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Author Topic: ARE YOU FIT
Wearing nothing but a smile
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Everyone seems to have run-ins with townies in Exeter; I lived there for three years, and thought it was rather pleasant.

Cool story though.

Posts: 7807  |  IP: Logged

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This is a great thread - I don't have much to add that isn't horribly demotivating or scornful so I'll just say: have a good weekend everyone!

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Boy Racer
This man has no twinkie !
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Wing Chun's alright, and good for excericse, but if you want to defend yourself then Aikido's what you want, the benefit being it's all locks, holds, and throws, and uses your opponent's force against them, rather than attempting puching and or kicking folk. If you want to get fit and strong and agile and graceful, then my money'd be on Capoeira.
If you want to be hard then do Kickboxing.

Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light...

Posts: 3770  |  IP: Logged
I hate Valentine's Day.
Stupid commercialised crap
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Originally posted by Boy Racer:
If you want to get fit and strong and agile and graceful, then my money'd be on Capoeira.
I saw this being done in Florence and it was waaaay cool. Have you actually done it BR?

Posts: 3339  |  IP: Logged
Dr. Benway

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I got the impression that Wing Chun would be good for learning how to kick people's asses.

I have shit on you, son

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TMO Member
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my money'd be on Capoeira.

A mate of mine has done this for a while, and also says its great to keep your body supple and is good for relaxing the mind, like a hardcore yoga session speeded up I guess. He tried to teach me some moves coming out with the immortal line 'do not think, feel..' at which point I pissed myself laughing and smacked my head on the floor.

Its pretty impressive to watch although its hard to keep up for long periods of time. We're going to rio in six weeks and can see how its really done, so i'll be expecting some kind of DMC/jason nevins Capoeira off goings on at the beach to laugh at as he falls on his pasty arse yet again.

edit: ubb is not my bitch

[ 11 July 2003: Message edited by: yanda ]

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New Way Of Decay

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Originally posted by mart:
I also have ginger hair, but there's nothing I can do about that.

You could dye your hair and shave your pubes.

Works for me.

note; do not dye your pubes and shave your head.

Sorry Octavia. I did it again.


Posts: 11617  |  IP: Logged
I hate Valentine's Day.
Stupid commercialised crap
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Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
Sorry Octavia. I did it again.
You and I are going to have Words. In Lille.

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TMO Member
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I wish I did as much exercise as I did as a child, but then, I dont really have a need to.

Im skinny, and would like some extra bulk, but as long as you can faintly see the muscles lines in various parts of my body that will have to suffice, Ive tried "working out" and I usually work out for 3 weeks then stop, then 2 months later start again. I cannot afford a gym. What an uber lame post, my first in 6 weeks and it is this snivelling nose of a little boy post. wELL.


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And im not sure i can manage aikido again next year, it just didnt interest me that much, and its two hours of my life every week, even more now because i will live slightly further away from the sudgen sports centre, next to the man city ground, or ex ground in fact, so maybe i should keep going to aikido after all.


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Should know better.
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I can't believe I'm posting to this thread - maybe there's some faint hope I might get motivated to go - oh, all of a quarter of a mile - to the gym. Or maybe I'm just feeling confessional ...

Been fit & thin; fit & fat; always smoked hundreds of fags a day and drunk man-sized quantities of wine, but, happily, fitness seems to offset the worst effects.

When Mr Grace MkI hit the dust, I ran away to Brazil. I was being fit & fat at the time, but something about spending most of the day in a bikini, learning to Samba and Lambada, and my transcendent love of walking for miles along beaches, turned me into a toned, bronzed, healthy person with a hell of a wiggle! Naturally, this carried a lot of clout back in Blighty - so I kept it up.

I went to the gym at least 5 days a week - often, every day. I couldn't actually fit a social life in around that, contenting myself mostly with frequent compliments from passing strangers. Perhaps if I'd got out & met more people instead of pursuing a perfectly-controlled musculature, I might not have married Mr Grace MkII - another re-shaping experience!

When that all went pear-shaped, so did I (sorry). I decided against running away this time - oh, all right, I couldn't afford to - so I buckled down to my horrible job and to renovating the hovel I had bought. Unsurprisingly, I then developed massive clinical depression, which became so severe I literally couldn't walk some days. Salsa, Lambada and fixed weights were way out of the question - I couldn't remember what the question was! (Sorry again)

Now I seem to be getting better, hurrah, I did visit the gym last week - just to make sure it's still there and my direct debits aren't disappearing into the ether! Even renewed my "towel & locker course", so I suppose I'm intending to go again. I'll have to start from scratch, which is a fairly unappealing thought.

The one good thing that's come out of this is that, although I'm now a 14 instead of a 10, and I have lardy wobbly bits, I like my body much, much more than I have since toddlerhood. Must be the "things could be worse" cliche proven true - or the therapy: who knows?

The one message I would pass on to others is .... RUNNING AWAY IS GOOD FOR YOU!

And, Thorn - I used to shake more when I exercised a lot, too. Wonder what that's all about?

Lardy Grace

edited for UBB ... that's a slash-i at the end, Grace! .... And I'll try not to double-post in future

[ 12 July 2003: Message edited by: AgeingGrace ]

b-but what does it mean?

Posts: 400  |  IP: Logged
Should know better.
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[ 12 July 2003: Message edited by: AgeingGrace ]

b-but what does it mean?

Posts: 400  |  IP: Logged
Taller than Bandy ?
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Originally posted by AgeingGrace:
edited for UBB ... that's a slash-i at the end, Grace!

That's a quote, not edit, duder.

Posts: 1562  |  IP: Logged
Taller than Bandy ?
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Originally posted by kovacs:
[your turn! don't make me feel really bad, but are you a lot fitter than me? or, by some merciful chance, are you less fit?

I am currently stupidly unfit. I have no gym nearby, I haven't run for ages and my brother went from John'o'Groats to Land's End on my bike then had it stolen in Bristol the next day.

Even my Big Heavy Weights of legend have lain unused for weeks.

I am mostly a big lardy fuck, but the height means I carry it well. Well-ish. Please no-one disagree, I might cry.

At some point in the near future, I will have to try and combat this. How, I don't know. Some form of anti-proscrastination device to kick my arse into gear.

All I know is, I'd like to be in the kind of shape I left uni in (not two years ago!!).

I think a combination of Atkins and metamphetamine is the way forward.

Posts: 1562  |  IP: Logged
Should know better.
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Originally posted by Carter:
I am mostly a big lardy fuck, but the height means I carry it well. Well-ish. Please no-one disagree, I might cry.

Sheesh, Carter, you're gorgeous! If I were thirty years younger ... and fitter .... and a right-wing extremist ....
Originally posted by Carter:
I think a combination of Atkins and metamphetamine is the way forward.

Well, you'll be thin. And constipated.

Originally posted by Carter:
That's a quote, not edit, duder.

Too damn quick! I thought there'd be nobody else here: nearly got away with it.

b-but what does it mean?

Posts: 400  |  IP: Logged

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I think a good way for Carter to get fit would be for him to come out and fight me.

member #28

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Taller than Bandy ?
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Yay, TMO Deathmatch.

I reckon...quarterstaffs (?staves?).

Atop a log bridge.

Or we could do the ITV The Fight thang, and train up under the scrutiny of the cameras for 6 weeks, then go at it in the ring.

Which would marry quite nicely with me coming out, of course.

Bagsy me Ricky.

Posts: 1562  |  IP: Logged
Gives baby boys intravenous nicotine
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It's hardly necessary for me to say that I am not fit. However!

Recently I have started playing badminton once a week, which I am crap at - in six weeks of playing four games a session, I have won one game - but I don't care. I get hot and pink and sweaty and feel virtuous. And I get to leer at the five-a-side boys without feeling wrong, because hey! I do sport too!

I did one aerobics session, and we were gonna go back, but y'know, life gets in the way of aerobics. It was v v boring, and I am hopelessly uncoordinated. I read in last Saturday's Guardian about a vogue in London for punk aerobics - I'm not big into punk, but it's gotta be more interesting than cheezyhouse or whatever they usually play?

To those of you who do step aerobics - is it possible that a basic step class is easier for those of us who can't walk and chew gum at the same time, 'cos you're like, just stepping on and off the step thing?

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Dr. Benway

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Interesting as TMO is today, I thought I'd mention that Kung Fu is harder than it looks on Mortal Kombat :Deadly Alliance. I can only assume that the hour session of push ups, sit ups, thrusts, punches, half push ups, stress positions and stance practising happens before you join the fighters in their arena.

[ 17 July 2003: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]

I have shit on you, son

Posts: 10551  |  IP: Logged

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I'd like to offer a message of encouragement -- my second hour of kickbox aerobics yesterday made me feel drenched and knackered but not about to die, and today I feel invigorated and proud of myself, rather than a badly-mended mess of bone and torn muscle.

member #28

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Digital PIMP !
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Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
Interesting as TMO is today, I thought I'd mention that Kung Fu is harder than it looks on Mortal Kombat eadly Alliance. I can only assume that the hour session of push ups, sit ups, thrusts, punches, half push ups, stress positions and stance practising happens before you join the fighters in their arena.

[ 17 July 2003: Message edited by: Dr. Benway ]

[martial arts chate]do they have you doing push-ups on knuckles and on fingertips? Something we used to have to do when I was into martial arts in my teens[/martial arts chate]

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I have been to some shite step classes this week. When I go to a shite class I seem to turn into some kind of evil teenager, scowling at the teacher for daring to insult me with these pathetic repetitive moves, moving my limbs half-heartedly and sarcastically, clumping around on the step and sighing. I don't know where it comes from. I always put my step right at the front of the class because I am normally such a keeno, so I must be a right horrible bastard to have up there if I am not enjoying it. However, despite the ludicrously low-level (no relation!) selection of combos I was exposed to last night, I nonetheless emerged from the class flushed and energised and in a much better mood than that in which I entered the gym, so there must be something to be said for even shit step, I suppose. I'm gonna recommence my Raqs Sharqi classes as well I think. Get some bounce back in that booty, aii.
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Her Glorious Reneging Brumness
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Har har har! Look at all you big soft ponces with your namby-pamby gym sessions with matching thong back pants and your La-de-da Gunner Graham pilate boxercise complete with sweater arms tied around the neck, not to mention your airy-fairy martial art kung phooey shiznit with detachable Prada sweatbands and John McEnroe's hair!

There's only one way to be top of the pile, people. Only one mutha gets to be the top dog. And there's only one way to get there. Yes. The Desk Job Fags Couch Potato Plan. With very little effort or investment from me, I could defeat you all with my strength and fitness. Please note that I am, of course, loosely defining 'strength and fitness' as the ability to crush others simply by sitting on them. The duo punch bag arse cheeks will crack most bones of the rib cage and if that doesn't get you, suffocation by flapping, pendulous mammary gland will.

Live in fear, you soft ponces.

They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy.

Posts: 1847  |  IP: Logged

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*high fives Sidney*
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Her Glorious Reneging Brumness
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*high fives Londres*

back atcha baybee.

They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy.

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Dr. Benway

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No, they didn't do this. I did think that I was going to die on the floor of the Gym after about half an hour. I lost my hearing and I started shaking quite violently, and I wished that I was at least wearing my own trousers for such an occasion, rather than those that I borrowed from my housemate. The guy let me off the last ten of the "wheelbarrow push ups" because of this, but I had do more later on because I drank some water. We spent the last half an hour trying to kick each other in the groin, which was sort of fun, and I was glad that I didn't have to try this with one of the ladies. I think that I'd find it harder to try and kick a girl in the **** than a man in the nuts.

I have shit on you, son

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You reached over with your hand and knocked my Jap over
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Don't make me laugh when i'm supposed to be working please.
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Boy Racer
This man has no twinkie !
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I'd be more concerned about what they could do to you mate, ladies can get quite carried away with the opportunity for nad kicking / punching I have found. I was very thankful for my box on several occasions when (supposedly non-contact) sparring with wimmim an that.

Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light...

Posts: 3770  |  IP: Logged
Digital PIMP !
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Originally posted by Dr. Benway:
"wheelbarrow push ups".

Yeah inverted push-ups are a bit of a killer, the idea is that it focuses the strain on your shoulders and upper-chest rather than your main chest (pectoralis majorus to quote the w*nky proper name). Helps lots with punching power though.

Oh and sparring rocks, you want guilt wait until you accidentally flatten someone a foot shorter than you for the first time (unless he deserved it in which case you can apologise insincerely and chuckle quietly out of earshot )

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Her Glorious Reneging Brumness
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Somewhat bizarrely, my job has some connection to all things sporty. In fact, I just received this in a work related email!

Just to let everyone know that the fast-track project in Torbay is opening today - it is a 4-court sports hall at Paignton Community College, and I heard a rumour that Kris Akabusi is attending the opening (as well as Mark C***** from the Exeter office!).

Yes! That Mark C***** is a right ****.

They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy.

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Dr. Benway

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Well, I took some light punches on the collarbone and chest, and I hit a man in the throat, so I'm looking forward to more violence next week.

I have shit on you, son

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Again with the bagels ?
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Originally posted by Boy Racer:
I'd be more concerned about what they could do to you mate, ladies can get quite carried away with the opportunity for nad kicking / punching I have found.

did this seem true of all the gents in the class or just you.


EXETER- movement of Jah people.

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Too cool to post
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I do comparatively less exercise now than I used to when I was dancing full time, I get the majority of my fitness training now from when I am teaching (it must be good for you, dancing and shouting at the same time) and from stomping up and down the escalators on the Jubilee line. Still I thought I was quite fit, years of training and all that.

But, now I am doing this boxaerobics class (twice a week to Ko's once, natch ) and I have found out how shockingly aerobically unfit I am. Plus Gus the instructor shouted at me last night for having a rubbish punch. I can't quite get out of dance mode and into agressive mode in these classes. O well, I should be more fit soon - at the moment I can do about a million* sit-ups without breaking sweat yet I can't run more than 400 metres without turning blue...

*not literally!

[ 17 July 2003: Message edited by: Modge ]

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I will hit you if you call me "Ko" again! then you will tuffen up? huh?

member #28

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