believe me, if you think that chatting to myself on an internet chatboard is depressing, wait until i'm spooning a badly cooked lump of squash into my salty, tear-filled mouth.
Posts: 3821
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I believe Benway just chose "Kanye West" because it is an anagram of "Sweet Yank" and he has always wanted to be American.
Posts: 4934
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I suppose a better do that soon! Send an e-mail to * and I will send you my proper e-mail address. I can then let you know when I have one of these new-fangled facebook thingies
[ 23.12.2009, 08:09: Message edited by: Pink ]
-------------------- ...and so say we all. Posts: 193
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quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: the last Friday before christmas. Do you know what I'm doing tonight? Cooking and eating a curry by myself. Number of social invitations this party season = zero. So, you know. In the end, I get my comeuppance.
I have invited you out to free booze corporate art party bollocks.
Posts: 5190
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quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: the last Friday before christmas. Do you know what I'm doing tonight? Cooking and eating a curry by myself. Number of social invitations this party season = zero. So, you know. In the end, I get my comeuppance.
I have invited you out to free booze corporate art party bollocks.
invitations when I'm ill as fuck don't count Posts: 3821
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FFS. I was just on the toilet. There are three cubicles that are all clean and all work in there and I was sat in one the end one furthest away from the entrance. So some wanker walks in, sees that the door is closed on one, walks past the first empty one and parks himself in the middle one and starts dumping within inches of me.
I can understand him doing this if the first one was dirty or there was someone in it or something, but to actively choose to use the middle one when you can see there is someone in one next to it is just a blatant disregard for all social norms.
Posts: 4934
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quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: FFS. I was just on the toilet. There are three cubicles that are all clean and all work in there and I was sat in one the end one furthest away from the entrance...
I was doing a wee but then using the time when nobody was next to me to browse reddit on my phone. My surfing time was cut short.
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I think this was a consequence of my shirking work to browse the internet in the toilet rather than a consequence of my toilet habits. I still maintain that the other person is entirely to blame.
I would have left if he'd picked the far away cubicle anyway, but I just think it is disgraceful to not position yourself as far away from another (potentially) pooing person.
Posts: 4934
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I don't think you choose the toilet based on whether you are going to stand up or sit down to pee, I think it is quite a strict rule that you only use the women's toilet if you actually are a woman.
Posts: 4934
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You seem to know a lot about toilets. I just go in, have a piss, wash my hands then leave. i give it literally no thought whatsoever.
Posts: 12211
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Of course I do... but last time we had the sit down wee debate, I seem to remember Benway or someone like that made a disparaging comment about the washing of hands after urination.
Posts: 14015
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Well, bear in mind that Benway has apparently repeatedly given his family worms. I think washing your hands is pretty essential. I wash my hands maybe, like, ten times through the day?
Posts: 12211
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