quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: Ben also said that it was pointless for people to cook at home because there were professional chefs who were better at it so everyone should just eat out for every single meal.
That...that's not true, is it? He never said that. Link or etc...
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I don't think he actually said that people should eat out for every single meal. But he certainly implied that it wasn't worth bothering to cook anything special at home, and that the Arcade Fire were in some way listenable.
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christ. What a **** . Doesn't he know we're drowning in the middle of a credit crisis right now?? It's like Benway got possessed by the spirit of Silvio Berlusconi. And Berlusconi is now stumbling around like an uber rich right wing zombie until he gets his spirit back from Benway, who's too busy having breakfast at The Ivy to bother giving it back. This is a nightmare, for god's sake will no one think of the pope....
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OK, well because you struggle with saying funny things I'll present this to you as an opportunity to make it right. Basically, what I said implies that I had an erection whilst using the knives, but because I said that I was chopping vegetable sand bread with a woody you could craftily imply I was slicing them with my dick. So maybe something like 'that sounds good but how are the knives??' or even blow it back in my face with 'you won't be able to chop much with that, pee-wee. AAaaaaaaoooooowwwww!'
[ 30.04.2009, 09:31: Message edited by: New Way Of Decay ]
Mikee can break a stack of six paving slabs with his, there are videos on Youtube. Now I know what you're thinking - you're asking youreself "Does he break them using a 'chopping' action, or does he pound into them with the helm like a fleshy jackhammer?". Well, the answer is that he can, in fact, do both.
quote:Originally posted by McDirts: christ. What a **** . Doesn't he know we're drowning in the middle of a credit crisis right now?? It's like Benway got possessed by the spirit of Silvio Berlusconi. And Berlusconi is now stumbling around like an uber rich right wing zombie until he gets his spirit back from Benway, who's too busy having breakfast at The Ivy to bother giving it back. This is a nightmare, for god's sake will no one think of the pope....
Benway and Ben aren't the same person.
Ben frowns upon computer games as well I believe, so him and Benway being the same is laughable.
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quote:Originally posted by Cherry In Hove: Wasn't that dang?
Not bad Cherry, but remember, it was dang who was allowing his children to freeze during the autumnal months with the fact that a cold is not 'caught' from being cold. Why he felt this excused him from blatant child abuse I don't know. He also refused to provide his youngest with elastic on his mittens because there was no scientific evidence to prove they reduce glove loss in the under 6's and was last seen returning three scarfs to Peacocks because they were 'too warm'
Damn. I knew he was involved but I'd assigned him entirely the opposite end of the argument to the one he actually took.
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I was torn between dismissing it as more hipster garbage and then using it as another platform with which to launch another paranoid, hysterical personal attack on the one hand, and admitting that it was actually very, very good on the other. Anyway. I just went and bought the album from Amazon.
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Haha. I am actually 100% naked at the moment having just got out of the bath.
Not had any breakfast yet, about to head off to the station to go to York, may get a sausage roll or something.
Weekend plans, curry and a few drinks in york tonight, tomorrow a bit of five a side football then food, more drinks, indie club. Sunday back down to Brighton but perhaps a stop off in London to see my sister on the way back as I don't want to get back too early as my girlfriend's family are down visiting on Sunday.
Last film I watched was Spinal Tap as someone gave me that on DVD and a bottle of wine as a thank you for fixing his laptop.
Last album - The Sophtware Slump by Grandaddy. Pretty standard indie rock. Is OK, none of the songs really stand out. Listening to it as a music club thing so going to have to discuss it at some stage.
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Sorry, I'm wearing a grey Obey 'Rock the Casbah' T SHirt, black zip up Stussy hoody, blue jeans, black vans. All these items are available to buy at my online store www.PleaseMcDirtsDontHurtEm.com
I had a cornflake/muesli/bran flake mix for brekker
Last film I watched was Love In The Time of Cholera - it was ok, but then I hadn't read the book.
This weekend I'm going to watch the final nailbiting shit or bust day of the Championship and probably sit in parks a lot, weather and child permitting.
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