Whose agenda would it serve for two posters to absent themselves from the boards?
Why did so many forites assume a prank or a hoax was being played out?
What clues were left that a hoax may, in fact, have been what we were witnessing?
All we have is the textual equivalent of the Warren Commission report. Not perfect but it’s all we have to go on. Maybe some eagle-eyed forites could piece together a Zapruder film? Whatever. Questions need answering.
The search for the truth starts here.
Together, with courage and a clear eye, we can get to the bottom of this.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
This might be a good place to start...
quote:Originally posted by ben: Come on Roy - defend yourself.
*Jabs Roy in face tauntingly, feints, jabs again*
Yeah. Not such a hard man now, yeah?
*Lands bone crushing blow against Roy's cheek, spins round, delivers roundhouse to the throat and flings Roy through window, BA Baracus-style*
Yeah, Roy? Yeah? Come ON, motherfucker.
*Breathes fire at Roy*
*Toasts marshmallows by the heat or Roy's burning, twitching body*
*Snorton appears, shakes head sadly*
Snorton: "A black man did this."
A bit cavalier, no?
Yet later that same day ben had miraculously turned into a concerned citizen. It was as if he had been tipped off to some classified information and suddenly revised his approach to the entire situation, in order to make the story fit.
Do you see?
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
what is to be gained by this?
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by Roy: I think it would just be easier all round to accept Kovacs version of events. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 2432 | IP: Logged
Roy Mohammed the Gay Ninja posted 17-03-2006 11:36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And I think that we're on, what, version 2?
What could he mean by that?
Easier all round?
Version of events?
Version 2?
Or explicable?
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Why's this in Games? Because you suspect it's a game? Or what?
There's something decidedly fishy about the whole Roygate episode, including the fact that nobody will talk about Roygate. Like fightclub, in fact, once again.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I don't understand why it was desirable for Roy to leave the boards. But for added drama:
Yoga Flame ref
that luminous ectoplasmic swirl you see, the colour of "Jedi Spirits", is paratopic matter or "soul-energy"... see how in my scan it centres around the MOUTH, ready to be hurled out in a gob of decimating bile like a Special Attack in Street Fighter II
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
I was in hospital for two nights for surgery that went in through my mouth to repair my cheek. I have a metal pin in my face for life. The nerves have gone, again for life, in part of my face. Anyone who thinks such things are good sport for a thread has my sympathy. Be seeing you.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Like....you and Ben, you mean?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I think it was best Roy left. It was pretty unfair on Kovacs not to be able to use his favourite board.
Posted by Online Poker (Member # 870) on :
Buried in TMO archives, an MI5 report on the whole palava.
It would seem persona A, code-named kovacs had a relationship with subject B, known as Roy. They agreed never to talk about it again but kovacs couldn't let it go. No he couldn't. He called and called ... just one drink .. I've never known what its like to feel like a real woman.. Witnesses testified to the fact that Roy remained aloof. The aloofness of a man who has made his bird all spunk-drunk and giggly. She be hooked, he's a man who knows his only job is rationing the bitch. But she wouldn't let it lie would she. And then, when she'd exhausted all other methods of acquiring his portion she came to the pub he was known to frequent.
If I can't have him, noone will ...
He's a wife-beater .. 'post'
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Carter, as a person who was once mocked by Kovacs over whether you'd punch him, would you turn back the clock? Would you turn back the clock on a man who has one of those? Glasses? no.. Face? ... no Superiority complex? No no no. Face plate.
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
quote:Originally posted by omikin: what is to be gained by this?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
You think you're confused.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
I'm still not entirely sure why I was being mocked by kovacs, given that I'd restrained myself from physical violence. Unlike, for example, restraining yourself from screaming abuse into the face of an 18-year-old girl.
But hey. The last time I got punched was by a policeman. And all that happened after that was he bought me a pint after the game and told me not to play the ball on the floor so blatantly.
I don't think I would now, and I didn't then. Yay for me.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Although I did see kovacs at Clapham Junction about 6 weeks ago, tried to say hello and got completely blanked! So perhaps mocking is best done textually.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
I was wearing my scary revision beard, though.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Don't worry though, like the guilty semen stain that refuses to go away, your bearded heads up will be read.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Why is this a touchy subject? A few people have pointed out that the whole flow of that thread and a few specific posts gave the whole thing a curious feel. People prank and hoax and bullshit on here often, this is upping the ante considerably, true, but... you know. And besides, bad luck on the facial numbness but no one got killed. If everything happened exactly as kovacs says, and if Roy is 'guilty' what's the worst thing that happened? Two friends fell out, one might need anger management help the other got (quite badly) hurt. I know I can be insensitive... Am I being extremely insensitive here?
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Well, I don't think you are. But on the other hand, I see worse facial injuries than that most nights, so my perspective is a bit skewed.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Maybe I'm autistic?
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Here's a thought.
If kovacs had been the one to lose his rag, get a lucky punch in and break Roy's zygoma, would we have seen all this but backwards?
Or not?
Posted by George the Robot (Member # 681) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter: Well, I don't think you are. But on the other hand, I see worse facial injuries than that most nights, so my perspective is a bit skewed.
Yes, but have you ever had a worse facial injury than that? Or even close? I think not.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
So what you are saying George is that you need to have a few drinks, have a fight and lose in order to understand? Sounds like a fucking mugs game. The only thing worse than that would be to try and look hard-done-by afterwards.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Well, I've had my nose and my jaw broken. THey needed operations. I suppose "worse" is subjective though, and depends on how you react to such things on an emotional level.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
For reference, though, the second injury required that
quote:I was in hospital for two nights for surgery that went in through my mouth to repair my jaw. I have two metal screws and a plate in my face for life.
If that helps.
Am I allowed to comment now?
Edit - It has ruined my UBB
[ 25.04.2006, 08:02: Message edited by: Carter ]
Posted by George the Robot (Member # 681) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: So what you are saying George is that you need to have a few drinks, have a fight and lose in order to understand? Sounds like a fucking mugs game. The only thing worse than that would be to try and look hard-done-by afterwards.
No - obviously not. I'm just questioning whether Carter's experience as a doctor really gives him any real perspective as to how Kovacs feels about the fact he had his face smashed in by Roy. To me, having your cheekbone shattered by a mate isn't a run-of-the-mill 'so what?' event.
[ 25.04.2006, 08:03: Message edited by: George the Robot ]
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Shit. Sorry George. The fact is, neither of those injuries were caused by friends in a bizarre middle-class Fight-and-Cheese Club style mash-up.
I'll have to leave the floor open to those with more relevant experience.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: I know I can be insensitive... Am I being extremely insensitive here?
I reckon it's just that people take different things seriously, have different outlooks on life and all that.
I've said before that I don't get why this particular event was such a big deal. I was nearly killed by a white van man a few years ago but, beyond thinking he was a prat, I don't feel any malice or desire for revenge or get all tearful when people joke about running cyclists over! Anyway, I'd have thought in Kovacs' line of work he'd have quite relished being part robot.
But plenty of people obviously do take it all seriously. They either don't want to talk about it themselves or come on here telling us we shouldn't talk about it either. Bollocks to 'em, 's what I say. Just as I would expect them to say bollocks to me.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
I understand Mask's belief that there could be a 'social experiment' going on, after all it's happened before in various assorted guises.
What bugs me though is, well, let's equate it to pubs.
Kelvin and Ray both drink in the Horse and Hounds. Kelvin and Ray have a debacle Kelvin and Ray continue to drink in the Horse and Hounds.
Kelvin then starts drinking in the White Horse, he likes the White Horse and only ever comes into the Horse and Hounds at lunchtime on a Tuesday to say "Oh, isn't it quiet".
Ray on the other hand is in most nights of the week and getting on really well with everyone.
Kelvin walks past the Horse and Hounds one night on his way to the White Horse and sees a busy pub and Ray having a good time, he seethes and returns later after Ray has gone home and tells everyone that Ray is a cnut and that he (Ray) beat him (Kelvin) up.
Ray no longer feels welcome in the Horse and Hounds as people who know Kelvin drink there and think Ray was a bit of a knob to twat Kelvin one.
Kelvin carries on drinking in the White Horse and doesn't even pop by the Horse and Hounds on Tuesdays anymore, he just looks through the window.
Ray is drinking in the Bricklayers Arms.
Or is he ?
The Horse and Hounds is quiet, even for a Tuesday.
People at the Horse and Hounds start to wonder why Kelvin would bother stirring stuff up in the Horse and Hounds if he's only going to drink at the White Horse.
The barman at the Horse and Hounds would be happy to serve either of them a drink if they'd just come in and the regulars at the Horse and Hounds seem to feel pretty much the same way.
These days, the pub is quiet - Perhaps we should have a happy hour..
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
One of the odd aspects, though, is that Kovacs had previously started a thread all about his being beaten up, complete with pic, in a moderately undramatic way. He got some sympathy, someone probably made a knob gag about five posts later. When the same story was retold through a different lens, it became a tragedy of which no-one must speak, with lots of pained turnings away and 'I would be alone's.
So, people either thought one or both of the stories was untrue, or exaggerated, or a Kovacian game of smoke and mirrors, and resented having their emotional strings pulled in multiple and confusing directions.
Posted by George the Robot (Member # 681) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter: Shit. Sorry George. The fact is, neither of those injuries were caused by friends in a bizarre middle-class Fight-and-Cheese Club style mash-up.
I'll have to leave the floor open to those with more relevant experience.
meh. I was just commenting that the fact that there's lots of facial injuries, and you get to see them, doesn't necessarily mean that it's no big deal. That's all. Personally I've had no bones broken in my face, so by your logic I guess I should leave the floor open as well.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
C'mon, half price jugs of cocktails and a free bag of smokey bacon crisps for anyone who spends a tenner.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Maybe Kelvin occasionally came to the White Horse disguised as Ray, you know, for a laugh. Then everyone got to like Ray more than Kelvin. Kelvin got a bit brassed off and had Ray beaten to death in the car park by gypsies. Or, maybe Kelvin was quite happy with his alterego, Ray, until he got fed up with the White Horse and decided he'd drop it out, except he didn't want anyone to twig he was actually Ray, too! So, he invented a story that would get both of them out of the frame. Or maybe Ray and Kelvin are such good mates that they would agree to forego the charms of the White Horse in order to pull off a spectacular hoax?
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
I thought the kovacs-roy thing was a real event (it seems quite 'kovacian' to try and re-enact one's own version of fight club), since both kovacs, roy and modge effectively had similar versions of events - although modge's posts could I suppose have been kovacs wearing drag - but the ben-fish thing is just blatantly wrong.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by H1ppychick: but the ben-fish thing is just blatantly wrong.
Where does Bandy fit into all this? He's like Jack Ruby, or something. I betcha.
Posted by H1ppychick (Member # 529) on :
don't get me started on bandy. I have a restraining order against him Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: Why is this a touchy subject?
It isn't, though, is it?
The two people directly involved don't really post any more and the tone of most of the posts on this thread has been fairly jokey. Inventing taboos where there are none seems like a bit of a desperate gambit, even for a Tuesday.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Didn't kovacs and Rillion used to do that kind of thing? And it nearly all went a bit wrong then, too?
Those who do not learn from history etc etc.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Anyone who thinks such things are good sport for a thread has my sympathy.
quote:Originally posted by ben: [QUOTE]Inventing taboos where there are none seems like a bit of a desperate gambit, even for a Tuesday.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: It isn't, though, is it?
And omikin, don't forget omikin.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
If anyone's still in any doubt as to the story, here's what I believe is Kovacs's version of events:
Kovacs and Roy are friends. Roy does not yet post on TMO. Kovacs and Roy go to a bar, have a few drinks and decide that it might be a bit of a laugh (or possibly some kind of macho life affirming experience) to have a fight. Roy launches into the fight with vigour and lands a glancing blow across one of Kovacs's delicate, pointy cheekbones, which shatters under the force of the impact. Kovacs then has to go to hospital and have some reconstructive surgery which leaves him with a permanently numb face and a plate in the cheek. Kovacs feels sheepish about this and perhaps out of some loyalty to Roy, decides not to tell anyone what really happened and makes up a story about being mugged. Possibly by a black.
Time passes
At some point, Roy joins TMO. This may or may not be after the second 'incident'. That wasn't totally clear. But at some point, Kovacs decides to meet up with Roy and clear the air about the whole face smashing thing. The evening goes relatively well and Roy is invited back to Chez Vacs. At some point in the evening, for reasons unknown (although it wouldn't take a huge stretch of the imagination to think it might be the result of some kind of antagonisation from Kovacs, no matter how unjustifiable the retaliation) Roy becomes enraged and threatens to hit Kovacs again. Modge steps in to break things up, and Roy is obliged to leave.
Roy posts on TMO and gains some popularity with the regulars, and is soon accepted as 'one of the gang'. Neither Kovacs or Roy mention anything about the incident, save to mention that they know each other from RL, and seem happy to co-exist on the boards. Kovacs then perceives that the reason Roy is so popular, is that people find his cheeky cockney hard-man antics quite amusing. When a thread is started which he sees as glorifying the kind of violence that resulted in him being injured, he decides he can no longer endure seeing his attacker lauded for his violent tendencies, and breaks his silence.
That's as much as I can gather from what Kovacs has said, and at no point did Roy actually disagree with anything Kovacs had said (although he didn't technically agree either). Because no clear resolution to the conflict was ever going to be realised, I think the right decision in that case was for Roy to leave the boards. Not for Kovacs's sake, but for Roy's, since the reputation of his character would be forever damaged. Or at the very least it'd be a subject constantly tip-toed around, making both Roy and the other forum members uncomfortable. Perhaps I'm wrong, but that's my opinion and I stand by it.
I don't think it's really something which warrants a lot of discussion since all we have is one side of the story, and while we may ponder over the 'facts' or whether it might just be a rather bizare wind up, I don't think anyone will ever actually be satisfied by any conclusions we might come to collectively. So as I said in the thread at the time, I don't think it's really worth spending any time debating.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
You forgot the cocaine and the taking off of the glasses and the shirt and the 'kicking in' threats. They were t'best bits. You've obviously got an agenda.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter:
A taboo would exist if most people on the board avoided the subject or warned others off it - one person not caring for others getting comedy value out of events in his life doesn't exactly constitute a taboo.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: Roy posts on TMO and gains some popularity with the regulars, and is soon accepted as 'one of the gang'.
This never happened either. Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben:
quote:Originally posted by Carter:
A taboo would exist if most people on the board avoided the subject or warned others off it - one person not caring for others getting comedy value out of events in his life doesn't exactly constitute a taboo.
My point was that kovacs was trying to create a taboo. Make it unfit for discussion.
re comedy - can I refer you to kovacs' ethereal facial xray, and your StreetFighter riff. Where do the rest of us go to get a licence?
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter: My point was that kovacs was trying to create a taboo. Make it unfit for discussion.
What a load of crap - that's like Snorton accusing me of trying to 'censor' him by ridiculing his views.
I don't get your problem, Carter. Kovacs has gone, more or less. He hasn't really posted for about four weeks now so I find it difficult to understand why people would want to get so much cutting edge humour out of shit-stirring what amounts to someone else's old news.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
I don't have a problem, ben. It obviously is worth discussing because, well, people are. You'll have to ask BM why he brought it up, although I think his first post explains that quite nicely.
re the humour - you still haven't explained why it's ok for you and fish, for example, to joke around it but others not?
Besides, I don't think it's all that funny. Just quite strange.
Posted by Online Poker (Member # 870) on :
Earlier this week, Dan Brown denied rumours that Roy was the inspiration for the fiendish fouls of Opus Dei in his new work, 'Da Winky Code'. He added that the hero, Kovacs Langdon, devilishly handsome professor of Religious Symbology at Harvard University was entirely a work of fiction.
Well, he would say that wouldn't he.... Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
I think Black Mask was trying to make a last stab at geeing up the forum. I suppose he's getting a thread out of it, but the subject matter doesn't exactly portend a gleaming future for the place.
The chunk of my post quoted by Black Mask was an attempt to get Roy to explain himself after Kovacs's side of the story was greeted with a stony silence. Quite a different thing from the jokes made taking the piss out of Kovacs, to the extent where some seemed to be positively gloating about the fact that Roy hit him.
Some of that same gloating tone seems to rise off some posts on this thread - as I said, nearly a month since Kovacs called it a day - and I personally find that a bit pathetic.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: Kovacs has gone, more or less.
I'll bet it's less, rather than more.
If it isn't a taboo ben then you are doing your best to discourage any conversation about it by labelling it as boring. People are interested perhaps because the situation is frankly so odd. I would definately say that branding this topic 'yesterdays news' or 'a shit idea' is very much a taboo in that three of you to my last count are suggesting it is. Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
I'll leave you to it, then. Knock yourselves out.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
i once had one of those pyschotic moments described with roy and kovacs. mine involved knives. do i win a prize?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Sorry ben, missed a quote
quote: Some of that same gloating tone seems to rise off some posts on this thread - as I said, nearly a month since Kovacs called it a day - and I personally find that a bit pathetic.
quote:Originally posted by Kovacs posted 25-04-2006 12:31
Ok! LOL! Everyone shut up about my mate Kovacs now!
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by doc d: do i win a prize?
No, but I don't think you can post here anymore. I think you have to spend your days at the Bricklayers Arms, drinking with Ray.
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
If it isn't a taboo ben then you are doing your best to discourage any conversation about it by labelling it as boring. People are interested perhaps because the situation is frankly so odd. I would definately say that branding this topic 'yesterdays news' or 'a shit idea' is very much a taboo in that three of you to my last count are suggesting it is.
yay! this is a great thread idea! let's all discuss it! there is so much wisdom to be gained!
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by doc d: . do i win a prize?
Yes, you win a complimentary 'tell us what happened and we'll read it' post.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by omikin: yay! this is a great thread idea! let's all discuss it! there is so much wisdom to be gained!
Well done mask, you got more out of omikin in a month and brought him around to your way of thinking.
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
quote:Originally posted by doc d: . do i win a prize?
Yes, you win a complimentary 'tell us what happened and we'll read it' post.
really? will people comment on the stupidity?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
Only if you were stupid enough to lose.
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Did either of you use the Crocodile Dundee line?
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Maybe 'Roy' was in fact a construct, driven by Ben and Omikin. And now we're on to them they're running scared...
Posted by Online Poker (Member # 870) on :
quote:The Official Gospel of St Ben: And verily did kovacs rise after three days and ascendeth unto Heaven.
quote:The Lost Gospel of the Sodomites: And His disciples did weep and gnash their teeth, tear and rent their garments and jointly they did say 'thank fuck for that then'. For ever and ever, Amen
I can't help thinking I'm the only one taking this seriously.
[ 25.04.2006, 10:06: Message edited by: Online Poker ]
Posted by kovacs (Member # 28) on :
Look, you should probably invite Roy back to save the boards -- I agree, Darryn, that's what really matters here -- because this isn't even a place I want to read about anymore, let alone post. I'm sorry that some of you have shown yourselves to be, or to have become, shitty little individuals. I'm sorry that I ever gave some of you the time of day, to be honest.
I can scramble my own password and "kill" kovacs, I think, so there's no need for any nortonian nonsense about removing me from databases.
It's a shame it came to this after years of my investment in and enjoyment of TMO, but frankly your longest and best threads seem still to be about me anyway, so it will perhaps seem like I'm not gone.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: Look, you should probably invite Roy back to save the boards -- I agree, Darryn, that's what really matters here -- because this isn't even a place I want to read about anymore, let alone post. I'm sorry that some of you have shown yourselves to be, or to have become, shitty little individuals. I'm sorry that I ever gave some of you the time of day, to be honest.
I can scramble my own password and "kill" kovacs, I think, so there's no need for any nortonian nonsense about removing me from databases.
It's a shame it came to this after years of my investment in and enjoyment of TMO, but frankly your longest and best threads seem still to be about me anyway, so it will perhaps seem like I'm not gone.
See? I just don't get this.
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
Ringo has done a fair summary of events in his post.
I feel slightly uncomfortable discussing Roy when he has left the boards probably mainly because of me, but if there are things that people are unclear about I will be happy to try to answer any questions if it only leads to this whole situation being more resolved.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
quote:Originally posted by kovacs: I'm sorry that some of you have shown yourselves to be, or to have become, shitty little individuals. I'm sorry that I ever gave some of you the time of day, to be honest.
Who? Name names. There's been a bit of the usual TMO black humour about this, and some righteous twaddle from Ben, nothing more. What kind of reaction did you actually expect?
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
I'm half expecting everybody to post "LOL! FAGUR! Fooled you!" But, if anyone does now, it will just confuse me further. The internet is so unsettling sometimes...
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
your "best before" label reads june 02, mask.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by omikin: your "best before" label reads june 02, mask.
Hold on... kovacs?
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
he wishes...
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
I somehow doubt that...
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Did Roy break omikin's face, too?
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
If we're going to throw insults around, it's probably best to be very straight-forward about this.
Kovacs, you're a prick. A fucking obnoxious prick. I don't think I've ever met a junkie, wife-beater, townie thug or politician I view with more distaste. Your behaviour to those you perceive as less able to argue than you is disgusting and vindictive, you hold grudges and are a bully.
The fact that apparently pleasant people such as omikin, Modge and ben think something of you is the only glimmer of salvation that seems to hang around you.
Notwithstanding, you are quite obviously intelligent and can be interesting and amusing, so, you know. I'll miss that.
In terms of the punching incident, apart from the fact that you don't seem to see that it was all your own stupid fault, it seemed to have one redeeming feature. I don't think anyone deserves to get punched, not even you - although I am still astounded that it hadn't happened before - but perhaps you could see it as a sign to be not quite such a penis?
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter: In terms of the punching incident, apart from the fact that you don't seem to see that it was all your own stupid fault,
How, exactly?
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
Erm. By deciding to have a fight? What did he think was going to happen - he was going to win? Break Roy's face?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Modge: I feel slightly uncomfortable discussing Roy when he has left the boards probably mainly because of me, but if there are things that people are unclear about I will be happy to try to answer any questions if it only leads to this whole situation being more resolved.
Just one from me in the event the characters are real: Did you circulate the email because you wanted to start posting on TMO again and couldn't knowing Roy was here or because Roy was seemingly well liked despite knowing 'the truth'?
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Wrong login?
Who's posting now?
Can Roy post?
Is Roy with us? Are you there Roy? I sense you in the room...
He says he's with an older gentleman... a gentleman with thick black hair... his name begins with an 'E'... does that sound familiar to anyone?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
SCRAMBLE SCRAMBLE SCRAMBLE! Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter: Erm. By deciding to have a fight? What did he think was going to happen - he was going to win? Break Roy's face?
Well I wasn't there but I don't believe it was "deciding to have a fight", more drunkenly discussing kickboxing moves. A mistake, admittedly but the blame is 50:50 on that one.
NWOD: I emailed the people from TMO with whom I have an off-board relationship because I felt increasingly uncomfortable that they were interacting with Roy without knowing the full truth. It was mostly because I felt that if they found out at a later point they would have been angry/disappointed not to have known sooner. And yes, I felt uncomfortable/unable to be around TMO while Roy was here, but as I've said before I don't believe I literally have more claim to the forum than him, other than that I've been here longer.
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
it's so good to see the sharpest brains on the board involved in such an elevating discussion. bravo, everyone, bravo.
*claps hands*
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
quote:Originally posted by omikin: yay! this is a great thread idea! let's all discuss it! there is so much wisdom to be gained!
quote:Originally posted by omikin: your "best before" label reads june 02, mask.
quote:Originally posted by omikin: he wishes...
quote:Originally posted by omikin: it's so good to see the sharpest brains on the board involved in such an elevating discussion.
Isn't it just?
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Sorry Omikin (not that I'm including myself in the sharp-brained category), but it is obviously of interest and intrigue to many, and just because you know 'the truth', or feel it beneath yourself to discuss it, or feel awkward because you're friends with Kovacs, doesn't make it any less so.
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
it might be of "interest and intrigue" but noone's discussing it here, really.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Maybe the truth, the true, true, true truth, is too horrible for words. Maybe there's a scandal involved. What could be so vile, so terrible, that certain highly placed individuals on the board wanted it hushed up?
WHAT COULD IT BE!? Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
quote:Originally posted by MiscellaneousFiles:
quote:Originally posted by omikin: yay! this is a great thread idea! let's all discuss it! there is so much wisdom to be gained!
quote:Originally posted by omikin: your "best before" label reads june 02, mask.
quote:Originally posted by omikin: he wishes...
quote:Originally posted by omikin: it's so good to see the sharpest brains on the board involved in such an elevating discussion.
Isn't it just?
i've never claimed to be a great contributor to these boards. most of my posts are one line responses to other people's posts, so in that sense i'm more of a parasite. there's just a lot of occupying of moral high ground here by people claiming to be interested in "teh truth" but actually just wanting to snipe at kovacs as they're still obviously smarting from barbs made by him in the past.
just my opinion. i don't think if it was someone else from the boards this had happened to that i'd be interested in bringing the subject up again to be debated over in a spiteful manner, that's all.
[ 25.04.2006, 10:45: Message edited by: omikin ]
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Maybe kovacs is a Royal...
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
is it worth discussion. two blokes, get drunk, get a bit rowdy, one hits the other. hard. some time passes. another invitation. rowdyness starts again, someone almost gets hurt. they don't.
we find out later.
compare with: two blokes get very drunk.person a shags someone person b fancied. a gets guilty and think that drinking all day with b would be a good thing to do. it gets pyschotic. b gets kitchen knives out and asks a to stab him. or punch him. it happens eventually. b gets slashed in the shoulder and knocked out twice. a rings friends to help out.
a then writes about it.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
Maybe Roy's a... wait a minute.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
It's always got to be about you, hasn't it?
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
whats the point of discussing it or trying to find out "the truth"? don't you think that both parties (R+K) would rather that this was forgotten about? don't you think they both think its stupid? and that the best thing to do is have them both back? however they should be aware that there will be jokes. thats what happens. it was stupid and therefore its going to get mocked.
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
quote:Originally posted by doc d: however they should be aware that there will be jokes. thats what happens. it was stupid and therefore its going to get mocked.
That might be fine if thats all that had happened. I don't know quite how to write this without sounding melodramatic but Roy being in my house in an absolute rage threatening violence and me having to calm him down and make him leave is one of the scariest experiences I've had and so doesn't quite match up to the derogatory humour of TMO.
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
ok, the situation i described is one of the scariest things i've ever had.
within a week, my mates were all singing bizarre inc "playing with knives" at the pair of us.
Posted by Online Poker (Member # 870) on :
Won't somebody think of the children?
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
well thats fine for you doc d. I bet none of them were going "oh but did it really happen though? I dont think it happened, why are you making it up, I dont think your friend exists and if he does then you deserved it anyway cos youre a cock".
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
fair point, really.
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
no. they told us we were a pair of cocks though.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by dance margarita: fair point, really.
Yeah. It'd be fair point if you'd done nothing to obtain a reputation like that. You know, as a liar and a cock.
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Yeah. It'd be fair point if you'd done nothing to obtain a reputation like that. You know, as a liar and a cock.
got a bit of an axe to grind, have you?
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
What's happened to my lovely thread?
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Though to be fair Mikee MODGE hasn't, although I'd expect the next arguement to be 'Kovacs could be using the Modge logon' which could only be proven by checking the IP numbers of the posts made by Kovacs and then checking the IP numbers of the posts made by Modge AND that would only prove anything if they were in different locations and not sitting behind PC's on the same home network and thusly showing TMO the same IP address.
So, to be fair, MODGE hasn't done anything cock-a-like or, to my knowledge, lied.
[ 25.04.2006, 11:35: Message edited by: Darryn.R ]
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by omikin: [QUOTE]got a bit of an axe to grind, have you?
Not as much as a chance to come true glory boy.
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
are your hands trembling as you post, nwod?
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Mine are, but I think it's the old Parkinson's acting up again.
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
good old ralph.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Darryn.R: So, to be fair, MODGE hasn't done anything cock-a-like or, to my knowledge, lied.
*sigh* I don't think Modge is lying. I believe the story as it goes. I just don't understand it. What I do understand though is that apparently you can cry wolf for fucking years. You can troll and snipe and be savage and fucking nasty. You can do this and when something unpleasant comes along you can act really dreadfully hurt. You can accuse people of laying the boot in. You can try to take some kind of moral highground, when you have never offered any on which to stand on. If you point this out then your friends can react really fucking confused and say 'wha? - why is everyone being so thoughtless? - don't talk about this boring thing that's been shoved in your faces - ooh got a grudge have we?'
You've got to feel sorry for omikin really though haven't you? On the sidelines, his chance to do something useful. Go omikin! It's not the winnning but the taking part that counts.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
I know Mikee, I know..
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
There, there, nwod.
[ 25.04.2006, 12:00: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by omikin (Member # 37) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: It's not the winnning but the taking part that counts.
omigod mikee was right all along!
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
You don't need to apologise om, just hurry over to the thread about Iraq, ben could really have done with some help earlier and you wasted your efforts on me.
Posted by Modge (Member # 64) on :
NWOD, I think I must have lost track a bit of what the problem is.
I know you don't like kovacs, and I'm pretty sure I know why you don't, fine. You don't have to feel or express sympathy/support about what happened, and I hope, finally, you don't have to question whether it really happened or not.
So what's the problem? You want Roy to post again? The reason he stopped, he said, was because of me not kovacs. You don't think kovacs should have said anything in the first place? I can understand why people might feel uncomfortable having private issues aired on the boards but maybe you can see why it was unsettling to me that Roy was posting here. Maybe it wasn't the "right" thing to do to post about it, but maybe it wasn't "right" for Roy to join TMO in the first place, who knows. Nobody is requesting or expecting you to be horrified and sympathetic on kovacs' behalf, but it doesn't seem necessary either for you to decide that he deserves attacking everytime this subject comes up.
For all people talking about Roy/kovacs saying it is a big taboo and there are unanswered questions, there really don't seem to be that many forthcoming now the subject is 'open' for discussion.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay:
quote:Originally posted by dance margarita: fair point, really.
Yeah. It'd be fair point if you'd done nothing to obtain a reputation like that. You know, as a liar and a cock.
This is just cringe-making.
A few posts earlier, you asked a question of Modge - as though you really were interested in establishing facts - and she took the time to give you a straight answer. It seems pissy of you to, a couple of posts later, to make a comment like the above... revealing that 'the truth' doesn't carry half so much weight as the chance of getting a pop in.
I'm just wondering whether, with the rant above, you've finally got it all out of your system - or can we expect the wail about Kovacs's evil to be some sort of monthly fixture now?
Let it go, ffs.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carter: The fact that apparently pleasant people such as omikin, Modge and ben think
Apparently? That's cold, man.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
wrong thread embarrassment! what a mistake- a to make- a.
[ 25.04.2006, 12:30: Message edited by: dance margarita ]
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
quote:Originally posted by dance margarita: wrong thread embarrassment! what a mistake- a to make- a.
Best post all day.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
pretty much every post on this entire wrongheaded farrago of a thread would have been markedly improved by a quote from allo allo, its true.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
quote:Originally posted by dance margarita: wrongheaded farrago of a thread
Why, thank you.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by dance margarita: pretty much every post on this entire wrongheaded farrago of a thread would have been markedly improved by a quote from allo allo, its true.
Who made you Jeremy Kyle?
[ 25.04.2006, 12:45: Message edited by: ben ]
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: What I do understand though is that apparently you can cry wolf for fucking years. You can troll and snipe and be savage and fucking nasty. You can do this and when something unpleasant comes along you can act really dreadfully hurt. You can accuse people of laying the boot in. You can try to take some kind of moral highground, when you have never offered any on which to stand on.You put your right boot in, you take your right boot out, you do a lot of shouting and you shake your fists about. You light a little smokie and you burn down ze town, zat's vot it's all about. Ah, Himmler, Himmler, Himmler...
just call me the truthbringer, bringer of truths.
Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: [QUOTE]Who made you Jeremy Kyle?
you bastard. take that back.
Posted by doc d (Member # 781) on :
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by Modge: I know you don't like kovacs, and I'm pretty sure I know why you don't, fine. You don't have to feel or express sympathy/support about what happened, and I hope, finally, you don't have to question whether it really happened or not.
So what's the problem? You want Roy to post again? The reason he stopped, he said, was because of me not kovacs. You don't think kovacs should have said anything in the first place? I can understand why people might feel uncomfortable having private issues aired on the boards but maybe you can see why it was unsettling to me that Roy was posting here. Maybe it wasn't the "right" thing to do to post about it, but maybe it wasn't "right" for Roy to join TMO in the first place, who knows. Nobody is requesting or expecting you to be horrified and sympathetic on kovacs' behalf, but it doesn't seem necessary either for you to decide that he deserves attacking everytime this subject comes up.
For all people talking about Roy/kovacs saying it is a big taboo and there are unanswered questions, there really don't seem to be that many forthcoming now the subject is 'open' for discussion.
Maybe I had better explain it. So that it can be perfectly clear. So that instead of looking bitter like I have as put succinctly 'have an axe to grind' - there was at least at one point in my mind when I was quite willing to forget everything. In fact it was after a meat when Kovacs said 'let's call it a truce instead of sniping' and as soon as my guard was down, out came the usual bile. The usual attacks. This was a long time ago. It wasn't until much later that he was shitty to Uber. If I recall, the entire debacle ended with Kovacs taking some time off, just before you both got hitched. At the time, after stomping all over Ubers happiness, I believe it was Bailey who posted a 'congratulations modge and kovacs' thread which basically really hit it home for me that indeed, you can talk to people like they are shit and totally lick up their well wishes later. There has been a magnitude of occasions when Kovacs has posted here and there hasn't been a shred of hostility on my part. It's not like he pissed me off once and I was bitter about it. is that what people are who refuse to be taken the piss out of? Bitter? Jokes.
As for Roy, it makes no difference to me whether he is here or not, other than he seemed popular. Unlike Ringo, I don't think he should have to stop posting, because I don't think the information presented to the other forumites should have come out. Certainly not in that way. I appreciate what you are trying to convey and the emailing your friends is the call you made. I can see how that might play on your mind. As for nobody requesting that I feel horrified or sympathetic, I do believe that was entirely was was being purported by ben. That I as one of the crowd should feel sympathetic or sorry. I didn't and I truly believe that to be the result of the animosity that has grown not entirely out of thin air. If you think you understand as you say 'why I hate Kovacs' then you'll know exactly as and when I deem it necessary to attack him when I see fit, otherwise you've guessed wrong. The attack, if that's what you call it in my eyes was the stance that 1.) frankly there are board members who feel duped and 2.) it's a shit sandwich that everyone should take a bite of, but that Roy was actually taking the biggest bites. As an outsider looking in, that was odd. Like stumbling in on the murder scene while it happened. By making it public on the boards you make it of the posters interest. I was indeifferent but there were people who i think genuinely felt aggrieved at this (maybe because they liked Roy one guesses) So maybe I need to summarise: because you have suffered does not mean you get to dictate the response of the posters. I appreciate it might have been frightening for you, but that doesn't mean the other posters have to believe you by forfeit - it doesn't work like that.
Thinking about what you say about hoping 'you don't have to question whether it really happened or not' - no, I don't, I've made up my mind but you have to expect there to be people who will question it and it's not really unfair of me to point this out. It's a fair and true statement, marred by the fact there is beef between us, Kovacs and I.
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
quote:Originally posted by ben: Let it go, ffs.
I'm sorry ben, but rick.
hang on:
quote:Originally posted by ben: A few posts earlier, you asked a question of Modge - as though you really were interested in establishing facts - and she took the time to give you a straight answer. It seems pissy of you to, a couple of posts later, to make a comment like the above... revealing that 'the truth' doesn't carry half so much weight as the chance of getting a pop in.
I see everyone is using the words the truth in wankies. If you realise that I was indeed convinced that the story was a true one 'the truth' would refer to 'the unfortunate events between R&K and then later at the flat with Modge trying to pacify Roy'
The pop was just me being flippant. Indeed, it had no greater purpose.
Looking up, I actually covered my points, it's kind of cringe-making in return that you think my opinion is based solely on a few bad happenings I couldn't let go of. Fuck you Patro-man. No, it's only me with a grudge and you are writing with a completely clear and reasoned authority.
[ 25.04.2006, 13:15: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
I feel healing in the air.
Maybe kovacs could post one more time and apologise to everyone... for anything, anything at all.
I'm prepared to apologise. I apologised for something just last week. Maybe it's habit-forming.
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Unlike Ringo, I don't think he should have to stop posting
Whoa there a second, you're putting words in my mouth. I never said that Roy had to stop posting, I said that in everyone's interests, it was better if he did. For whatever reason, it seems he agreed with me on that, but that's his decision and I'm sure he thinks it was the right one.
This whole thread has been really fucking juvenile to be honest.
Mikee, you're trying to project your own slant onto the situation, because you dislike Kovacs. Perhaps that's to be expected but you're painting a picture whereby Kovacs almost invited Roy to hit him, just so that he could then come on here and get a load of sympathy from it. Kovacs never asked for sympathy, and I think he never really got very much other than a few people saying that it was a shame. You have to look at the situation objectively if you're going to try and draw any conclusions, otherwise you're simply making things up to suit your own opinions, and to use that as the basis for a pretty vicious attack is pretty poor form. That goes for Carter too.
See now why me and Ben think this isn't something that should be discussed? It's not taboo, it's just fucking pointless, especially when people are going to use some hazy, half understood/half imagined factettes to facilitate the laying of the boot to someone simply because they don't like them.
Mikee you say you don't think that the issues between R&K should have come out like this. Do you think that what you've done today is any more appropriate than what Kovacs and Modge have done? I don't think you should complain about someone airing their dirty laundry when you're practically ramming yours down everyone elses throats.
Come on everyone, let's just let this be an end to it. It's not interesting, it's not funny, it's just a waste of a Tuesday.
Posted by Black Mask (Member # 185) on :
=Ulp!= We just wasted a Tuesday! I hadn't thought about it like that. We'll never have that Tuesday back! It's gone! Forever! Oh, the humanity.
Ringo's right. Let's draw a line under this and never mention Roy, kovacs, punching, cocaine, spectacles, bare chests or faces ever again.
Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: =Ulp!= We just wasted a Tuesday!
I, for one, am ashamed I've wasted so much time on this thread. And to think I could've spent it on MySpace.
[ 25.04.2006, 14:20: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
myspace has been down for a lot of the day Posted by ralph (Member # 773) on :
Oh. Then I didn't waste my time after all. Thanks, Uber.
[ 25.04.2006, 14:41: Message edited by: ralph ]
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
no problem ralph Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
I'm a very naughty boy Chris.
[ 25.04.2006, 15:26: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Posted by Carter (Member # 426) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ringo: You have to look at the situation objectively if you're going to try and draw any conclusions, otherwise you're simply making things up to suit your own opinions, and to use that as the basis for a pretty vicious attack is pretty poor form. That goes for Carter too.
What about kovacs' vicious attacks? Where's the objectivity there? Or is that all retrospectively justified because the poor child has now attained vIcTIm status?
I'm going to form a support group. Watch this space.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: The pop was just me being flippant. Indeed, it had no greater purpose.
Maybe so, but coming so soon after what seemed like a genuine request - which received a genuine response - it read as pissy and peevish.
quote:Originally posted by New Way Of Decay: Looking up, I actually covered my points, it's kind of cringe-making in return that you think my opinion is based solely on a few bad happenings I couldn't let go of.
I'm sorry, but given that your post above anatomises those 'few bad happenings' - some of which happened months and months ago - the impression that you've been chewing them over relentlessly ever since is a fairly reasonable one to form.
It's a little disingenuous to talk about your initial indifference to Kovacs getting belted when, so far as I recall, you and others were going to some lengths to flaunt your 'indifference' in subsequent threads.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: =Ulp!= We just wasted a Tuesday! I hadn't thought about it like that. We'll never have that Tuesday back! It's gone! Forever! Oh, the humanity.
Ringo's right. Let's draw a line under this and never mention Roy, kovacs, punching, cocaine, spectacles, bare chests or faces ever again.
You just won't be happy until you've turned this place into Abu Ghraib, will you.
L-R: NWoD, Blask Mask Posted by Vogon Poetess (Member # 164) on :
Oi! How dare you have a thread like this in "Games"? Why would I ever look in Games?
Yeah. Odd.
1. I was surprised that people could so easily shrug off the initial incident. Drunken, silly and unnecessary, but still unpleasant, especially given that there was a second occurrence. Serious facial injury, hospital treatment, friends consulting solicitors for advice about GBH charges- these are surely not normal, everyday events to be casually dismissed. Not gasp-aloud melodrama, but out of the ordinary enough to be of note I would have thought.
2. kovacs. Difficult to know where to start. What intrigues me about kovacs is not his textual finesse or skillful manipulation of online personas or astute awareness of the dynamics of various diverse fora, but the reaction of others to him. I'm always surprised when people I like and consider to be clever, valuable contributors go glazed-eyed mental over kovacs. I've sat in a pub and listened to a poster rant about some perceived slight at the hands of kovacs, which they can still quote after several years, their voice choked in indignant fury that it wasn't properly acknowledged that they HAD DEFINITELY won an argument against kovacs. I was genuinely at a loss as to how to respond. And threads like this reveal how eagar people are to join in a kovacs-bashing session.
There aren't many people who can be described as "arch", but I think this is the best definition of the clever, playful, very occasionally cruel way kovacs has gambolled over TMO during the last few years. I can't comment on grudges that people hold over incidences at meats, as I wasn't personally involved in any of them, but I do remain perplexed at how easily intelligent and discerning posters allow themselves to be wound up by him online.
3. Black Mask (who has consistently been at least as playful, arrogant and rude as kovacs can be) can claim all kinds of motives for starting this thread, the cheeky monkey.
Posted by scrawny (Member # 113) on :
quote:Originally posted by Black Mask: Where does Bandy fit into all this?
Up until recently nowhere at all, despite having witnessed the original incident. Ben and Jon (Fish) had asked me to not to say anything as it seemed like it had all been patched up since with no hard feelings. I think Fish gave him a dead leg or something in return but nothing more serious. The whole "stamping on the head" thing was hugely overplayed BTW - just more of Ben's macho nonsense (c.f. hog punching).
Anyway... As I say, this was the case until recently. A few weeks back Ben mentioned he had a few drinks in a london members club and Scrawny playfully joked that was it her members club. She knew exactly that it was but i guess it plays down the whole gay incrowd thing if nobody talks about these meetups. ANYWAY at one point during the evening while Scrawny was taking a call (no phones in the bar, please) Ben asked me if i had spoken to anyone about the night in question when he kicked fish about on the floor. As the atmosphere had been reasonably jovial and my tongue was loose from the booze I mentioned that i'd discussed it with Jonesy and Benway. Ben didn't like this at all. He asked me why the fuck I would do that after i'd promised not to talk about it with anyone else. He asked if my promises meant nothing. Indeed, if our "supposed friendship" meant nothing. Shortly after that he left and hasn't returned my emails since then. Although, from the alcohol-fired look in his eyes i'm kind of glad. Fatherhood has certainly calmed his temper but, believe me, that short fuse is still there.
Ben - get in touch, if only a brief email. I need to know that we can meet up again soon and it will all be cool again.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
Well that's confused me. It's like someone else is using Scrawny's login. It doesn't sound like Bandy either.
quote:The whole "stamping on the head" thing was hugely overplayed BTW - just more of Ben's macho nonsense (c.f. hog punching).
quote:[..] her members club. She knew exactly that it was but i guess it plays down the whole gay incrowd thing if nobody talks about these meetups.
Either I'm not reading that correctly or it doesn't make sense.
[ 28.04.2006, 04:44: Message edited by: not... ]
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
I think she means that there's a 'gay' (South Park sense) perception of there being an in-crowd, when in fact there is no such grouping - it's just one of those things people brandish when they have no other firm ground for criticising fellow posters.
Probably a waste of time saying it, but I'm disappointed that you had to bring up all this again, Scrawny. I've always had a lot of admiration for your posting and was one of your early champions, well before the meat when you appeared in a red coat and everyone (eg. Fish and his set) suddenly realised you were hott and, therefore, worth cultivating.
Though we've had our disagreements - particularly over the ethical issues surrounding your work in advertising - I'd always thought I could count on you to keep certain things under wraps when it was understood that we were talking 'off the record'. There are days when reading posts on the forum feels not unlike being a passenger trapped on one of the doomed airliners of 9/11 - reading your post just now, I got that feeling once again.
Shame on you.
Posted by dang65 (Member # 102) on :
Sorry to butt in here, but was this written by Scrawny?
quote:Originally posted by scrawny: A few weeks back Ben mentioned he had a few drinks in a london members club and Scrawny playfully joked that was it her members club. She knew exactly that it was...
Why the third person? That is a very odd post all round.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
That's what I'm saying dang.
I'm with this guy.
quote:Originally posted by Dr. Benway: I can't even tell anymore, what's real and what's fake.
Posted by herbs (Member # 101) on :
Wasn't it written by Bandy, with Scrawny's log-in, and now Ben is 'running with' the joke and deliberately adding confusion, for the sport?
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
Sorry, that was my writing on my computer. Scrawny has opbviously logged in while i was away this weel. Sorry for the confusion everyone.
Posted by Darryn.R (Member # 1) on :
Scrawny, is that you ?
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
I am michael king and i am a gay homo.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
Maybe it's...
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
lol at scrandy
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
But this whole thing makes the issue even more of an onion! My current take on it is this: Bandy accidentally posted under Scrawny's log-in trying to add to the fake ben/fish incident, as explained above. Unfortunately this continuation of the fake ben/fish incident only seems to make the what I assumed was the real kovacs/roy incident seem false by association.
If ben truly is the responsible 'guardian of the boards' as he comes across as then it is irresponsible of him to parody an incident which he said was a terrible thing that shouldn't be discussed/mocked/given the usual tmo treatment. And it is terrible, if it's true. I don't want to doubt kovacs and modge but ben / fish / bandyinscrawnysclothes all playing along makes it seem more dubious
edited to remove aspersions from scrawnys good name.
Additional postscript: aspersion also means 'a sprinkling, especially with holy water' which makes sense - casting out the doubt etc
[ 28.04.2006, 06:35: Message edited by: Uber Trick ]
Posted by Bandy (Member # 12) on :
Scrawny has no part in this - i'll make that clear right now. Her name cropped up is purely because I accidently used her login last night.
Posted by ben (Member # 13) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uber Trick: If ben truly is the responsible 'guardian of the boards' as he comes across as then it is irresponsible of him to parody an incident which he said was a terrible thing that shouldn't be discussed/mocked/given the usual tmo treatment. And it is terrible, if it's true. I don't want to doubt kovacs and modge but ben / fish / bandy / scrawny all playing along makes it seem more dubious
Perhaps it's best if I leave.
Posted by not... (Member # 25) on :
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
But if you leave, ben, I'll have no moral guardian on the boards! Is it better to have one who is occasionally confusing than not at all?
Oh no, but who can I ask these kinds of questions too if not ben? How about dang? Or ralph perhaps... Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
Hey I thought people said I was filling Ben's shoes. You people sure are fickle aren't you.
That which with one hand thou giveth, With the other thou taketh away.. Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
YOU can't be my moral guardian, you've got the morals of a pole cat!
Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
What does that even mean? Are pole cats like total sluts or something?
Posted by New Way Of Decay (Member # 106) on :
He might like that:
Posted by Ringo (Member # 47) on :
lol you said pole
Posted by Dr. Benway (Member # 20) on :
pole Posted by Uber Trick (Member # 456) on :
quote:The polecat used to be called a 'foul mart' because of its strong smell. The name polecat is said to be from the French poule chat,'the chicken cat' and it will kill chickens given the chance! Ferrets are creamy-white, domesticated polecats used to catch rabbits, and some escape or are lost. Many of these ferrets have reverted to polecat colouring over the generations and are known as polecat-ferrets, though they usually have a paler forehead and no mask. They also interbreed with true polecats so polecats vary in colour depending on how much ferret and how much true polecat is in their ancestry. Polecat-ferrets are found throughout Britain.
sorry mart.
Posted by MiscellaneousFiles (Member # 60) on :
quote: The name polecat is said to be from the French poule chat,'the chicken cat' and it will kill chickens given the chance!
By this logic...
Tiger Shark = a shark that kills tigers? Staffordshire Bull Terrier = a terrier that kills bulls from Staffordshire? Dogfish = a fish that kills dogs? Cockroach = oh dear! Killer Whale = a whale that kills... er... The Killers?
...given the chance! Posted by dance margarita (Member # 848) on :
the jaguar seal does not eat jaguars, it eats penguins instead. this is all so confusing.