quote:Originally posted by Teflon: the implication that I am obliged to tidy up as I am partly responsible for the mess. No-one (as you asserted in your full response) should feel obliged to do the housework, they should do it beacause it needs to be done. I apologise if you were unable to understand what I meant in my first post.
Teflon - my earlier point about sharing responsibilities stands. I think we agree on this. As I also explained earlier, the point of my one line question was to establish whether my assumption was correct and not to attack you. Similarly, you could have responded to my post with "What do you mean by that?" or perhaps "I think that there are some unpleasant connotations here. Please explain." Sadly, you didn't. Once again, I am able to understand your point. Please do not patronise me any further.
quote:Also there is an extremely 'pompous and hurtful implication in the description of your domestic scene that I will comment no further on, I hope you re-read your post and see what I mean.
Actually, no - I don't know what you mean. I described my domestic situation to counter your claim that I am generalising negatively about men. I have not done that at all as I know from experience that that would be incorrect. I have used my situation with my partner as an example of how 'How Some Men Do The Housework, Too".
quote:every time I read a post by a female board member that makes sweeping generalisations about the way men behave. I don't know why, but reading that kind of thing (in which you were participating) makes my blood boil.
Again, I have not made any sweeping generalisations about the way men behave at all. See my point above for elaboration. Unless you are refering to my post about Hitchcock style movies - I'm seriously hoping that you do not require the insertion of a 'winkywanky' to make the point of that post clear.
quote: I still feel that if anyone was behaving in a sexist way on this thread it was you and Londie. (in my opinion) I feel you should re-read your one liner and think about how ungratefull it Does sound and also realise who offensive it could be and accept where youmay have caused offence.
Again, I am at a loss to see how myself and Londie have behaved in a sexist way. I also do not think that my post sounded 'ungrateful' - you have attributed inferences to it that are not there/intended. Please refer to my previous post for an explanation.
quote:That said if you are prepared to accept any unintended potentially offensive misunderstandings then I shall too so we can continue to discuss this issue. Or we can agree to disagree. your choice.
Of course, Teflon. Should I post something that offends you, or you think has negative connotations, please just ask me to explain. Similarly, whenever I direct a post at you, I shall be careful to elaborate and avoid any tones/phrases that could be misinterpreted.
-------------------- They give you a pen as fat as a modest cock and you're expected to dab it on the page, as though you were mopping the dregs of an afternoon Tommy.
In italy I got asked what I was doing in the kitchen when I was cutting cheese by my girlfriends dad, I thought he'd asked how I was so I just said good, then my gf explained and I felt silly
And her mum gets positively angry when I offer to do the washing up, and my girlfriend won't me do much housework, I am not sure she is down with my nambybamby liberal lifestyle.
quote:Originally posted by scrawny: D'you know Reuben Wu then? I used to play in a string quqrtet with him. Shit-hot violinist. Weird.
Really? Lol. I wrote a lascivious thing about him for a style mag called Marmalade. The piece was called 'Band Candy' and was subtitled 'forget the music, show us your bum'. It listed him as one of my many 'hott picks' along with Gonzales, Nelly etc, and went something like this: 'Ladies! Don't let that racist small penis stereotype put you off! Japanese boys are go – a rich seam of immense hottness in London society! Such is the intellectual levels of my music criticism. Is he actually fit then? I just wanted a Japanese boy in my lineup, to pay back all the indie boys for their jap-girl yellow fever.
One Mojito, two Gin and Tonics, Three Bacardi Lime Sodas, and a couple of pints of Stella please.
Yeah, he is. Very...ethereal though. Impossibly cool in an untouchable sort of way. He was a couple of years older than me, and I was only about 16 and just getting into the whole skinny indie boy thing, so he was a little bit too individual for me just then. But now, I'm comfortable with my sexuality, I love skinny indie boys and he's an utter honey.
Also a brilliant musician, which is always attractive.
-------------------- ...because that's the kind of guy you are.
We just got back from a weekend away. The flat is a tip. El started to clean when we got in last night but I made her go to bed so I could sex her.
She's now at work and will probably be home late. I have the day off work, a cupboard full of cleaning products and a washing machine raring to go.
She just called me from work and I informed her of my dilemma. sunshine or cleaning?
Me: "I've put the bedding in the washing machine, but now I'm not sure whether I can be bothered to clean up. It's so sunny outside."
Her: "Do whatever you want" [future guilt implied through clever womanly reverse psychological mind trick]
Me: "Well, I want to tidy up. The flat is a mess..." [tries telepathic pleading hoping for a sympathitic opt-out clause]
Her: "Well what have you been doing all morning?" [implies if I hadn't been such a lazy arse I could have done all the cleaning hours ago and have the rest of the day to play in the park]
Me: "I woke up late and then read my book" [realises mistake...]
Her: "And what are you doing now?"
Me: "M'n C'm'ter" [looks at feet]
Her: "Pardon?" [I KNOW she really heard me]
Me: "I'm on computer" [realises flawed argument]
Her: "I thought the problem was between going out in the sun and housework?"
Me: "Mnnn"
Her: "Well, I'm on my lunchbreak now, I'm just going to go and run to the bank to do that errand for you" [cruelly twists the knife]
Me: "f'koo"
Her: "Well honey, why don't you go out to the park for a few hours, then come back and we can clean together tonight?" [You see what she did there? Now I know I have to clean before she gets in. I have to.]
Feminisn-scheminism, I just hate the fact that women are so damned CLEVER with these eeevil mind games. Now I feel guilty not just for not tidying up but also for not wasting time being outside in the sun! Dammit - why is doing the wrong thins so appealing!?
Smooth just like me, yo. Yeah right. Every once in a blue moon I'll go for crunchy.
I only thought of it, cause I was eating a Girl Scout Cookie...mmmm...it's a cookie, with peanut butter on top and then covered in chocolate. Not a cookie made out of little girl scouts.
I really need to go and buy peanut butter and raspberry jam, and make pbandj's.
quote:Originally posted by missgolightly: I'm a crunchy girl myself - smooth is a bit boring, and extra crunchy is too teeth endangering.
I'm completely with you on this one MissGL, though I only really like the organic stuff - because it tastes better not for any healthier reasons.
Posts: 816
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I hate Valentine's Day. Stupid commercialised crap
Big crunchy take-the-top off your head ones.
lol herbs. No, not jaded - just (generalisation alert) men tend to want their cleaning efforts to be noticed and appreciated, where they would find it bizarre to say "thank you for cleaning the bathroom, darling" to their female housepersons.
yeah big nasty ones that sting and hurt. only way for pickled onions.
smooth peanut butter for combination sandwiches (pb and banananananaa). but for on toast has to be crusty. reeces pieces? reeces peanut butter cups? damn straight.
pickled chili peppers? yeah....best way to start the day. after a hangover.
-------------------- i was there. i was there. i've never been wrong.
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: I just really appreciate having things clean.
i have strange images of white paper suits and hats (like surgery teams) and forceps for picking everything up as being necessary items of clothing in chez kovacs.......
mind you i'm just jealous i've only just stopped living in the building site from hell....
-------------------- i was there. i was there. i've never been wrong.
I love having things clean. It is the closest we can get to godliness down in Dalston. I have also started wearing a silver cross around my neck. I don't know if these two things are related.
Posts: 1552
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I hate Valentine's Day. Stupid commercialised crap