think she caught me looking, but then she showed up the next day in an even more revealing top. She fired me. She looked like you, Louche.
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Cleavage is interesting. Dang mentions that 50% of exposed breast is causing him embarrassment. What percentage would be acceptable I wonder? Is it more embarrassing the bigger the boobs?
Oddly enough, it's not so much embarrassment as uncertainty of etiquette or the perception of what a large cleavage is meant to signify in the workplace. The place I'm working at now is the first place where I've known so many women to walk around with seriously on-show breasts. Maybe it's just that it's the fashion at the moment, or my eyesight's improved or something.
As I said above, I suspect that women probably see their breasts in this situation as just another part of the body that they want to make look nice, and don't think of it as a sexual thing at all, or at least no more than, say, wearing make up. Would that be right do you think?
I'm really not complaining or being prudish - just wanted to know what the, uh, view is like from the, er, other side of the hills as it were.
Posts: 8467
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Well, breasts are secondary sexual organs, so I'm not convinced they can ever really be considered as the same as the rest of your body.
I wouldn't know the mentality behind "getting em out" at work, as to me dressing for work and dressing to go out are completely different. I would also have thought it's a bit chilly for exposing lots of flesh, although perhaps you have "heating" in your workplace and people don't have to wear two jumpers.
If I jiggled or had proper cleavage, I would probably be tempted to flaunt it in an increasingly tacky and unnecessary manner, giggling to myself all the time.
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden. Posts: 4941
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It is very warm in our offices, yes. Which may partially explain the phenomenon. It's very unfair actually, because men have to wear ties, by order of the management, whilst ladies may cool themselves by airing large areas of their bodies. And quite likely contributing to making men even hotter at the same time. Posts: 8467
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quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Hey. Woah. Fuck yourself, Boy Racer.
Hey. Woah. Eh? I wasn't calling you a cock you berk, it's just you've posted alot about dick. Your own mostly. In graphic fucking detail. I'd have added an "about the", but thought that would have implied my calling you a homosexual. Oh well.
And that last post of Veep's. Anyone else feeling, erm, flushed?
[ 09.03.2007, 09:42: Message edited by: Boy Racer ]
-------------------- Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light... Posts: 3770
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quote:Originally posted by Boy Racer: Hey. Woah. Eh? I wasn't calling you a cock you berk, it's just you've posted alot about dick. Your own mostly. In graphic fucking detail. I'd have added an "about the", but thought that would have implied my calling you a homosexual. Oh well.
Oh ralph, if you'd have evolved enough to understand even basic humour, you'd understand that the arm swinging motion is one accompanied by the kicking of stones and scuffing of feet. To imply dissapointment. Yet another desperate attempt at one-upmanship. I'll bet you were the sort of guy who hung around on the football pitch scoring touchdowns on your own to even empathise with a member of the winning team.