quote:Originally posted by AgeingGrace: Of course, it is still true that the majority of men earn much more than the majority of women.
Well, if you'd paid more attention at school.. rather than spending all of your time daydreaming about ponies, flowers & babies.. Perhaps you'd be earning a decent wage now..
I don't really have to put in a wanky do I?
-------------------- If sir requires spall, may I suggest the .90 calibre depleted uranium ?
quote:Originally posted by LowLevel: Well, if you'd paid more attention at school.. rather than spending all of your time daydreaming about ponies, flowers & babies.. Perhaps you'd be earning a decent wage now..
Actually, I was learning how to lick my own nipples.
Ah its alright, most boys failed the "suck your own dick" exam. Its due to us having one too many vertebrae.
-------------------- and the porpoise was waving "goodbye goodbye" Posts: 381
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I hate Valentine's Day. Stupid commercialised crap
quote:Originally posted by Bob: Ah its alright, most boys failed the "suck your own dick" exam. Its due to us having one too many vertebrae.
Let's face it, it's thanks to that extra vertebrae that the human race ever got off the ground. Now there's a theory for the extinction of species you don't hear very often.
Posts: 3339
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Well I would say its more to do with the foramen magnum, opposable thumbs, bigger brains, upright walking etc. Seeing as all mammals have seven vertebrae in the neck.
-------------------- and the porpoise was waving "goodbye goodbye" Posts: 381
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One Mojito, two Gin and Tonics, Three Bacardi Lime Sodas, and a couple of pints of Stella please.
Three woman-likes
The feeling that people talk to me without feeling that I'm either bored or expecting something from them - girls are natural listeners
The control I can now exercise over my body - having children is my choice, not my birthright.
The aesthetics of the female form - there are actually days when i can see my body in the mirror and be quite intrigued by the way it curves, by the shapes involved. Rather than just being long and straight with nads.
Three woman-hates
Being underestimated due to gender-based prejudice. And having stupid mistakes that I make be ascribed to the fact that I'm a woman, and not just to the fact that I'm a klutz.
Offers of accompaniment to the train station/bus stop/shops/anywhere and knowing that it would be common sense to accept, and somehow I find my adult self in a society where I cannot exist without protection.
Any of the following words: slut, slag, whore, bitch, tart, cunt (used as an insult), easy, slapper, and possibly the worst ever, frigid. And the ways in which they are used to batter me into smaller and tighter ideological corners.
Three men-likes
Being able to penetrate another human being and feel yourself inside them and surrounded by them.
Feeling safe when alone at night (although aren't young men twice as likely as young women to be victims of street violence?)
Not having to fight as hard to be taken seriously.
Three man-hates
Inability to listen without instinctively racking my brain for the quickest and most cost-efficient solution to the problem.
-------------------- ...because that's the kind of guy you are.
I have to admit surprise at this "being taken seriously" thing. From my own experience, men are the more likely of the sexes to puff up their knowledge and bollocks on about stuff the don't really know anything about. What they say has therefore to be treated with an elk-sized dose of scepticism, until you have good grounds for believing otherwise.
Women, on the other hand, tend to hedge what they know with disclaimers and indications at to the limits of their expertise - you can therefore take it more at face value.
quote:Originally posted by AgeingGrace: Glad we're free to dispute this ... thanks, very kind of you!
I can't see there's any social pressure these days on couples who choose to reverse the traditional roles.
The pressures, I think, are financial.
Whilst some couples have the option, the majority do not. Most couples in the UK need both of their salaries to keep a home & family going.
Where the woman earns more than the man - and this is becoming far more common amongst high-earning couples, where one partner "downshifts" - it becomes logical for the man to take on the greater share of home & child care.
Of course, it is still true that the majority of men earn much more than the majority of women. So it's financially logical for the man to stay in his full-time work.
I think you will have your true equality of opportunity on the home front, the very instant women get the true equality of pay.
Cheers, AG
Sorry about that "you're free" but it was intended to illicit a repsonse. But you've chosen not to argue about that issue at all in you're post, the issue being that women are still regarded as more 'naturally' suited to childcare than men.
With regards to your other comments. I would have thought that financial pressures are part of society. Part of my arguement is that, particularly for a society that likes to bang on about how important childcare is, we seem to do very little about making things more equitable for BOTH SEXES in respect to it. My point is it should be more socially (IN THE WORKPLACE) acceptable for people of either sex to reduce their working hours in order to take a more active role in the raising of their children, without that having such an extreme effect on peoples careers.
I also think the whole financial arguement is a phallacy. Many couples where both parents work full time do so becuase they have chosen a certain lifestyle, and both have to work to maintain it. This is yet another choice they have made.
I think I already said in a previous post, that more men are taken the primary childcare role when their partner is the higher earner, and this kind of diffusion of traditional roles can only be a positive step to the sort of equality of choice that I'm advocating.
-------------------- Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light...
No its much like that thing you do with empty bottles. You just blow across the top of them. Not like a conch, where you have to spit the air into them.
-------------------- and the porpoise was waving "goodbye goodbye" Posts: 381
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quote:Originally posted by Bob: No its much like that thing you do with empty bottles. You just blow across the top of them. Not like a conch, where you have to spit the air into them.
Can the pitch be varied by some kind of clenching? Do mothers have a deeper tone? Does shaving/waxing leader to a purer note?