Tell that miserable cow Merlot over on that she is a fat stuck up bitch! I had the misfortune to meet her once at a handbag meet last year and she was so pompous and stuck up and kept having a go at me! It was her that got the other at that handbag meet to gang up on me and resulted in me being ostrasised at the meet and on the boards!
Are the posters on Handbag really of such low intelligence that they cannot think for themselves and cannot make their own minds up about who to speak to and who to avoid like the plague?
Is Merlot really so powerful and persuasive that she can turn hoardes of people against you, based on her word alone?
Are you really sure that your vehemently-voiced, marginal views and self-confessed stalkeresque methods of 'trying to get a woman' aren't the reason why people have decided not to associate with you?
It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?
-------------------- She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit.
You're totally wasting your time here Bernie. No matter what happens and what people tell him, Harly continues to believe that most of the posters (and especially those that go to meets) really like him and he's only disliked by a few dedicated h8ters who stir the rest up against him. Still, some things you've got to try for yourself I know so knock yourself out.
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Bamba, your tag is just going to have to be diluted. Where's the rage?
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden. Posts: 4941
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quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Bamba, your tag is just going to have to be diluted. Where's the rage?
Um, I dunno? What am I supposed to be raging about? Yeah, Harly's being a twat but that's nothing new and he's not being a twat at me so I'm not really fussed to be honest. I was kind of pissed of at sweet this morning, but obviously that wasn't rageful enough to satisfy the fans.
quote:Originally posted by Bamba: You're totally wasting your time here Bernie. No matter what happens and what people tell him, Harly continues to believe that most of the posters (and especially those that go to meets) really like him and he's only disliked by a few dedicated h8ters who stir the rest up against him. Still, some things you've got to try for yourself I know so knock yourself out.
Oh, alright then.
This is what I really wanted to type:
Harley, you are a wanker (quite literally). And an ugly one at that. Your inherent lack of social skills, coupled with your probable lack of recent association with a bar of soap are the real reason women don't like you. Your attempts to 'get off' with women are, at best, pathetic and, at worst, downright frightening.
I don't know why you bother with your self-indulgent whining - if you want to get laid just get off your lazy arse and get a job. Then go and find a prostitute.
You are a tosser of the highest order.
-------------------- She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit.
Um, Bernie, have you met Harlequin personally and actually had a RL conversation with him? Or are you just going on Handbag hysteria?
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden. Posts: 4941
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quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poetess: Um, Bernie, have you met Harlequin personally and actually had a RL conversation with him? Or are you just going on Handbag hysteria?
I'm speaking from the experience of several online 'conversations' with him, coupled with the things he's written, both generally and directed towards other, specific individuals.
I make my own mind up about people, irrespective of other people's opinions about them. And I act accordingly.
I don't 'do' Handbag - haven't for the past 18 months or so.
-------------------- She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit.
Well, actually conversing with him in "real life" might cause you to revise your opinions somewhat.
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden. Posts: 4941
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quote: And an ugly one at that. Your inherent lack of social skills, coupled with your probable lack of recent association with a bar of soap are the real reason women don't like you
It could be argued that online interaction hardly warrants or supports this kind of abuse about someone's physical qualities. I mean, why don't you post up your picture, Bernie? Then when I get annoyed at something you write online, I can pick on some aspect of your features and guess at how you smell.
I, along with many others, have seen Harley's photo. It was the one he posted in an effort to get some positive female attention. The man is not attractive.
Harley himself has also, in the dim and distant past, made references to being malodorous due to the fact that (at that time, at least) he couldn't/didn't wash very often. He seemed to think it was a factor in his lack of success with women.
Re wanking - how very astute of you. Does that mean that the work 'wanker' should be stricken from the 'Big Book Of Abuse'?
VP - speak to him in RL? No thanks. Based on what he's posted and the views he airs, he's not really the type of person I'd like to spend any time with. He quite probably feels the same way about me. But that's OK, isn't it? Each to their own and all that.
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Bernie ]
-------------------- She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit.
quote:Originally posted by Bernie: Re wanking - how very astute of you. Does that mean that the work 'wanker' should be stricken from the 'Big Book Of Abuse'?
No, but if you want to use it as a term of abuse, it's advisable to leave off the words 'quite literally', because in its literal sense it ceases to be a term of abuse and becomes a simple fact.
quote:Originally posted by Bernie: IVP - speak to him in RL? No thanks. Based on what he's posted and the views he airs, he's not really the type of person I'd like to spend any time with
Sometimes people are like, not as hateful in real life. Sometimes more so. It would, however, help you realise that not everyone is as socially advantaged as you might be and that resorting to playground insults* regarding appearance doesn't make you look particularly clever.
* Guilty as charged. However, one cheap jibe in 18 months is very restrained.
Edit for bollocksing UBB
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Vogon Poetess ]
-------------------- What I object to is the colour of some of these wheelie bins and where they are left, in some areas outside all week in the front garden.
quote:Originally posted by Bernie: if you want to get laid just get off your lazy arse and get a job. Then go to a prostitute
But if I had a job I would have less time to look for women and employers are so fussy these days that most wont take on people who don't have a home address! Prostitutes are a rip off anyway you have to a fortune just for a half an hour in bed with them which is no time at all!
As for why I am having a go at that Merlot it is because it was her that turned the others against me to begin with.
quote:Originally posted by Harlequin: As for why I am having a go at that Merlot it is because it was her that turned the others against me to begin with.
Referring you back to my original question about just how weak-minded do you think the women on Handbag actually are.
-------------------- She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit.
Most women on handbag don't know everything that goes on on their own boards as there are hundreds of regular posters on there and 15 forums and hundreds of threads. So they can't keep up with it all.
The reason that I am so angry at that Merlot is that it was all going OK at that handbag meet until she started on me then the others started having a go at me and I thought I would get beat up or something by them!
By the way why didn't that other poster say if you want to get laid why don't you get a job then pay to go to one of those speed dater parties! He's really thick isn't he those speed dater parties are the new way to laid quickly these days. I would have gone to one but you need a credit card so that you can pay to go to them as they only take bookings online!
quote:Originally posted by Harlequin: I would have gone to one but you need a credit card so that you can pay to go to them as they only take bookings online!
Edit to say that speed dating may be a quick way to get laid, but I bet slipping fifty quid to a hooker is faster.
Yet another spit in the eye from that bastard, Fate, eh Harley?
[ 26 June 2003: Message edited by: Bernie ]
-------------------- She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit.
quote:Originally posted by Bernie: I bet slipping fifty quid to a hooker is faster.
But hookers don't give you enough time! And I don't want a half hour shag every few weeks I want to get a woman who will be available for me to shag when ever I feel like. I think they call them wives or girlfriends!
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