quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: the end result was anybody who watched it or voted in it have lost.
The worst part was this weird moment weher they gathered together all the people who'd been really horribly ridiculed for being shit, or ugly, or disabled, or old, and had them all sing a song in this digusting Victorian freakshow way. I know the whole program is basically... that, but it was the degree to which it was made explicit that was genuinely distressing.
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We went to the Bishop, yes, and it was awful. Full of trendy London wankers trying to out London each other.
We'd spent the day helping friends move house from Plumstead to East Dulwich, so we were all a bit scruffy and knackered and had spent the day driving round in a white van and being ladlike. All we wanted was a quiet place to have a pint and chat bollocks.
So we ditched the Bishop and went to the Clockworks, which was much, much better.
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Of course, Benway wouldn't have been completely out of sorts at this party - we did play some computer games. After the first round of X-Factor, in the hour before the final, someone said "Hey, you know what? Why don't we play our own X-Factor?" So Singstar went on the PS2.
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‘Cool as Ice’ is amazing. That is £10 well spent, and if your friends/family try to tell you otherwise on New Year’s Day then I suggest you get some different ones.
When I watched it I did at one point become genuinely distressed and consumed with feelings of regret for my wasted youth, as I realized that it was probably too late for me to learn to breakdance.
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although I predict a great future to the young lady singing at the start. What a smashing voice she has, plus with her looks she could be a Nuts Bedroom Babe or maybe even get into FHM.
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I had the Vanilla Ice Album, and my favourite lyrics were those to Stop That Train'. The whole song is about how he accidentally ends up being buggered during a bondage session that goes wrong:
quote: The room was destroyed, not to mention my body Why did I ever tell her to "Pump it, Hottie?" What could I do to just ease the pain? I think I'll let the hook just try to explain
I had that album and for a long while I had no idea what that song was about. Or most of the songs for that matter. It doesn't help that Ice is quite a poor story teller, and it's often difficult to gather what he's talking about. In Stop That Train, he refers to "the one who got me, the I-C-E', but it's unclear whether he means the one whipping him, or some other chick who broke his heart. I never really figured out what happened at the end of Ice, Ice Baby. So far as I can tell, a gun fight breaks out at A1A beachfront avenue and Ice cowers in the footwell of his car, clutching a gun, and then drives away at the earliest opportunity while the police ignore him and take care of the villains.
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quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: I gather that the x-factor is quite popular. I presumed it was some kind of collective sarcastic joke, and then it turned out no, actually, everybody is watching it. Disappointed.
I was just leaving the office and some of the girls were having a conversation about this. One of them said "Well, obviously they wanted the girl to win, as they'd obviously written the song for a woman's voice". And the other fucking twat agreed with her.
yeah it's not a great hip hop 'back in the day' story. I was in my car, some drug dealers started fighting with cops, so I drove off. It doesn't sound like he's the man to trust to solve a problem at all.
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lol, do you remember the A-Team. Classic. I ain't getting on no plane, fool. lol. Also, nobody ever died! Even though there was all that shooting.
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Talking of the 80s, don't you often think about the film Robocop and think "Meh, it's good, but it would be so much better it it was condensed to 10 minutes and had a Welsh guy rapping the narrative of it"
that's not true about Fresh Prince. I'm just about the same age as Tatyana Ali, and I feel like she was one of those friends who you grow up with as kids, play together, and then one day they put on a new dress that shows a bit of skin, and you totally want to bone them to death. Like having a sister, I imagine.
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quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: that's not true about Fresh Prince. I'm just about the same age as Tatyana Ali, and I feel like she was one of those friends who you grow up with as kids, play together, and then one day they put on a new dress that shows a bit of skin, and you totally want to bone them to death. Like having a sister, I imagine.
That's absolutely nothing like having a sister.
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I do recall wanting to bone my friends' sisters when I was a teenager. All of them. Preferably in a situation where I come home from school and they're all inexplicably naked in the living room. Yeah I thought about that a lot.
quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: I shook Jazzy Jeff's hand once at The End. I doubt he remembers.
Not true - he brings it up all the time. Apparently he persuaded Will Smith to front the money for you to direct a film, but they were trying to get hold of you with an old mobile number that had expired. I was going to mention it and then I decided not to.
Do you think Jazzy Jeff Wwanted to bone the Fresh Prince's SISTER? No way would the Fresh Prince have stood for that, no way, HE'D BE ALL UP IN jAzzy Jeff's grill and he'd be all like "Girls ain't nuthin' but trouble yo!" and then he would've sold her for a couple of rocks. The Fresh Prince was a terrible, terrible crack head in those days, that's why his Moms shipped him out to Bell Air.
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which makes his transformation at the hands of Uncle Phil even more amazing. btw, what was it with working class black males going to beverley hills in the eighties? Beverly Hills Cop was pretty much the same thing. Was there some law passed that legalised this in the early eighties?
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