I trust this man is enormously rich, and will shag you senseless in a Louis XIII bed, before refuelling you with champagne and foie gras. Rather than a quick bunk up in the tunnel on the way, and then a MacDonalds?
Posts: 4537
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quote:Originally posted by dance margarita: im not sure which i put on this morning and im paranoid that i smell of wee and biscuits. except, im in the library, where everyone smells of wee and biscuits.
pissy biscuits? i thought that i was alone in using that as a description of someone's personal odour.
I wasn’t particularly aware of great riches, but it does seem that may be the case. I have only met him twice, and one of those times was several years ago when he was married and I drank myself into unconsciousness in the corner. Clearly in a very charming way.
Like Thorn, all…[pause to think]…yes all of my previous relationships have followed the tried and trusted pattern of getting drunk and sleeping with my friends. I imagine sober, pre-arranged ‘dates’ to be very awkward.
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This thread has become very entertaining. I would be grateful if you would carry it on tomorrow with more details so that I may read it when I get back from work.
Thank you.
-------------------- A day without laughter is a day wasted. In memory of Alastair Posts: 1936
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quote:Originally posted by Abby: I imagine sober, pre-arranged ‘dates’ to be very awkward.
I never really did the whole proper dates thing either, and was really determined that I wanted a proper 'date' with Pink the first time I met him. However, due to us meeting in london and neither of us living there, we had to book a hotel, and go there to get changed etc before the the meal ended up being more relaxed at least, but a lot less proper dateish. Aah least I can rubbish anyone who says "don't sleep with anyone on the first date or they'll never marry you" by telling them I only waited approx 30 mins and have been married almost 5 years now. TMI? Probably but nevermind eh.
Posts: 710
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Oh Im not going to go! You can't go round skanking free holidays off chaps if you don't intend to put out. That is just rude.
Posts: 2793
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quote:Originally posted by dance margarita: id like to read vkrm magazine. i hope it would feature the work of jamie- james medina prominently. i love that guy. i love his name. its well weapon.
I'm not Barley-esque! Honestly! Ask Benway!
quote:Originally posted by Kanye West: Agyness Dean (?) can be seen proudly displaying a bruised rectal area in her latest photoshoot for [VKRM] magazine.
She's DJ'ing my friend's charidee do soon. As is Mark Ronson possibly. Mexico!
I recall a rat-related incident from my carp fishing days. I had dozed off in my bedchair in a particularly secluded area of the Dam in which I was fishing and woke up with a start - approximately an hour later - to discover a rather large, hissing black rat sat on its haunches at the foot of my bed. It was literally centimetres from my bare feet. It then proceeded to jump off and take refuge in a nearby bush. A truly life-defining moment.
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but i think that its a bit like when you split up with someone you really, really loved, but who was simltaneously a bit of a **** - you have to go through the stage where you bang on about how awful they were and bore everyone to death before you can get to the stage where you think 'oh, actually, there were good things too, there was the time they climbed over the wall of the botanical gardens at nighttime to pick me a rose/ they rescued a dying baby bird lying on the pavement/ that time we were cooking live lobsters and the lobster crawled behind the fridge and we were cracking up oh man that was funny and sweet'. unfortunately i lived in london for thirty years, so i have a little bit of wanking on to do before i get to the balanced acceptance stage. sorry dudes.
i would just like to mark todays momentous news with an addendum to the above paragraph: to extend the metaphor, i feel like i have spent a long time getting all torn up, and now a good friend has said 'yeah, its harsh, but its only because youre making such good progress that ive got to tell you- ive have it on really good authority that his new girlfriend is thirteen years old. hes fucking a child. an actual child. not a woman who looks like a child- an actual child.' and im disturbed and revolted and furious and revolted by my own lack of judgment and... relieved, because its a turning point, and i can get on with my life.
Hopefully that really is a just a metaphor about how you now feel about London city and not a real life experience.
It's still a heavy way to feel about a place you once enjoyed, surely? Even London can't be that bad. It must have a sense of humour, eh? Look at Boris.
-------------------- A day without laughter is a day wasted. In memory of Alastair Posts: 1936
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