*Yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of popular TV soap Neighbours. I don't think the forum should let this momentous occasion pass without mention. Here is your chance to share your memories about the world's favourite antipodean soap opera.
Favourite has always been Joe Mangel, when he presented the Big Breakfast it was alright to watch also. Him and the Love Doctor, Carl Kennedy - the man is unstoppable.
Best neighbours moment has to be when some joey character, er, Craig McCluaghccchougheran or someone, landed a tasty looking punch on Paul 'The Villian' Robinson - it looked very good for a tele punch.
I'm a classic man - want the people playing cricket and smashing windows with the theme tune.
As for hott neighbours, well, um, Natile Imrughlouw was nice, even with huge hair. I do remember one episode when Lucy, the little brat, was replaced with a teen brat - it may even have been her grown up, I can't remember - and there was a strange frission of excitement amongst the boys in my school, unsure if they should sound like nonces and call her as being fit, or just admit that she now had tits ergo she was what we were all after. In one moment she stood up off of the sofa, and you could see down her top. My mate had that on video. He liked that moment.
-------------------- If Chuck Norris is late, time better slow the fuck down Posts: 2741
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When i was 10, I used to have the raging horn for Kylie Minogue, so I was something of a trend-setter in that depratment. I mean, I really, erally adored her in that way that pre-teen girls get obsessed with guys called Cory (yeah, yeah Misc, I know that's a Simpsons thing get the fuck off my back you fuckstick). I even got unhealthily obsessed with the one where she got married. And erm, I used to write stories abotu her and me, getting into adventures. Ahaha. I still have these somewhere, i think (wank over them, still, every night). It'd get to the point where if I had a sex dream about another character (bronwyn, usually), I'd feel like I'd been unfaithful.
So yeah. Neighbours. At university i was a big fan of Amy, who used to wear hotpants a lot. She was a bit flat chested, but she looked like a fucking minx - 100lbs of raw sex, crammed lithely into exciting tight clothing. I remember one episode where she was doing the hoovering in these tiny shorts. I made sure I caught the 5.35 repeat of that one. I remember she had a geeky boyfriend called Lance and the gimmick was that she was a piping hot nymph, and he was sort of nerdy and sensible. What was the attraction there, I wonder? Maybe 'Lance' was just his nick-name.
I think Anne was in it at this time - she was a bit too lupine for my liking. Every time I saw her I couldn't help but imagine her with a fake bushy tail, and paw-like gloves and fake doggy ears, crawling around on all floors barking. Actually, that's not an unpleasant image.
My housemates used to fancy the Kennedy daughter, Libby, which I could never fathom. She seemed pretty unattractive to me, and she was a fucking irritating character, too. Every word that came out of her mouth made me want to smack her in the gob. I hated Libby, the sanctimonious bitch.
I saw Lauren in a pub in London, about four years ago. It was very disorienting, because I'd been drinking all day, and she was on the telly in the pub and in nthe pub all at the same time, my friends (who'd been to Ikea, and weren't drunk) had to explain it to me about four times. It must have been awkward for 'Lauren', too because it was a very small, quiet pub and I kept pointing and saying things like "So that's Lauren from neighbours on the TV, and Lauren from neighbours at the bar?" as i tried to get my head round what they were telling me. Her mate was fucking fit, too.
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There was lovely Kimberley Davies, with her hugely uplifted breasts. Unfortunately, in trying to find a good picture of her, I've been hit with the message "You have attempted to access a website that is restricted because it may violate..." about 30 times, so you're stuck with the one from the good safe BBC.
Also, There were those Alessi Twins, Caroline and Christina Alessi. Didn't one have an affair with another one's husband?
Unfortunately for Neighbours, it will never match up to the beauties in Home and away.
Thorn, Thanks for that images of Anne, that'll be with me for a while. So, yeah Brooke Satchwell was a good reason to watch Neighbours but her relationship with Billy bugged me, he was a bit of a twat.
I know it's wrong but I quite fancy his mum though (Susan Kennedy) she seems to have divorced fuckwit Doctor husband Karl now so they need to give her a boy toy and sex her up a bit.
-------------------- my own brother a god dam shit sucking vampire!!! you wait till mum finds out buddy!
There was a character called Ann? I'm so relieved. I thought you were talking about Anne Haddy, who played Helen Daniels and who is now deceased.
But anyway....
Your favourite Neighbours characters? Scott and Charlene, Jane and Mike...the golden teens of the late 80s. I'm ageing myself now.
The best Neighbours moment?
The plain-Jane-superbrain "reveal". Listen up Extreme Makeover candidates. You don't need to have your tooth enamel removed with an angle-grinder and replaced with porcelain, your fat sucked out through a tube and replaced with synthetic pig collagen. You need to take your glasses off and get some of those bendy rollers . Mind you I was a bit gutted. I didn't have glasses to take off at the time, but I did get the silly rollers for Christmas.
Post-Neighbours careers?
Got to be Guy Pearce for his film career. Notably Memento and Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
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quote:Originally posted by Thorn Davis: I saw Lauren in a pub in London, about four years ago. It was very disorienting, because I'd been drinking all day, and she was on the telly in the pub and in nthe pub all at the same time, my friends (who'd been to Ikea, and weren't drunk) had to explain it to me about four times. It must have been awkward for 'Lauren', too because it was a very small, quiet pub and I kept pointing and saying things like "So that's Lauren from neighbours on the TV, and Lauren from neighbours at the bar?" as i tried to get my head round what they were telling me. Her mate was fucking fit, too.
Yes but I was still the spastic who went up to her mate to ask 'Is that 'er off the Telly?', whilst pointing in the startled Lauren's general direction.
Aaahhh Neighbours. How I miss watching you twice a day, and the endless debates over who we would rather roger out of Libby, Mrs Kennedy, Sarah or Madge, and who would win in a fight between Karl and Phil.
quote:Originally posted by SilverGinger5: Also, There were those Alessi Twins, Caroline and Christina Alessi. Didn't one have an affair with another one's husband?
One of them had a wonky mouth. And didn't they both marry Paul? The best ever Neighbours moment was when wacky doctor Clive gave Lucy an emergency tracheotomy on the dining room table. Or was it Daphne giving birth with her tights on? At Des' grave or something. I was young, I can't recall.
Also, I was into neighbours before any of my peer group, due to spending 3 months prone on the sofa at age ten following a botched appendectomy. That was when Max had daily battles with Dan and Shane (later of Flying Doctors) Ramsey and Scott was played by shady character Darius Perkins. Who had dark hair and was mysteriously reincarnated into Jason Donovan after a small car accident and a few days off screen.
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Was it really 3 years after Neighbours ? Wow, it seemed almost as though they spawned at the same time.
Australia has given us some odd television though, Prisoner Cellblock H. The Paul Hogan Show, Flying Doctors, The Sullivans, the Young Doctors, Sons and Daughters, Skyways, Round The Twist, FARSCAPE, Kath and Kim and the one I watched last night SuperNova (Although that starts Rob Brydon and is set in Oz maybe not made there)
Do you have any other OZFAVES other than Neighbours ?
Oh - Neighbours sexpot frecklefaced ginger hornbag Serendipity Gottlieb (Raelee Hill) deserves a spunky mention:
Making ginger sexy ! - And then that simple faced one from Girls Aloud spoiled it.
Holy motherfuck! When was she in it? I erckon my head would have exploded with desire if I'd been watching it with her in it. Fucking YEAH, man!
I still have no recollection of who Brooke Satchwell or Ann were, but I'm pleased that there was a Cubist character at some point for the art lovers.
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One of my favourite episodes was when Joe Manglez said something like 'awwww look at Bouncer asleep! He's plum tuckered out! I wonder what he dreams about?' and the camera panned in on the ozzie mutts sleeping face and cut to a Bouncer dream sequence of him running, jumping and carrying a bone in his mouth complete with vaseline around the edges of the lens. It was a classic moment in soap history.
About the twins boofing the same guy: If you were going to cheat on your wife, would you do it with the twin? I mean, she may be different in bed but it would still look the same. It'd be a real let down. Even if one was dirtier than the other it would just feel like your wife caved in after months of hounding. Or would there be a sort of 'got the whole set' element to it. Like Pokemon.
I wonder if any female forumites who don't dig chicks used to fantasise about any of the male characters? Or, has it been populated almost entirely by a string of jug headed idiots? Jason Donovan was obviously a bit of a heart throb, but I can't think of anybody else of note. Whenever I turn it one (which is very rarely), the only male character under fifty seems to be toadie.