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Author Topic: Mart on the job
Wearing nothing but a smile
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What do I do? I've been offered a job as project manager at a big, big translation agency here in Leeds, one of the biggest players in the world, starting at 20K, with bonuses (doubt it's much), and a promise to be fast-tracked to senior project manager within six months, and onwards and upwards.

But I HATE project management. Particularly in the translation world, funnily enough, even though it's my field.

AND I can earn more just as a freelance translator, be my own boss, work the hours I like, toss it off as much as I want, and so on.

I don't want to take the job, but I feel that if I turn it down, I'm closing one heck of a potentially big door, probably permanently.

But who wants to work 9 to 5 for someone else, when you can work, er, funny hours, for yourself, and earn a bit more, right?

I should just say no thanks, shouldn't I. It's about what makes you happiest, not about the money, isn't it.

Er, so, yeah, how is everyone today?

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doc d
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taking a job that "promises" to have you fast tracked in 6 months. vs working for yourself and potentially freelancing for the same company?

if you hate the aspects of the job you're going to be fast tracked to, wouldn't it be horrible doing that job?

is there a 3rd way?

i'm fine thanks.

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Wearing nothing but a smile
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I doubt I'd ever do any freelance work for them - they contacted me the other day (different department to the recruiting people) saying yes hello we'd like you on our books, can you confirm this rate and these conditions. I said, well, it all depends on the texts, and it would be per source word not per target word, and so on, so they probably threw that straight in the bin.

No, my freelance work is all from other agencies, translators, websites, etc.

But, yeah, I think I should say no, but I wonder if maybe I should say yes and give it a go for a bit -- there'd be no shame in resigning after a couple of months if I did hate it. Just that then I'd have to get back on the self-employed track all over again...

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Don't do it. Promises of 'fast-tracking' never come to anything, in my experience (though that might be because they realise I'm a bit shit), and even if it does, so what. You'll be doing even more of what you don't like doing. Or, worse, organising other people into doing what you don't like. Unless all the people are really gr9, and you'll have a super laugh every day, I'd say stay freelancing.
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Wearing nothing but a smile
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Yeah, at the end of the interview they walked me round the bit where all the project managers were, and it was a bit soul-destroying, just tons of people in front of banks of computers (I know, you're all thinking hang on, that's my job!), with no real cool friendly vibe like there was at W&P, say (Herbs), which was small and funky and fun.

I think it's a no isn't it.

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doc d
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i mean yes. it's a no.

and you described my job. though i do have fun and funky peoples to hang out with.

and free pizza once a month.


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Don't bother. It's not like the money's really that great, and if you don't particularly fancy the job now, then chances are you're only going to end up hating it. But then you know all that anyway don't you.
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Wearing nothing but a smile
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Yeah, bit of a pointless bloody thread, really.
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Take the gig. It's steady pay, and if indeed you do rise through the ranks as promised, you can change things.
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We all prisoners, chickee-baby.
We all locked in.
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Is there any chance that they'd go for maybe something like a six-month contract, three days a week? That'd give you time to still do your own freelance work and give you a chance to discover if you like the organisation/people?

i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song

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doc d
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Originally posted by ralph:
Take the gig. It's steady pay, and if indeed you do rise through the ranks as promised, you can change things.

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Wearing nothing but a smile
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Originally posted by H1ppychick:
Is there any chance that they'd go for maybe something like a six-month contract, three days a week? That'd give you time to still do your own freelance work and give you a chance to discover if you like the organisation/people?

That's an interesting idea, and one I might put to them as an option, and they can choose how much they want me. I like it!
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Originally posted by doc d:
Originally posted by ralph:
Take the gig. It's steady pay, and if indeed you do rise through the ranks as promised, you can change things.

Fine. Take the gig. It's steady pay. Give up your soul. Join me. Not having a soul isn't that bad. [Frown]
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New Way Of Decay

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Originally posted by herbs:
Promises of 'fast-tracking' never come to anything, in my experience



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Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
Originally posted by herbs:
Promises of 'fast-tracking' never come to anything, in my experience

Double-quoted for added smugnoddery.
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dance margarita
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i dont think you guys are asking the right question: how much does mart value the ability to have a wank whenever he likes? its one of the key motivators for many freelancers, and hes mentioned it his orinial post so its obviously an important aspect of his workplace values set, but everyones seemingly looking past it. i know that many of you havent worked freelance, so it may not even occur to you what an intrinsic aspect of the lifestyle it could become, being able to have a cheeky fiddlefaddle at the drop of a paperclip. you know, ive had my sandwich, the kettles on, what next? oh lovely, time for a wank. this downloading progress bar isnt moving too quickly, shall i press cancel or shall i have a wank; i havent won a single game of spider solitaire for ninety minutes but my brain's not yet shifted into work mode- oh well, maybe a wank will set the cogs a- turnin'. its key stuff.

mart mart mart; when you see it in black and white its not really a choice, is it? move back into the world of the office, where you will be abused and used by the capitalist mindset, or stay freelance, where you can abuse yourself. CHOOSE FREELANCE. CHOOSE WANKING.

[ 14.04.2008, 09:23: Message edited by: dance margarita ]

evil is boring: cheerful power

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you can wank in an office you know.
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We all prisoners, chickee-baby.
We all locked in.
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i'm wanking right now!

i'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song

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pics or stfu
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dance margarita
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Originally posted by ralph:
you can wank in an office you know.

in the toilet of the office. not in the actual office. if im going to wank at work, i need comfort. the smell of liquid soap does nothing for me. i like to wank on the sofa with the archers on in the background. or world at one. or, if things are getting really tough, that comedy programme starring pam ayres set in a garden centre. but thats desperate times calling for desperate measures, obviously.

evil is boring: cheerful power

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Originally posted by dance margarita:
in the toilet of the office. not in the actual office.

perhaps not in the office proper. but a lot of pre-wank work can be accomplished in the privacy of ones own cubicle.
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Ralph works in a cubicle. [Big Grin]
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dance margarita
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yeah but i bet its right furtive isnt it ralph? if youre freelance, you can make as much noise as you like. you can recline. imagine how much more productive your post- tug spurts of creativity would be if you had been able to tug away lazily on your chaise longue, watching the world float past through the windowglass, rather than hunching over yourself under flourescent lights and listening to the whine of the photocopier.

evil is boring: cheerful power

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I've always likened it to being on a Borg ship. Yes, I work in a cubicle. One in a huge sea of cubicles. So what?
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Wearing nothing but a smile
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Not safe for work

Because it's about wanking in the office. With sound.

Not safe for work, that is... unless you're a freelancer!

[ 14.04.2008, 09:58: Message edited by: mart ]

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Ah. But see that's where the cubicle comes in handy. Three walls. More privacy than an open floorplan.
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Is it a Herman Miller Action Office? Do you pretend to be Neo?
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How's The Pod these days, Ringo?
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I don't work in that office any more, I'm afraid. Haven't done for years in fact, although I do still get by that way sometimes as I still provide support there. Some of the Pods are as they were during my time there, while others have undergone some significant refurbishment. I approve of the work, it has been done to a high standard, and the end result is an impressive, well designed space which has the flexibility to be used for a variety of clerical and administrative purposes. Including (but not limited to) staff meetings, training sessions, and video conferencing.
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it's all the rage
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People should be allowed to take their own cubicles with them throughout their working lives. The law should just say, "Maximum footprint 6ft x 6ft", and then you could decide if you wanted a little tiny desk in a box, with the rest of the floorspace taken up with decking, a sunlounger and a barbecue, or if you would have a precise 6ft cube made of matt black, 3" thick steel with a forbidding remote controlled sliding door which wisps of smoke came out of when it opened.

You could have desirable fittings, like a hot tub or a sauna or table football, which would be more likely to get you picked for a job. There would be a special section on your CV, preferably replacing the long-redundant "Education", where you could describe your pod in enticing detail.

Offices would be built with those special cranes they have at container ports, for when you had the six monthly company re-organisation.


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Slave Girl of Gor
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Quality DangPlan!

I got a desk at the weekend for at home, so I can have a little pod in the corner of my living room. It is entirely made up from scavenged items! The desk was snaffled from a house I used to rent and given to my friend, who has just upgraded and given it back. The laptop was donated by another friend who had a spare, there is an external hardrive containing my ex’s entire CD collection which was a splitting-up present, and this evening I plan to steal some unused speakers from the lab to complete my work/music multiple use corner.

I’m like a womble!

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Slave Girl of Gor
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I was also supposed to get a cat at the weekend, but didn't because my housemate is an asshat. [Mad] [Frown]
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doc d
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your housemate did you a favour.
cats are shits.

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Cherry In Hove
Channel 39
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Cats are a lot of work. Here are my pets Clarence and Nicholas enjoying the snow we had the other day. They're much less work that cats.


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