Topic: Sunny day
TMO Admin
posted 27.10.2006 05:46
HAPPY bIRTHDAY HoTTiE ! -------------------- my own brother a god dam shit sucking vampire!!! you wait till mum finds out buddy!
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Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
posted 27.10.2006 06:01
Gree! Birthday!
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We all prisoners, chickee-baby. We all locked in.
posted 27.10.2006 06:02
i liked this picture the best, although it obviously bears no resemblance: Happy Birthday! --------------------i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song
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Boy Racer
This man has no twinkie !
posted 27.10.2006 06:09
Happy Monkey Gree! -------------------- Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light...
Posts: 3770
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Were you knocked on the head or something?
posted 27.10.2006 06:20
Happy Birthday Mrs Mart
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nibbled to death by an okapi
posted 27.10.2006 15:02
HB Gree! (Didn't see this till just now. Sorry ) -------------------- Give 'em .0139 fathoms and they'll take 80 chains.
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Benny the Ball
"oh, hold me"
posted 27.10.2006 15:36
H B -------------------- If Chuck Norris is late, time better slow the fuck down
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Her Glorious Reneging Brumness
posted 29.10.2006 05:32
Oh, I've only just seen this thread - belated birthday greetings, The Gree! -------------------- They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy.
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posted 30.10.2006 04:48
Happy birthday! Have this photograph of some trainers thrown over a power line: ... it was taken on a sunny day, see? Sunny? Geddit? Pretty clever, huh. Oh yeah.
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dance margarita
TMO Member
posted 30.10.2006 05:28
happy birthfay! have this picture of a small child licking a pig. -------------------- evil is boring: cheerful power
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
posted 30.10.2006 05:30
lolol that is excellent
Posts: 4183
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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
posted 30.10.2006 05:37
That picture is my new favorite ever pic knocking Herman the Giant Rabbit down to second place
Posts: 4183
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posted 02.11.2006 03:16
oh boy! i didn't even realise i had a birthday thread i suck thank you all very very much. just goes to show, a gal outta check the threads more often
Posts: 1203
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