I believe snog does = "pull" in the argot of today's young women. I think it's a nasty term, actually. It doesn't imply any shared pleasure, more a kind of one-sided cold achievement, almost aggressive. "Snog" may be a silly word, tainted by its association with Victoria Wood piano songs from the 1980s -- "snogging -- it's even better than...jogging", etc -- but at least it sounds like the harmless fun it's describing.
Apparently, the US equivalent of "pull" is "to hook up with" (though I'm not sure if tongue or other body juice is shared in this definition). Pulling has always meant a snog, perhaps more, on a drunken night out.
It's not "be kind to Harley week", as far as I'm aware, but attacks on personal appearance are dull, pointless and childish and more befitting to the Handbaggers that come over here just to insult.
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden.
Going the right way for a smacked bottom
The irish equivalent of snogging is to "shift" (eg: "I shifted him last night. He smelled")- or it was about 10 years ago, when my irish cousins and I used to discuss these matters. I think that's the oddest term for drunken kissing and groping I've yet discovered.
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quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: It's not "be kind to Harley week", as far as I'm aware, but attacks on personal appearance are dull, pointless and childish and more befitting to the Handbaggers that come over here just to insult.
It's not really an attack on personal appearance per se, although the sense of sight and smell jibe clearly alludes to this. It is more an attack on on Harley's continued bleating on his inability to "pull" (however one defines this concept), and the underhand tactics he uses in trying to achieve this.
True, Harley's looks - as he himself admits - wouldn't exactly win him the face of the year award. However, this isn;t really the issue. I find his "pulling by stealth" approach - for this is what it is - somewhat disconcerting. Anyone woman who reacts positively to this sort of neaderthal approach - to anyone - has to be either severely intoxicated, blind or deaf. Or bloody stupid.
One wonders how Harley achieved his "feat". Maybe the man can answer this question himself.
-------------------- "You ate the baby Jesus and his mother Mary!" "I thought they were animal cookies..."
Score is also another term for pull or get off with. Crack is also another word for women. Crack was used as a term for women years and years before the drug crack ie crystalised cocaine was invented!
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Shit I just spoke to my sister on the phone and she wanted to get hooked up on some crack tonight. Now I don't know whether she is an addict or a lizbeard.
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Apparently, the US equivalent of "pull" is "to hook up with"
quote:Originally posted by Phill: I always thought it was "make-out"
Both true. In my ultra-scientific sample of one it seems that 'to make out' was what was done 1988-1993 or so, while 'to hook up' is more recent, say, mid-90s to now. I think "making out" is still in use, though.
quote:Originally posted by Harlequin: Score is also another term for pull or get off with. Crack is also another word for women. Crack was used as a term for women years and years before the drug crack ie crystalised cocaine was invented!
Most interesting. But you ignored my question.
-------------------- "You ate the baby Jesus and his mother Mary!" "I thought they were animal cookies..."
quote:Originally posted by Harlequin: Crack is also another word for women. Crack was used as a term for women years and years before the drug crack ie crystalised cocaine was invented!
Cock is also another word for certain men. Cock was used as a term for certain men years and years before you were even thought of!
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: I believe snog does = "pull" in the argot of today's young women.
No it is not the same as pulling. I have had a couple of snogs of women over the years but not managed to take them home with me. To pull means to start a relationship with them and keep on seeing them. Not an odd drunken snog at a party or in a pub!
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I didn't use any techneque. I just went straight up to the women on the first few occasions and gave them a hug. On the ladt occasion I got a snog I just stared at the woman and she stared back and said I looked nice and then came up to me and we started snogging straight away! She must have been a bit pissed!
Posts: 1396
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quote:Originally posted by Harlequin: she stared back and said I looked nice and then came up to me and we started snogging straight away! She must have been a bit pissed!
Harley, sweetie, if I hadn't met you I wouldn't believe you could be real!
You've reminded me why I don't use dating sites, though.
One Mojito, two Gin and Tonics, Three Bacardi Lime Sodas, and a couple of pints of Stella please.
quote:Originally posted by Spiderwoman2002: Cock is also another word for certain men. Cock was used as a term for certain men years and years before you were even thought of!
-------------------- ...because that's the kind of guy you are.
quote:Originally posted by Harlequin: how about holding a joint TMO and meet up?
Great idea!
Janvaks can discuss -er, skincare & lipstick with all the fairy gurlz; Physic can get his back fixed by one of the many physios/nurses/alternative therapists; VP can terrify the 'baggers by being brainy andbeautiful without makeup; everyone else can discuss films music (maybe not music) and the validity of modern TV with a fresh viewpoint, while we few double agents hide in a corner, drinking heavily.
Given that the boards have entirely different styles, types of member and generally posters from each hold the other in contempt, why on earth would this be a good idea?
Besides which, anyone who posts on both is free to go to either. People who don't obviously have a reason not to. It's the worst concept in the history of stuff, and all that would happen is that there would be two meets in the same place. Pointless.
quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: Given that the boards have entirely different styles, types of member and generally posters from each hold the other in contempt, why on earth would this be a good idea?
Besides which, anyone who posts on both is free to go to either. People who don't obviously have a reason not to. It's the worst concept in the history of stuff, and all that would happen is that there would be two meets in the same place. Pointless.