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Author Topic: TMO

 - posted      Profile for Bamba           Edit/Delete Post 
Could someone stick a leash on Damo? I think he's out of control.
Posts: 3502  |  IP: Logged
nibbled to death by an okapi
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Originally posted by herbs:
I can't believe no-one's noticed I haven't been here for a week. If it had been anyone else, like Elvis, they would have noticed. Oh... hang on...

There are "tiers" of forumites here. If a top-tier forumite (post count 1000+, perhaps) goes missing, the forum notices and goes into a panic, which includes (a) any newbies are accused of being trolls of/by/for the missing forumite in question, (b) search parties are issued to handbag in case missing forumite is drowning in the quicksand of boyband chate, and/or (c) the silence left by the missing forumite leads to in-depth speculation about the lack of activity round these parts recently and the therefore inevitible death of the forum. On the other hand, if a second-tier forumite goes on hiatus for a week or so, the only evidence of this is generally "oh, you'd left?"

Give 'em .0139 fathoms and they'll take 80 chains.

Posts: 3201  |  IP: Logged

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Originally posted by ben:
TMO's a lot softer than it used to be. People used to try and destroy people back in the days of Terrier and Infinite Jones.

There aren't enough people to have really mammoth fights like we used to. There were factions. Now it's like a cosy coffee morning. Even the little spats end off with people all shaking hands and going 'oh, she's a girl, ain't she?', in amused resignation, like my grandmother would. Of course, true hatred still burns, but it's based on old crimes and old wounds, and it's scar tissue, not the living bleeding thing. Basically, if you missed Seethru in Jan - Sept 2001, then it's your loss, dudes, and, just like Mis-teeq says, you can't get it back, because it's just not going down like that.

[ 04 August 2003: Message edited by: London ]

Posts: 6175  |  IP: Logged
Een beetje vreemd, maar wel lekker!
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are you calling herbs second tier froopy?

Seek help, possibly medication.

Posts: 1841  |  IP: Logged
Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
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I knew there was the clique and the in-crowd and thje drinks crowd blah blah blah, but I didn't realise there was a tier system. Someone has spent far too long working for a state sponsored organisation if they thought that one up. Does that make me a porter and Damo the bonkers middle manager who pees in the pot plant in his office and makes lewd suggestions to secretaries?
Posts: 5776  |  IP: Logged
The Sheer
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Originally posted by Ringo:
If you don't want a fluffy stigma, what's with the name. Like, duh.

Do some people really not think?

Because it was a nickname, used sarcastically when I first registered on a BB. While it is quite feminine, I'm happy to continue using it as I don't feel the need to disguise my identity from others who cross-post. I don't feel the need for an alias.
Incidentally, I may have said I didn't want to be dismissed as simply being fluffy, that doesn't mean that I'm never fluffy. As I already explained, there are many parts to my personality, which is why I like to post on more than one board.
Chuh! Do some people never learn not to judge a book by its cover!

Posts: 134  |  IP: Logged
Thorn Davis

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Originally posted by London:
Basically, if you missed Seethru in Jan - Sept 2001, then it's your loss, dudes, and, just like Mis-teeq says, you can't get it back, because it's just not going down like that.

Are you high? You're saying there's never been a big hate-inducing scrap ever on TMO? That there's never been factions? That there's never been a bloodspitting gen-u-wine claws out fight here?

Posts: 13758  |  IP: Logged

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Originally posted by Louche:
I knew there was the clique and the in-crowd and thje drinks crowd blah blah blah, but I didn't realise there was a tier system.

Hah. That's nothing. Way back when, either Kovacs or Rick J, I forget which, used to refer to 'The Royals'. There's also alpha male and alpha female, and the unaffectionate 'Queen Bee'. Oh, and the 'Big Five'. Hahahahahahahahaaa.

[ 04 August 2003: Message edited by: London ]

Posts: 6175  |  IP: Logged
nibbled to death by an okapi
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Originally posted by Niffer:
are you calling herbs second tier froopy?

Just a theory. I'd consider myself to be a second-tier forumite, but wouldn't presume to assign that stigma to anyone else

Give 'em .0139 fathoms and they'll take 80 chains.

Posts: 3201  |  IP: Logged

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Originally posted by Thorn Davis:

Are you high? You're saying there's never been a big hate-inducing scrap ever on TMO? That there's never been factions? That there's never been a bloodspitting gen-u-wine claws out fight here?

Is that an offer.

I suppose I was speaking subjectively, because I've not been around for big chunks of TMO history, and then the second I dive back in, I obliterate all memory of my abscence from my brain. Obviously I was forgetting the Nifferchan incident. Thanks for reminding me.

Posts: 6175  |  IP: Logged
nibbled to death by an okapi
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Originally posted by Louche:
I knew there was the clique and the in-crowd and thje drinks crowd blah blah blah, but I didn't realise there was a tier system. Someone has spent far too long working for a state sponsored organisation if they thought that one up.

I fear the effects business school is having on me.

Also posted by Louche:
Does that make me a porter and Damo the bonkers middle manager who pees in the pot plant in his office and makes lewd suggestions to secretaries?

No, but this sounds like a reasonably solid basis for a TMO-based situation comedy.

[ 04 August 2003: Message edited by: froopyscot ]

Give 'em .0139 fathoms and they'll take 80 chains.

Posts: 3201  |  IP: Logged

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Originally posted by Niffer:
are you calling herbs second tier froopy?

I fear he may be, Niff. I feel so middle-management. Not at all media elite.

Oh, and Astro, call yourself a stalker? It was a double-bass player.

Posts: 4537  |  IP: Logged
I'd like to conform with the masses
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middle management that pisses in plant pots, lewd suggestions to secretaries?
i fucking wish! its always lets start a music thread and see how long damo can go without posting on it!

sorry i think the heat is getting to me.

i was there. i was there.
i've never been wrong.

Posts: 2631  |  IP: Logged
Thorn Davis

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Originally posted by London:
Is that an offer.

As if. I remember the last time we argued and you assumed I was kovacs.

Posts: 13758  |  IP: Logged

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I meant about getting high, baby... it's far too hot to fight.
Posts: 6175  |  IP: Logged

 - posted      Profile for ben           Edit/Delete Post 
Originally posted by Thorn Davis:

Are you high? You're saying there's never been a big hate-inducing scrap ever on TMO? That there's never been factions? That there's never been a bloodspitting gen-u-wine claws out fight here?

I still think the Joneswarz were unique in scale and ferocity. The enemy was clever and manipulative and knew how to infiltrate and nestle himself, viperlike in the bosom of one's closest chatepals. Neither side was to be placated except by the complete destruction of the other as a presence on the boards.

So rejoice: the goodies won!

Or did they....?

A lot of this stuff is archived somewhere - but it's impossible to get more than a fraction of a sense of the giddy tumble of events as they might develop over the course of an afternoon.

Posts: 8657  |  IP: Logged
I'd like to conform with the masses
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Originally posted by ben:
A lot of this stuff is archived somewhere - but it's impossible to get more than a fraction of a sense of the giddy tumble of events as they might develop over the course of an afternoon.

and this is why ben has his badge people.

i was there. i was there.
i've never been wrong.

Posts: 2631  |  IP: Logged

 - posted      Profile for London           Edit/Delete Post 
Get this: I found a printout of an email that IJ wrote to my mother (via my inbox) after I told him he passed her degree. It was a nice email, congratulatory, sure: but let this demonstrate the extent to which he wished to reach beyond the screen and into the real lives of the participants. And there are significant others, remember?
Posts: 6175  |  IP: Logged

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Brrr. That shizzle ain't nizzle.
Posts: 8657  |  IP: Logged
Transatlantic temptress
 - posted      Profile for Amy           Edit/Delete Post 
Do you guys talk to each other at weekends, by other means? If you don't, does that mean you're strictly Mon-Fri buddies?

I've made very good friends with a handful of people from ST/TMO. I don't mean just interweb friends, but real life, if we lived closer we'd hang out loads type of friends. It's just a shame we're all too farway.

Do you agree that it would be good for TMO to have more members? And maybe of a slightly different calibre?

I think we could always use newbies. New blood is always good.

Would it annoy you if the forum acquired new members who didn't fit into the creative/media/IT mould that seems to prevail here?

Not at all. Every community has different types of people. If everyone was the same it would get boring.

I don't think TMO is scathingly vile to newbies in fact. But, when someone new appears, is your instinct to welcome them, test them out - or just to wait and see?

It depends really. Sometimes I won't like someone and then I will. But most times I just wait and see.

I don't know. Sometimes I get so sick of this place that I leave, but I always end up back here. I left for exactly a month in June and July and got so bored that I came back. It's addictive, this TMO. Not to mention, that I miss you guys when I go on strike. It really is the only board online that's worth reading. At least to me. I've tried reading others, but I don't know, they're so...blah.

I had more to say, but I'm working and got distracted. I'll try to remember what it was I wanted to say.

Posts: 2916  |  IP: Logged
I'd like to conform with the masses
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i was there. i was there.
i've never been wrong.

Posts: 2631  |  IP: Logged
My Name Is Joe
That's Mister Minge to you..
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The whole IJ episode was more disturbing than the usual fairly interesting fights.

Maybe there aren't so many fights because we've already had all the important ones about 10 times? We're just chilling now, like the sarcastic old woman in Waiting for God, our bile all spent.

[ 04 August 2003: Message edited by: My Name Is Joe ]

Posts: 1583  |  IP: Logged
Should know better.
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I like the newbs in this thread! Hello

Now, where the hell can we get some more BB addicts who know how to string a sentence together?

This is becoming serious. Something has to be fed to London quick, before she disappears up her own imagined vortex of TMO fight nostalgia.

b-but what does it mean?

Posts: 400  |  IP: Logged
Thorn Davis

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I remember London going funny for new blood around this time last year. Then some bird called Rina turned up, and London went all funny and threatened to suck her brains out. Then she disappeared.
Posts: 13758  |  IP: Logged

 - posted      Profile for Ringo           Edit/Delete Post 
I want a good fight. A really good one. Everyone's far too fucking affable. It's sickening.

I want to see a persona detroyed, tears, blood, harsh words, strong language, tireless referencing back to the dawn of time. I want obsure quotations that nobody should ever remember and dodgy interperitations. I want repeated stompoffs and returns, and 10 posts a minute onto threads sprawling across 20 pages of malice, spite and anger.

Fuck affability, where's all tha vitriol at?

[ 04 August 2003: Message edited by: Ringo ]

Posts: 12211  |  IP: Logged
My Name Is Joe
That's Mister Minge to you..
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before she disappears up her own imagined vortex of TMO fight nostalgia

What a polite way to say get your head out of your arse

[ 04 August 2003: Message edited by: My Name Is Joe ]

Posts: 1583  |  IP: Logged
Watchoo talkin' 'bout

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Much like the official secrets act, two years down the line I feel I can finally release the only jones mail left in my inbox.


There was not 'A thing' I wanted to hear, nor was I actually asking you to be regular conservateurs. The only thing I wanted as a reply was that you (or anyone) saw that I was nowhere near in the wrong. Were you, by any chance, using me as practice to break up with some 'holidayromancegir'l? "It's me, darling, it's me. It is not you."

OK, nuff said and as you were, apart from this: Has many of the regulars leaving made you go all edgy and stuff? It raises questions, that, you know...


Shameless Promotion: huddle - online project and document collaboration

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I'd like to conform with the masses
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Originally posted by Ringo:
I want a good fight. A really good one. Everyone's far too fucking affable. It's sickening.

Fuck affability, where's all tha vitriol at?

[ 04 August 2003: Message edited by: Ringo ]

i can't be arsed crossing streams with a fucking petrol head....

i was there. i was there.
i've never been wrong.

Posts: 2631  |  IP: Logged

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Originally posted by Ringo:
Fuck affability, where's all tha vitriol at?

I t-try. :*(

Posts: 8657  |  IP: Logged

 - posted      Profile for Ringo           Edit/Delete Post 
you call that vitriol? thats not even fucking vit-lite
Posts: 12211  |  IP: Logged

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Double-brrr @ Bandy's Jonesicle.
Posts: 8657  |  IP: Logged
I'd like to conform with the masses
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who was jones?
seriously, its something that missed me completely. i know he was fruit loop kaka, but where was he from (that kinda thing).

did the polis get involved?
or is it like candyman and the more you say his name the more he'll come back?

i was there. i was there.
i've never been wrong.

Posts: 2631  |  IP: Logged
Carved TMO on her clit just to make you feel bad
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Please do not flame me, I am only questioning that which I do not comprehend.

Infinite Jones = Bad person of Legend

Jonesy999 = Absolutely nothing to do with above mentioned infiniteJones?

Am I right?

[ 04 August 2003: Message edited by: Louche ]

Posts: 5776  |  IP: Logged
My Name Is Joe
That's Mister Minge to you..
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I would be very surprised if he didn't read TMO from time to time.
Posts: 1583  |  IP: Logged

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