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Author Topic: The Gallery
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
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Another couple of mine for the gallery but unfortunately the tree has already burnt out which reminds me.......


[ 15 April 2003: Message edited by: Colenski ]

The wise have no motives;
Fools put themselves in bondage.

Posts: 451  |  IP: Logged

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Originally posted by Vogon Poetess:
Waynester, how about you and Colenski only take pics of things that are red. Or things that have writing on them. Or things from the wrong angle.

Do we get to mark your little project?

Now thats good ideas - I l=ike the wrong angle one - Colenski what do you reckon?

Noli nothis permittere te terere

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If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
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The question is; does bad composition qualify as the wrong angle or, just any angle other than one would normally see something?

Keep the ideas coming, who knows perhaps we can get some pseudo, virtual real-time gallery going, by request. Watch out Damian Hirst this could be the revolution in ART! -

The wise have no motives;
Fools put themselves in bondage.

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Sponsored by Rohypnol®
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Originally posted by Waynster:
So you are called Nick Cobbing are you?

No I didn't think so steely - you are supposed to put up your own photos, prat.

That is my photo I was right there when it happened and I didn't see any sign of Nick Cobbing. He was probably hiding down an alley way when all the fighting broke out. He's the prat!

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Originally posted by Harlequin:
That is my photo I was right there when it happened and I didn't see any sign of Nick Cobbing.

You have a very good eye, Angus.
What type of camera do you use?

Posts: 14015  |  IP: Logged
Again with the bagels ?
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im really really bad at photography. i dont have much of an eye, although that said its a bit of a vicious circle because i dont take photos much because they always turn out so badly. i do want to get a decent camera and start practising though, i hate gettting photies back that i wish were decent and having them repeatedly be utter shit. how much is this cheap lomo malarkey? its my buffdi soon.

my sister took a lovely photo of me making baskets at kentwell last year though. if i can find it i will scan it in.

EXETER- movement of Jah people.

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[chate]DD - I was tootling past Kentwell Hall on Saturday, charging up my battery, and took a turn up the drive, hoping to see you re-enacting, and could have waved. But nothing was happening, except some lambkins being droved across the drive.[/chate]
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Originally posted by discodamage:
im really really bad at photography. i dont have much of an eye, although that said its a bit of a vicious circle because i dont take photos much because they always turn out so badly. i do want to get a decent camera and start practising though, i hate gettting photies back that i wish were decent and having them repeatedly be utter shit.

You could get a cheap (£80) digital camera. That way you can practise composition without the delay & cost of films & developing. If you don't like a photo, just delete it and learn from your mistake.

When you've mastered this and feel you have more of a trained eye for what might be a good photo, you could get a more sophisticated / better quality real film camera to experiment with apertures / depth of field / other stuff I don't understand...

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Should know better.
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Originally posted by Waynster:

Throw in some ideas of a subject we could go and shoot to maybe display up here next week


That road that runs along the top of the Zuider Zee is spectacular, I think.

You still get some amazing traditional-meets-new encounters in the North: where are you thinking of going?

I love the theme ideas, though. Looking forward to seeing the results!

Thanks for your encouraging remarks & advice, Waynster. I'll try harder!


b-but what does it mean?

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Transatlantic temptress
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Cole & about portraits? Try taking people's photos, without them noticing. Like pretend you're focusing on the background, when in actuality you're shooting them.


Do you have fire escapes there? This is a project I keep meaning to start. Might be cool to try and take photos of them, at different angles and different times of the day (re: lighting).

Or try shooting close ups. Doesn't matter of what, could be anything. A leaf, a grate in the street.

A few of us forites actually started up something called IPEP last year. IPEP stands for International Photography Exchange Project. Lasted a little while, we even had a webpage through Nikon so that we could see each others work. Maybe we should start something like that again?

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Biggus Dickus
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A composite picture I put together - the arena at Pompeii.

Essex boy in exile.

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Originally posted by Harlequin:
That is my photo I was right there when it happened and I didn't see any sign of Nick Cobbing. He was probably hiding down an alley way when all the fighting broke out. He's the prat!


Noli nothis permittere te terere

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Some great ideas for the subject shoot - its great because I don't always get the inspiration, so others advice is always welcomed. And it doesn't have to be limited to me and Colenski - lets pick a day next week and a subject and go shoot it, then compare. If we aree worried about TMO bandwidth I can give access to my online gallery and we can host them there. And I like the IPEP thing Amy - we should do something - TMO photo day - who's up for it?

Noli nothis permittere te terere

Posts: 4310  |  IP: Logged
Biggus Dickus
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Originally posted by Waynster:

The bastard!

Essex boy in exile.

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Transatlantic temptress
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I'd be up for it, Waynster. I need to get out and start taking photos again. I've been slacking off.

When we did this last year, someone (think it was Sky) picked out the first theme. It was Hands, Happiness and Heaven. Your interpretation of those words. Maybe we should do something similar? Who wants to pick the 1st theme? How long should we give to take develop and then post the photos? A week or two? Longer?

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This Harlequin thing is making kovacs giggle. Great pix all round everyone else.

member #28

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If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
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Originally posted by kovacs:
This Harlequin thing is making kovacs giggle. .

Me too one large LOL!
Perhaps everybody's working for the Beeb!

The wise have no motives;
Fools put themselves in bondage.

Posts: 451  |  IP: Logged
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
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Originally posted by AgeingGrace:

That road that runs along the top of the Zuider Zee is spectacular, I think.

Yep, some dyke shots would be a good one, excellent for depth of field work!!especially NICE with the new windturbines that sit all over the place now! perhaps with a bit of moody dockland influence.

The wise have no motives;
Fools put themselves in bondage.

Posts: 451  |  IP: Logged
I'd like to conform with the masses
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Originally posted by Colenski:
Yep, some dyke shots would be a good one,

no no no must say nothing can't state the obvious.....

i was there. i was there.
i've never been wrong.

Posts: 2631  |  IP: Logged
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
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Originally posted by d666:
no no no must say nothing can't state the obvious.....

OK then I will as it was asking for it, "There is this story about the little boy with his finger in the dyke, saving holland from being engulfed by the big bad North sea!"

The wise have no motives;
Fools put themselves in bondage.

Posts: 451  |  IP: Logged
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith
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Ok everybody, I just pulled this one out of the archive, I thought as we were talking about fire, depth and weird angles that this would be a topical piccie. Its a shame about the clarity but all these pictures are from slides and the slide scanner I have is total shit. Seriously thinking about going digital, although it may take a trip to the states for 1000 dollars off the price of a D100. For the difference you can have a great weekend away hotel and flight and still have change in your pocket for the lens!

The wise have no motives;
Fools put themselves in bondage.

Posts: 451  |  IP: Logged
Sponsored by Rohypnol®
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Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
You have a very good eye, Angus.
What type of camera do you use?

A cheap disposable one that costs around £5.99!

Posts: 1396  |  IP: Logged

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So have we decided a day when we are going to do this?

Noli nothis permittere te terere

Posts: 4310  |  IP: Logged
it's all the rage
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Just to emphasise the quality of stuff being posted here, I've put some examples of no-skill, crap camera photography here as counterpoint.

The baboon attack (yesterday afternoon) was quite fun though. A proper photographer could have had a lovely time with it. In the top left pic, Monkey A is holding a rubber sealing grommet he's just pulled out of the front of my new car. An advanced driving course would no doubt advise: brakes on hard, baboon off front, accelerate. Except there were wardens watching. Damn.

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Thorn Davis

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Originally posted by dang65:



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Originally posted by Thorn Davis:



I really wish I knew enough about phooing to edit swords and ninja uniforms (or even oversized clothing and mics) onto Dang's kids then I could capion the resulting image "(Wu) Dang Clan". But, I don't.

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That, was liquid chate
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These aren't the ones I wanted to post, but these are the only ones I have access to online. From Glastonbury last year and the year before...

Posts: 1280  |  IP: Logged
it's all the rage
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Originally posted by Bamba:
"(Wu) Dang Clan".

Like the Wu Tangs. But really really scary.

Posts: 8467  |  IP: Logged
Would you be shocked if I put on something more comfortable ?
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Dang, I'll trade Junior Buns (as previously posted by Amy) for the little fella in the red T-shirt. I'll also throw in her entire Barbie collection.
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it's all the rage
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Originally posted by chocolatebuns:
Dang, I'll trade Junior Buns (as previously posted by Amy) for the little fella in the red T-shirt. I'll also throw in her entire Barbie collection.

Sounds good, but I must warn you... in all those pictures you'll notice that Clem is strapped down, either in a car seat or baby carrier thing. That's not for his safety. Know what I'm saying?

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Would you be shocked if I put on something more comfortable ?
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If you think that scares me I take it you've never spent a day with a 7 year old girl and a Gameboy that needs charging?

One small boy that can (and will) be tied down is a peanuts compared to the above.

Posts: 501  |  IP: Logged
it's all the rage
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Maybe we should arrange a TMO Parents' Picnic, bring the kids, see who gets on best with which ones and swap. We can keep in touch through TMO, post photos on their birthdays, that sort of thing. Could work.
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Would you be shocked if I put on something more comfortable ?
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Sounds promising. We could always invite Social Services in the hope that they'll take them away and keep them until they're 18.
Posts: 501  |  IP: Logged
Gimmie the keys, I'll drive
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Quality pics you people. I just logged on for as brief shufty at the boards while I take a break from the garden.

i wrote for luck - they sent me you

Posts: 3505  |  IP: Logged
I hate Valentine's Day.
Stupid commercialised crap
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Originally posted by StevieX:
I just logged on for as brief shufty at the boards while I take a break from the garden.
Would you mind just fucking off and not reminding those of us suited and booted in offices that there is a world of sun out there?
thanks ever so.

This is why I preferred working for a tiny company - days like this you blow at 1 and don't come back till Tuesday.

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