One Mojito, two Gin and Tonics, Three Bacardi Lime Sodas, and a couple of pints of Stella please.
Yes, I am totally getting old.
My friends have now started to get married rather than getting together. I went clubbing for three nights in a row, and it took me nearly two weeks to get over it. I no longer visit bars with loud music in them, because I can't hear my friends and would much prefer to be in the pub, nursing a pint and having a chat. My best mate and I are planning a 'ladies' weekend away. I have been invited to my first offficial hen night. One of my oldest most defiantly single mates has recently admitted that he is lonely, and is really looking forward to settling down. My body has lost up to 25% of it's elasticity, apparently. My boyfriend has a couple of grey hairs. I definitely need my eyes tested. My own parents are showing, for the first time ever, signs that they are definitely slowing down. And most of all, one of my oledest and bestest friends has just been diagnosed with MS, which although not life-threatening, has meant that the whole lot of us is starting to take it much, much easier - looking after our bodies rather than abusing them.
Nothing like having a close friend diagnosed with a degenerative disease to remind you that no-one (not even Leroy from Fame) is going to live forever.
Happy Monday guys….*sigh, memo to self to start next week on a bit more of a high*
-------------------- ...because that's the kind of guy you are. Posts: 2730
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It didnt even seem five years ago that you seemed younger scrawny, why, I remember merely a year ago you were having fancy continental "lock downs"
In five years I have changed an awful lot, I think that somewhere are my old forum logs from the wireplay days...not pretty.
quote:Originally posted by jnhoj: Even less pretty than now would you believe.
Is this for real?
When I working for a correspondence team I received a torn bit of paper in the post. No envelope, nothing. It must have arrived by spacky pixie power. It simply said;
For readers who have yet to meet Dang, he resembles very strongly the 'Oxo dad' who used to appear in the adverts with Lynda Bellingham.
Posts: 8657
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Old is the point at which you become the potential paedophile as opposed to the potential prey. You first start to notice it when you can't fancy him any more, or him, or her over there, look, because that would make you a paedo, wouldn't it? Five years ago I was fourteen and scared of kidnap and torture. Now ... well, I'm still scared of kidnap and torture, actually. But the point is. I am now a Man and therefore Capable of active kidnap and torture. Which = depressing.
Is it just me, or do people here not think that it's absolutely fine to show your age? Do people not think that most of the things on that quiz are perfectly acceptable parts of growing up?
-------------------- Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light... Posts: 3770
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quote:Originally posted by Boy Racer: Is it just me, or do people here not think that it's absolutely fine to show your age? Do people not think that most of the things on that quiz are perfectly acceptable parts of growing up?
Now I look 20 instead of 15! Lollol! Although, truthfully, it's only about a year since I've been guaranteed not to get asked for ID when buying an alcoholic beverage. I never knew whether to be flattered or insulted.
On a purely looks-based assesment, I look pretty similar. It's difficult to tell why I look older. The trace lines at the edges of my forehead that crease like spiderwebs when I raise my eyebrows? Skin a little less fresh? Extra podge around the belly where it used to be flat? The way I dress? Make-up? Morning-after face folded a little more? Does growing awareness show on the face and the body? They say your face is drawn by knowledge and experience, they etch unseen lines and cast a stamp across your appearance. Provide depth behind features. Confidence can influence age assesments, and an assumption of place and belonging and 'this is where I am, who I am, this is right and my right'.
I find it hard to judge age in others, generally assuming they're the same age as me. I was quite astonished to find my team of workmates were generally about 5 years older than me, although I think after you leave school/university this difference is negligible and the whole issue of different ages becomes blurred and insignificant. I don't generally feel young in company, although if I was hanging around with a group of teenagers I wonder if I'd feel 'old'.
-------------------- the more brilliant her smile, the closer she always seemed to disaster Posts: 1057
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quote:Originally posted by Boy Racer: Is it just me, or do people here not think that it's absolutely fine to show your age? Do people not think that most of the things on that quiz are perfectly acceptable parts of growing up?
Most of the oldie stuff on taht quiz, I was doing when I was 19. What is wrong with olives or herbal tea or staying in on a friday night? Does youth have to eat McDonalds and drink sludge? And Friday nights suck. Facking weekenders all over the place. Not as bad as Saturday, obviously.
Posts: 5190
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i got 65% on that quiz and i dont have a boyfriend or a child or a proper job or a pension. i have however decided i like olives, which obviously garners you a million points or something.
-------------------- EXETER- movement of Jah people. Posts: 2841
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quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Whilst googling and on the subject of nonces Fi, I found a classic still of this notorious sea-faring paedho, Japtain cods-eye.
The gent who owns the beefburger emporium located conveniently beneath my flat looks exactly like classic Cap'n Birdseye. He even talks in the well-known, pirate-like West-Cun'ry accent. Oddly he doesn't sell fish-burgers.
I once went to chate with him about opening hours and as I approached the door he said "Aaaaarrr. Come in, friend". No joke of a lie. You LundunDwellaz have probably never even heard such an accent (except NWoD who used to live in Wiwtshurr).
[I'd apologise for my tangent, but it's only a newbie-thread] Posts: 14015
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quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Did you score quite highly then?
But I had to answer no to at least a few things that I aspire to doing, like buying a suburban home.
Regardless of the quiz I honestly don't perceive growing older, and doing 'grown up' things as any sort of problem.
The only part of the ageing process that I have any problem with is that whole physical deterioration and eventual death thing. And there's not too much I can do about that.
-------------------- Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light... Posts: 3770
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quote:Originally posted by Boy Racer: The only part of the ageing process that I have any problem with is that whole physical deterioration and eventual death thing. And there's not too much I can do about that.
It is a CURSE. You have no idea. Unless you have it too. It's not very common. Old Woman's Soul Syndrome. You want to water the flowers.
Why are you in this awful club with these awful people? There is a beach nearby. It is deserted. It is silver. It is nightsunk. You could be watching the stars in the water. You could be breathing in the salty quiet. Instead, you suck up cigarettes and beery breaths. This is not for you.
You are up at seven and outside it is sunshining hard. You rush to the window and dip your cup of tea into the falling blocks of brightness. You watch the light rolling inside the cup, flashing white on the back of the tea, and you dream of ice-melt rivers under Scottish mountains.
You step outside, nude footed, soles cold across the concrete, and you stretch out a leg and thrum your toes through the grass, through hot soil, through dropped petals in the plantpots. And you still want to water the flowers. And you want to sit under a tree. And you want to hear the birds choiring.
But you go back inside. Because you are young. And you would hate to waste your youth. Everyone tells you so. Everyone can't be wrong.
Posts: 1083
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I got asked for ID in the White Hart of Wimborne only a couple of weeks ago. I was more annoyed than flattered. I judge that I will be OLD when I start thinking Wimborne would be a nice place to settle down.
Also, lots of people like olives. Wouldn't it be more logical to ask whether you like Werther's Originals? I don't think that test was based on Science at all.
ETA: love the ANGRY TEEN GLARE of young Dang. He looks a bit like Misc, I think.
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden. Posts: 4941
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quote:Originally posted by Fionnula the Cooler: Old Woman's Soul Syndrome.
O.W.S.S. may have been a misdiagnosis. Sounds more like T.H.H.D. (Tree-Hugging Hippy Disorder). Sadly there's no cure, but the majority of sufferers actually develop a fondness for their illness during their 20s. I should know - I'm still living with the symptoms.
Posts: 14015
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My lifestyle has necessarily changed in the last 5 years as I've gone from studying for A-Levels through university to working full-time in a job I would never have envisioned myself doing at 18. I thought my outlook remained pretty similar, but on further reflection quite a lot has changed.
I've split up with the boy I thought was going to be my life-partner, and gone through another long-term relationship with another 'the one'. I still believe in love (apologies if that sounds terribly naff) but I doubt I'll settle down until my late 20s. I've moved from my parents' house to halls to living with friends. My room's still a tip but I try to tidy. I have my own bed linen and towels. My social habits remain pretty much the same, drinking in cheap bars and dancing badly and falling over on the way home. I've smoked and given up for years and started smoking again and given up again. I'm much happier in my own body, having loathed it as a teen. My confidence has grown vastly (I used to be excrutiatingly shy) and friends from school still comment on how much I've changed.
Generally, all positive. I hope in five, ten, twenty years I can retain this outlook.
-------------------- the more brilliant her smile, the closer she always seemed to disaster Posts: 1057
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(i am still however adverse to the pickling process and always will be.)
my ex-boyfriend is having a baby! it is a miracle of medical science. but i am worried about him as he is very narrow in the hips, like melanie from gone with the wind.
i am caught between being overjoyed for him and his lovely wife and feeling like i should just tattoo the words failure as a human being in a circular pattern around my nipples with a compass.
-------------------- EXETER- movement of Jah people. Posts: 2841
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just quit a full time job i'd been in for 4 years, asked in interview for my new job what do you see yourself doing in 5 years time?
spending copious amounts of time working on not having a beer belly, still having enough energy to play football however badly! Nearly being 30, holy shit can we drop that particular question please? Despite all this i got asked for I.D in a pub 2 weeks ago, achievement or what?
I am 64% old. But then, I have done a lot of the things in the quiz [like get married] and then undone them pretty sharpish, so can I take points off?
I have to be sensible and mature in some ways because I have my daughter to care for, a mortgage, all that jazz. But in other ways I'm not so. I still go clubbing, behave inappropriately on the odd ocassion when the mood takes me and oh, other stuff.
The thought of "settling down" with someone and all that scares the pants off me quite frankly. So maybe I'm just emotionally immature, but mature in other ways? I've rambled on so long now I have confused myself. Must be a sign of age.
-------------------- Call that a contribution? Posts: 1162
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