quote:Originally posted by sabian: As each page is created on the fly, even of the image is hotlinked, it still 'streams' through Darryn's webhost, counting against his bandwidth usage...
Are you sure about this, guv? It's the client browser that requests the HTML page from the server, and then any component objects - images, css, js includes etc - are requested by the client from their host servers when the page is loaded, surely???
Why would remote images pass through the HTML host's server first? The HTML is static and not read by the server.
The images aren't parsed through the host server. Only the HTML <img> tag is rendered on this server - the image is downloaded from it's own server.
The reason that you may get a slight degradation in performance is because the UBB is made up of table cells and, unfortunately, most browsers will not display a table until all of it's contents (cells, text, images) have been downloaded.
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If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
quote:Originally posted by dang65: Are you sure about this, guv? It's the client browser that requests the HTML page from the server, and then any component objects - images, css, js includes etc - are requested by the client from their host servers when the page is loaded, surely???
I agree,From my limited knowledge, I have been wondering for a while, why everybody has been freaking out about Darrens bandwith. The performance will all be relative to the local clients connection and the servers that are providing the images.
[ 29 April 2003: Message edited by: Colenski ]
-------------------- The wise have no motives; Fools put themselves in bondage.
quote:Originally posted by Colenski: The performance will all be relative to the local clients connection and the servers that are providing the images.
Well I'm shifting an average of 111.662 megabytes per day, if that's anything to go by...
quote:Originally posted by Bandy: The images aren't parsed through the host server. Only the HTML <img> tag is rendered on this server - the image is downloaded from it's own server.
quote:The reason that you may get a slight degradation in performance is because the UBB is made up of table cells and, unfortunately, most browsers will not display a table until all of it's contents (cells, text, images) have been downloaded.
The image download has no effect on this. The browser starts rendering the page as the HTML is loaded. It may not render tables till it has all the table code and closing tags, but it won't wait for the actual image file to be downloaded. If that was the case then you would see no page at all until all the images were ready, which doesn't happen.
The issue of hotlinking to images is fairly contentious, and quite a lot of big sites have found ways around it, quite reasonably. But a rolling forum like this one isn't likely to cause anyone any grief as the hotlinked image will only be loaded a few times before the thread fades away. It's when people create whole websites using images from other people's servers that there's likely to be problems.
Not that that justifies hotlinking of course, but to me it's just reasonable share-and-share-alike, seeing as I host a site which people hotlink from all the time. Don't suppose that would stand up in court though. You can't go and nick your neighbour's car just because your own car's been nicked by the bloke two streets away. Just borrow it maybe.
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
quote:Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles: Well I'm shifting an average of 111.662 megabytes per day, if that's anything to go by...
Sorry Misc, being kind of recently promoted from Newbie I don't know the roles of everybody, their connections and what they do for TMO and all that. I do know that if I leave all my MP3's and Mpg's open for sharing on Kazaa that I would reach 111.662 Mbs within an hour let alone a day although my connection handles it, no problem.
-------------------- The wise have no motives; Fools put themselves in bondage.
quote:Originally posted by Colenski: Sorry Misc, being kind of recently promoted from Newbie I don't know the roles of everybody, their connections and what they do for TMO and all that. I do know that if I leave all my MP3's and Mpg's open for sharing on Kazaa that I would reach 111.662 Mbs within an hour let alone a day although my connection handles it, no problem.
I meant that's the amount my server is shifting - the majority of which is probably due to hosting images for TMO.
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
quote:Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles: I meant that's the amount my server is shifting - the majority of which is probably due to hosting images for TMO.
Thx, I thought it was something like that, I was not sure if you were making a statement about hosting images or hosting the forum.
-------------------- The wise have no motives; Fools put themselves in bondage.
Here are a couple of images taken and manipulated by clever phoo by a new friend of NW and I by the name of John Kaiine (who is more goth than a hansom cab full of vampire bats going to a graveyard):
I'm cheating My sister took these, with the state-of-the art Sony digital camera that she bought with her stopped-smoking money. I think she's a very good photographer. And she's stopped smoking. So I hate her.
[fan club]Cor, yours are good, aren't they???![/fan club]
I tried taking some pics with my £80 webcam-but-you-can-take-it-out-using-batteries. They're all pixellated, with funny colours. Mind you, they look OK once I've phooed around with them a bit - but not like photos! So maybe I'll try that for my personal effort.
quote:Originally posted by mart: I've just noticed that Dr When is the third person, along with Lowlevel and Vikram, to have been given the tag "Which was nice".
It's, like, y'know, bizarre.
I wanted "Moistened with the tears of angels" but was too scared to ask.
Perhaps now "The Third Person" would be a more appropriate tag? I quite like that one. A sort of PS2=advert play-on-words, or "pun".
quote:Originally posted by fish: Beggars, Varanassi (Of all the photos I took of the places I have visited, it's the ones of people I now like the best)
lolololol - Fish trumps Bandy conclusively in the Nathan Barley stakes.