It auto-saved on my version. And I thought you just select the bear character and press triangle to choose the alternate. But I agree with Ringo. Tekken 4 was a bit of a let down for me.
I am at work at 5:30pm on a Sunday. And still posting on TMO.
Yeah you do, but you have to win as Ling-Xiaou (sp? sp?) to get "Kuma", to access "Panda". Previously* I'd never realised there were bonuses from completing the story mode.
* during the 18 months I've owned this game. Maybe I should have read some instructions or something
Then I got into more ambitious digital manipulation with this dolly for my friend "Bailey". She's a secret fan of Kirsten and it looks like the feeling's mutual!
Here's how I faked that convincing "signature".
1. I opened a new "layer" in paint shop pro. (Photoshop is great for amateur use, but as the name suggests, this is the professional choice.) That's Open ---> Layer ---> OK.
2. The "text" box (Use --> Text) works like a normal word processor. Adding colour was done by clicking a colour box, and selecting R=255, G=125, B=125, for that shade of pink to match the flesh tone. It took a few tries but it's worth a bit of care here, to achieve the right effect.
3. A handwritten font gives a convincing touch. I used the special "truetype" add-on, CurlzMT, to most closely approximate Kirsten's real handwriting.
3. Then it was "merge layers" (Try it... Merge ---> Layers) to combine those two elements, text and image. Saving as a "jpg" (machine code for j-peg file) meant it was easy to upload onto a website, and then use http-type code to insert it on this page.
4. Just an edit or two corrects and typos or gremlins that may have crept into this post... and we're done!
quote:Originally posted by Kira: I am currently...
The Little Friend by Donna Tartt
This is a cool book, just finished it the other week. The descriptions of a childs guilt, and subjects of paranoia are great, I found many parts of it to remind me distictly of thought processes I followed in childhood.
quote: Originally posted by Kira: Watching
The Corpse Bride
Poor, piss poor, 2 humerous remarks in an 1.5 hours, and I paid £6 for that toss.